Author Topic: Best Field Trip EVER?  (Read 1830 times)

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Best Field Trip EVER?
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:01:49 pm »
Okie so today I went on a Field Trip today to YMCA (YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYMCA :3) And we learned about swimming safety. There were different stations and my FAVORITE one was the one where we had this float thing! (Just to let you know, on the permission slip, we had a choice of no life jacket, life jacket, or sit out and watch people. I chose Life Jacket, I was the only one who had a Life Jacket xD. I felt offended... A WOLF HAS TO FLOAT PEOPLE -.-) And we pressed buttons to move, it was BAWS. We also had fins and goggle masks in that station :3

Now... THE BAD THING about it is getting back in dry clothes.... There was a freakin locker room where you might see people being naked... One of my classmates told me that it will happen in middle school when we get there.... *faint*

Anyway, one of my classmates ran around naked... SERIOUSLY. But I did not see it happen tho. I tried walking around with my towel and plastic bag around me, AND MY GLASSES I HAD TO HOLD IN MY MOUTH WHILE I WAS GETTING STUFF TOGETHER! But this nice adult showed me a shower room where I can change.

The most stupidest part about it was that my gym teacher hurried me. IT TAKES TIME FOR A WOLF TO GET READY.

So, what was your best field trip? Tell your best, bad, and stupidest parts about it c:

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Re: Best Field Trip EVER?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 10:40:24 pm »
Well....I once went to the capital building in our city (I was in like 3rd grade) and the...

 GOOD PARTS: We got to eat tons of snacks and we got to explore the building and see the place where they have court...

 My friend tried to take a picture, but they told her we can't. >.< XD

 BAD PARTS: When we reached the very tippy top of the building I got naucious and then my legs started hurting after so long of walking.


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Re: Best Field Trip EVER?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 08:27:27 am »
Cool :D

My favourite field trip would have to be in grade 5 when we went to a Planetarium and outside there was like a huge garden you could walk around in.

Best part: My group was so funny:  Friend:Hey free internet connection for the homeless ppl with their ipads! Me: why the hell would homeless ppl have ipads? Friend: well there are lots of soft bushes and benches then hhhmmmphhh.... XD

Worst part: A lecture on the universe... not boring, reeaaaaalllyyyy interesting its just the fact that we had to look at the ceiling the whoooollllleeeee time which hurt all our necks D:

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Re: Best Field Trip EVER?
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 01:09:33 am »
In second or third grade, we all went to an underground cavern. It was really cool because there were bats in there and stuff.

Also in fifth grade we went to Connor Prarie and learned about the old colonial days in the state where I live. One of the scary parts was that we were inside a house at one part of the field trip and the people were reenacting a raid or something that occured in my state. Here's the scary part. A video was being projected on a screen and the guy fired his gun and then something in the house fell.


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Re: Best Field Trip EVER?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 09:52:16 pm »
Oh, yeay field trips ;v;. Well, this one was by far meh favourite B>

Once for our little 'Reading Competition Reward', we went to Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ;v;.

Good Part: Half of it didn't even include learning anything, and most of the time we just derped around with the equipment, huddled around my iPod and watched D.Gray-man episodes, and ran around like derps xDD. I think at one point in time, there was this 'Sports Center' or whatever the hell, and we all murdered the line for this Roller Coaster simulator xDD. The bad part about it though, is that we couldn't decide who to drag into the thing half the time ;v;.
Oh, and then there was this Hurricane Simulator, which we also got in-- at one point I got everyone to open the door and start yelling "PAAASTAAA ODO". Unfourtantely, our calls did not call any other members of the Hetalia fandom BC.

Oh! And on the way back, we all randomly started singing the American National Anthem ;v;.

Bad Part: I lost at least seventy dollars that have never been found ;V;, and I kind of tripped down the steps of this weird dome-theater .U.
It didn't help that on the way down to it, in the bus, everyone that was at least five-yards away from the counsler was cussing whenever they could. .c.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 09:54:12 pm by -Blacki »