Author Topic: Naruto RP....None lately.  (Read 1156 times)

Offline Ashley721

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Naruto RP....None lately.
« on: March 06, 2015, 02:41:15 am »
Hello Every Naruto Fan out there!!!
I have been in a few Naruto RP's, some which I don't even want to talk about (group was made and lasted for 3 hours). Some groups discouraged me, and the most annoying thing is activeness. If you aren't going to be active for a day, maybe 3 or maybe never, then freakin say so!!

Ok enough of my rambling. I have decided to make my own RP group, and there will be a link below to the website. There you will find rules, characters that are taken, and other information. Of course OC's are most welcome, and encouraged! The only thing I require is that you are ACTIVE. That means that you are on and you actually RP with others from the group. I do not mind illiterate people, as I was illiterate when I started FH so I will not critisize.   

Here is the link: