Author Topic: My fursona.  (Read 1118 times)

Offline Phatom

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My fursona.
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:33:00 am »
Excuse me if I didn't post this in the correct section but.. So there I was, minding my own business on FeralHeart to spot a 'Dorian'. I thought right, awesome the dude has the same character name as I do. So, I F3 down to find the other Dorian to what I find a replica of my fursona. Not an exact one, his pelt was off colour and everything but it has really bugged me. I'm sorry for those who may say "It's FeralHeart people use the same colours." No, it isn't that. He's my character. I made him, he's copyrighted to me. I spent ages creating him and I don't expect people to think it's ok to copy him and create their own version of my fursona. I'm flattered that they liked him enough to copy him but that isn't the point, the point is someone tried making a replica of him and it isn't nice to copy others characters. Especially when they're copyrighted to the original owners. You can find several drawings others have done for me that show Dorian is my character, you can see this over deviantART. You can find many more of him on Dynamix88's deviantART of her character and him together. I didn't have time to click on the persons name as I F3'ed up due to lag then FeralHeart crashed so if anyone spots the person, may they kindly let me know their user. Please don't badger them about it!

Sorry if this isn't a major issue.

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Offline Chapawee

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Re: My fursona.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 06:55:20 am »
I have no idea what that person's username is, but it sounds like an important issue. That 'copycat' should've at least asked for your permission first before using your character. Plus, the FH preset rules say right here not to steal other people's creations or try to duplicate things without permission:

Be creative and original. What is the fun in being just like anybody else? On that note, please don't steal presets.

People work hard on them!
- from the Preset Tutorial
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 06:59:49 am by Chapawee »
Moving to my new account: Windstrider. Hopefully everybody can find it ok!

Offline Ex0rcist

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Re: My fursona.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 08:29:48 am »
I agree with you 100% that copying characters is a low and selfish act, taking advantage of all the time spent by someone else creating the general ideas and having it replica'd for easy use. Many people lack this type of common sense, that a character taking up their personal interest is just up for grabs like that. That is not the case, for a character is its own entity... and if someone takes away what makes it unique and different from anything else just ruins the entire point.

Now, regarding what you've said:
"Not an exact one, his pelt was off colour and everything but it has really bugged me."

You come to saying that the only thing that was similar was the name and/or model? If the colours are different than what you have provided your own, then that wouldn't be considered "copying" your character... considering there is such a limited amount of markings as well. Though, I'm not entirely doubting you the slightest, no worries.

As far as naming goes, many characters share the same name as others. My personal OC is named Talon, and throughout my times playing Feralheart, I've seen plenty of other users who have named their own characters Talon. Though each were of different colours or markings. Sure it somewhat bugged me that many chose the name Talon, but 'ey, a name cannot be copyrighted nonetheless.

Aside from that, it's nice of you to get the message out there. It is, indeed, wrong to copy one's character. Things like these can help knock a bit of common sense into those who strongly lack such. c:

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Re: My fursona.
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2013, 09:12:16 am »
Ah, I have to agree with Exe when she stated on how it isn't generally 'copying' your character if only the appearance alone looked similar and the name was the same. There's been many times when individuals would decide to use my name, however it certainly erked my nerves, though it isn't generally copying my character. Though, if the person was using the same Bio information as you, plus the similar appearance and same name, then that would certainly be considered copyright. However, this isn't the case.

I understand your anger on the matter, and I will gladly keep my eyes out for anyone named 'Dorian'. If I am to come across the user, then I will send you the screenshots of em' via PM. Though, what it sounds like to me is little floofs seeing your fursona as something awesome and has decided to use your overall character Biography, Name, and Appearance to make something quite similar to it, but edited with a few tweaks to fit their own personal opinion. I wouldn't let it get to you much, for some individuals can just be that way. However, it's good that you posted this as an alert, for like I said, I'll keep my eye out for em'.