Author Topic: *BrokenShadows*Sited*Map(W.I.P)*Ranks*Plotted*Apocalypse Based!*Accepting*  (Read 1010 times)

Offline lionheart2061

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It's been six months since the apocalypse started, seems longer. Many were killed the first couple of weeks though, not many have survived up to this point. So aren't you lucky? You're alive aren't you? So that's something to be proud of.
     Welcome to Hell on Earth, where the dead come back to life and try to eat our assess. Is there a cure? Hell no, at least, we haven't found one yet. I take that back, the cure is; Kill all them mofo's out there! But no, seriously, there isn't one...yet. There's still hope, not a lot, but some. So, here's the question; Will you survive? And who knows, maybe your blood holds the cure... I guess will just have to wait and see what the future hold for us, if we have one that is.

The Disease

     You can get infected more than one way; either being bit, killed, or blood to blood contact with an infected. Say you had a cut, and an infected one's blood got into the cut, you will become infected.

    First, you will feel Dizziness, with a dash of Nauseous. After a few hours you will start to Sweat, your Hunger will Magnify (Increase). Suddenly, when you feel it start to get better, you black out, no food will fill your stomach for more than five minutes, without you asking for more, more, and more. Your fever will become over 100, you wont be able to move a paw without a strike of pain racing down your spine. Then you die, almost.
You will stay dead for about 1 hour, then  you will rise, blood dripping from your fangs, eyes full yellow or white. You will start to attack anything that moves in sight, its not really you. You have become a Soulless corpse (Zombie Dog in other words)

     There is none yet. It could be anything, a leaf, a bug, maybe even one's blood...
How do I know one is infected?:
     Well...if the dripping of the blood from the mouth, and one's insides hanging out isn't enough... You can tell by how they act, walking with a limp, running into things...Just watch closely, I guess.

General Rules

1. ALL FeralHeart rules apply!
2. Cursing is allowed, since this RP is held at a PG-13 level. But, if you go overboard and abuse this action, it can be taken away! You have been warned.
3. This is an ACTIVE group, which means; if you are in-active for more than two weeks without notice, you will be kicked. 4. Now, I understand life gets in the way of our fun, but please let a MOD of the group knwo if you will be going for a few. 5. Just so we don't ban you for inactivity.
6. This RP is a Realisti/Semi-Real which means; Markings are allowed, but please do not go overboard on them, not to fancy.
7. NO neon colors
8. This is also a Literate RP, which means; try to use correct spelling, and if you make a mistake, please fix it so we know what you are saying. Also, correct grammar is also used, if you mess up a bit that's fine. No one is perfect, just try not to do it too much.
9. Each post MUST BE more then TWO sentences long. It isn't fun when someone types only one sentence per post. Get creative!
10. Mating is allowed, but please, only in whisper and away from others.
11. NO Power-Playing/Godmodding, you CAN die. You are not immortal, and you do not have powers. If I am told you are doing so, you will be kicked.
12. Your character may be a jerk in RP, but please do not be one in OOC. Can't we all just get along???
13. Have fun!

Role-Playing Rules

1. Listen to your leader, they maybe an idiot at times, but they do know times.
2. Pups are NOT allowed to leave the den site without an adult. If they do and are caught, they will be on restriction for as long as the leader says.
3. You MUST give the other person a chance to respond when attacking. ((NO instan-killing))
4. Infected can only be killed by the destroying of the brain, or chopping the head off ((More info on the infected will be in the "Infected" thread))
5. You may only hunt if two or more wolves go with you, that way you have protection if something happens.
6. Fights among pack mates are allowed, it helps with fighting skills. Just don't kill each other.
7. If the leader give you an order, DO IT. No questions asked.
8.Local is used for RP, if you are away from group then General. Have your setting set to where General shows the person's character name, not user.
9. Group is for OOC chat
10. Name tags should be off, it makes the RP seem more realistic
11. Small groups will be alound in the RP, just let me know before you make one. Also, lets not start these until we have a good size group
12. Be literate as possible please
13. Watch your back, who knows what may be following you
14. Have fun!

Please go to our website, and apply there. You will find it in the Forum tab. Thank you!


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" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.