Author Topic: How to be cool...?  (Read 2719 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: How to be cool...?
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2013, 06:15:43 pm »
@rita:I'm not saying they tell me that i'am, but i think they look like that.
Everytime i'm not trying to pay attention and tell it to someone, they say: "Don't pay attention" I'm not, i'm just saying, what i feel to say.
@Lady Alizarin:I'm sorry for the lost. Anyways, i'm not saying i want to be 'cool' i'm asking on 'how to be cool'. I just felt to post this thread. Don't know why, but still.
@SilverFangs:Lol. XD Yeah, your right. And thank cha. x)

Lol! I miss understood you, I thought you wanted to be cool!!! XDD

Yeah, but it's alright. :)

I agree with what the Doc said. I think the only way to be cool is to be yourself, and not try to do anything or pretend to be something you're not.

Yar, Hacker... So you want to know "how to be cool"? Lady Alizarin has already made her point well enough. The only way you can be looked at as "cool", is to be yourself. You will have a harder time pretending to be someone you aren't. If people think of you otherwise, then they aren't the friends for you.

You are unique in your own way, thus making you very cool. There is no "how to" in this matter. Just do what you normally do, and everything will eventually work itself out. I can't say anymore mostly since the main points were already stated before me, but I wish you luck in being yourself, finding that group of friends who are perfect for you. ~

Thanks, i (apprecate<---Can't Spell) it.

A "cool" person in my opinion would be someone to take there time for others and to care about their pains like what they are going through sometimes.
There is no real meaning of "cool" to me, and Alizarin pretty much explained what really is and isn't cool.

Everyone has different views in being cool, but just being a caring person who will forgive if someone did something they didn't watch theirselves doing is something I would like to see in someone.
Everyone has different views on what they think is cool.
As I said, there is no meaning of "cool" exactly.
It's just how you view others and yourself, but other people may think one person is lame while you think he is cool.

Just my opinion, truly... Though, I have to agree with Lady Alizarin here.

Yeah, they did. I know that, i just waned to ask about beang 'cool' not to be 'cool'. Hehe. :D
Anyways, thanks. ^.^

Profile picture by me! ^.^