Author Topic: My Character Mira, The Wolf of the Hills, Dragon of the Ages and Shadow......  (Read 1218 times)

Offline Jango_Fett

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okay i ran out of room so here is the FULL title ahem 'Wolf of the Mountains, Dragon of the Ages and Shadow of the Demon inside.....' now read my charries bio in FH because  hey, its long and again i ran out of room so skipping to the part where her dad says its time blah blah blah lol.
The Wind Dragon came back to the homestead and you know what IT found? a large male Demon wolf and Dragoness Wolf, now mind you this is an aggressive, blood thirsty not your average Wind Dragon, its was hungry for blood lust and was looking for a mate ( O.o  why did i write that? next ill be writing about unicorn mate beggars) it attacked the male first, a instinctive challenge to his mate and territory,the Dad accepted it and went full on Nuclear, as in, very, very VEEEERY VERY VERY powerful. The Wind Dragon did't even bat and eye, it lunged an he ducked down, scratching at the Dragon's belly. The Dragon lashed out with its tail sending he wolf onto his side, the went on like this a little longer until the Mother decided she would help. The Dragoness LUNGED for the Wind Dragon's throat it turned and seeing her it smiled evilly, then it ducked down low and surged up beneath her, throwing her up in the air and she came down with a crash in the trees.  The Dad, Angry (More than u have seen him so far) leaped onto the Wind Dragon's back and bit down on the neck. The Dragon just simply turned its head and blew a big fan of Blood Red Fire. The Wolf did't stand a chance. he fell over off the dragons back, scorched. the Dragon looked up towards the little homestead, and thought to itself 'Why fight the wolf for an older Dragoness when i could just have the younger Dragoness......' You see, this thing was smarter than a normal animal, it could smell Mira form a mile away and when it had burned her hand and she fought back, he knew that he had found the rumored child of the shadows and he wanted to keep her as his own trophy for his hoard.  She stared through the window fearfully. It had just killed her dad and possibly her mum, so she did what most logically smart people would do (And you ask WAT would that be eh?) she took off RUNNINg out of the back door, sprinting down he hill. The Wind dragon lumbered after her, claws leveling the trees as he ran after his prize. Mira tripped over a root and fell flat on her face in the dirt. The Dragon stopped right behind her, eyes glowing with Triumph, and he bent hi head down to her ear. "Stop running little thing, I  own you now......"
so yeah thats all i got done so far i hope you like it erm.... if u got any ideas just post em and i might makethis into  book of maybe a RP site who knows? maybe you could RP some who will either HELP mira or Destroy her. anyway TOODLES :D lawl!

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