Author Topic: Preset needed! Pretty Please.  (Read 977 times)

Offline Wolfbabe1

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Preset needed! Pretty Please.
« on: July 13, 2013, 08:19:49 pm »
That is the link. I need someone who can do transparency, chains, piercings, etc.
I'd like chains all around the body, snakebites(piercings) On the lips and piercings along both ears.
Missing left eye, scars all over body, torn right ear. I would also like the teeth to be bloodstained, and the mane red with white and black highlights and a V and X scarred on him somewhere doesn't matter where.  I'd like it to be in preset number 10 or 11. Either is fine. If anyone can do this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!(PS. please don't copy the design I made on the charrie! Thanks!) Btw I'd like a realistic fur texture, Fluffy if you can, just make sure it's realistic, thanks again! :D
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 08:52:52 pm by Amy Shook »