Author Topic: Medium - Medium-Large Wolf Pack Rp  (Read 552 times)

Offline KittehInGloves

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Medium - Medium-Large Wolf Pack Rp
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:08:07 pm »
Hi so, hopefully this posts this time. I've put a lot of effort into creating a rp (website, tumblr account, deviantart account, plot, email, etc.) However, I've recently discovered that I am absolutely HORRID at creating a map. Its awful. Anyway, I was hoping that perhaps someone on here could help me with predicament, seeing as I can't do so myself. Thank you for reading, and I've included the basics of what I was hoping for below (although, this is CERTAINLY changeable. At this point anything will do.)

Type of RP: Wolf RP
How many groups in the map?: Two, with a few loner wolves
Size: Medium to medium large. The goal is to have forced interaction with the packs without being cramped.
Biomes: I'm really hoping for a thick, foresty scene, with perhaps a river running through it. Natural rocks and boulders, etc.
The Dens: This is where I'm going to sound absolutely, dreadfully bossy... The dens of the packs are where the majority of the RP is taking place, and thus need to be sort of... largish? And detailed (ugh, sorry... I'm sounding bossy.). One pack can have herbs and such in a pile by one of the dens, however, the other cannot. The same works in vice versa for food (part of the rp plot). I was also hoping that one den site/camp would be set up on raised terrain or perhaps at the base of a hill/mountainous structure, while the other would reside in the forest. 
Water: A river running through the map, with perhaps a small lake?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I'm at an absolute loss, so any help would be MUCH appreciated. If this is to much to do, feel free to scale whatever you need to down, or take out parts entirely. Thank you!