Author Topic: The Neverending Story-Reviews?  (Read 1046 times)

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The Neverending Story-Reviews?
« on: March 16, 2013, 11:32:02 pm »
 Ho, there! I am reading the book, The Neverending Story because we are required to as a school reading assignment. However, unlike most books from school, I extremely enjoy this one. It stretches my mind and makes me a little confused at times--in a good way. I enjoy how it isn't the sort of book where: something is being hidden from the main character, and unwanted (by the thing trying to keep this from the character) hints are being dropped. The character either doesn't notice these hints until the very last minute, or they cannot figure out what they mean, while you're sitting there like, "DUH, man! Of course _______!"

 This book is confusing, exciting, fun, and wild. I don't fully understand some things, other things I understand all too well. I understand about wishes, but not about the land of Fantastica. If you have not read this book, I strongly suggest you do. It is straight-forward yet mysterious, especially with the common sentence found in the book, "But that is another story, and shall be told another time."

 I'd like to know what you guys think of this marvelous book (if you've read it). Do you enjoy it? Do you find it boring? Is it irritating or engaging? Tell us. Who's your favorite character? Your favorite species? Place? Event? Have fun with these reviews of yours. :)