Author Topic: ~::Detalied & Experianced Map Maker Needed::~  (Read 634 times)

Offline GothGirl

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~::Detalied & Experianced Map Maker Needed::~
« on: July 02, 2013, 03:29:19 pm »
Hello fellow FeralHeart Users, I'm ineed of a very detailed and experienced map maker willing to take a challenge and the time to create a realistic map for my pack.NOTE: please note The creator shall be credited and thanked(willing to pay with Da points) .If you have any questions regarding this request feel free to pm or comment below.

WantTheMapToBeRealistic/Un: Very Realistic
HowMenyDen's: How ever many you choose to put in there , but id like there to be some loner dens and some pack dens
HowMenyRiver's/Creek's/Ocean's: 1 creek&river
Wolf/Lion/WarriorCat/Map: Wolves
WantJungle/Forest: Forest please
MapWidth: 15,000-30,000
MapHeigh: IM not sure ,But please put it as what ever you think would make it more realistic
Prive/PublicMap: Private
Animals:  No
WhenDoYouWantTheMapMade: Take your time , im in no rush.
AnythingElse:I'd like there to be 4 territories. A secret one under ground,one above ground and under ground as well,A tree one,and one above ground.  please make each hidden and semi hard to spot.Let your imagination flow.It dosent have look exactly like the ref pics below but something along those lines.

Here are some refrence pictures: (Creek Pic)        

Dens pic),r:37,s:0,i:202&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=191&tbnw=264&start=20&ndsp=27&tx=213&ty=60

Forest Pictures),r:59,s:100,i:181&iact=rc&page=7&tbnh=183&tbnw=275&ndsp=24&tx=175&ty=105,r:3,s:100,i:13&iact=rc&page=5&tbnh=168&tbnw=268&ndsp=25&tx=159&ty=95,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48572450,d.dmQ&fp=66a2f8d23fad98f2&biw=1600&bih=739&facrc=_&imgdii=_&,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48572450,d.dmQ&fp=66a2f8d23fad98f2&biw=1600&bih=739&facrc=_&imgdii=_&

« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 01:58:43 pm by GothGirl »