Author Topic: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!  (Read 2443 times)

Offline Silhouette

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I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« on: July 15, 2013, 03:32:57 pm »
I'm sure everyone has dealt with this at least once, if not more. You approach a group and ask them if you can roleplay with them for a while. They accept with open arms and that's great....only where did they go?

Realize I am not talking about situations where your own character's behavior (or even your behavior OOC) may be provoking people into running off/not wanting to RP with you, I'm talking about people who either you ask them or they ask you to RP and their character does not linger long enough to give you really much time to interact with them.

Now, I know that some characters are simply like this. They don't want interaction, they want your character to go away and that is fine. However, if you have a character like that and want to RP with somebody, you need to give the other person a little more wiggle room EVENTUALLY to DO or SAY something... otherwise, its not roleplaying. Its sitting on opposite ends of the map role playing with yourself and that defeats the purpose of inviting someone else to RP.

 I have plenty of characters myself that would rather climb to the top of Ascension Island just to avoid talking to someone but even they have their breaking points. Usually the way most players get around dealing with their anti-social characters....well...anti-socialness is tiring them out. Hey, everyone has to sleep sometime right? Or they create an excuse about waiting to meet someone in that very place so that they /can't/ leave. Things like that.

 These little add-ons may seem pointless but they really do help the person you are role playing with. Because lets face it, no one is going to be really enthusiastic about role playing with anyone who's character, anti-social or not (as I have seen some completely social characters do this too! Why? I don't know.) if every conversation or interaction made two-posts in ends up with your character leaving to some unreachable or difficult to reach location or going out of range.

Some of us don't always have nosey or persistant characters who are willing to chase another around the map inquiring about why they're upset and moody. In fact, most of mine would probably do what most normal human beings would and just shrug it off and go find something more interesting to do, but /that/ does not make a roleplay. I personally find these situations extremely frustrating, to the point I just don't feel like RPing with someone who is going to do that consistently for the entire RP. You asked me to roleplay, not play tag. What do you guys think? Is this kind of behavior acceptable all of the time? Frustrating? Perfectly fine? What are your thoughts?

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 04:16:27 pm »
This has happened to me a couple times; and I just don't get it...
Why are you going to ask people to roleplay with you, if all you're gonna do is constantly walk away and not say anything...?
No logic in that.
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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 05:12:24 pm »

Yes. Oh god, yes do I encounter this! It's so frustrating! I get that you character's had some horrible made-up past life, but can I get a civil "hello"? Or even worse than that, their character is completely social and normal, and they just keep deciding to move away from wherever my character is. You know what really grinds my gears? Roleplayers with short attention spans. "OH! I'm gonna go hunt. Just about to make the kill and meet Haruki's character? LOLNOPE time to run away from humans."

Sit still, you little bugger.

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2013, 05:30:39 pm »
I find this both frustrating and disappointing at times. Before I role-play with either a person who asks me or just out of random, I very often get the anti-social treatment. Either the person makes a post to pass by and I never see them again or they simply run off after my first post. Some people have really good characters that I would just love to role-play with and interact with my own. Of course, I can't do anything if the other person doesn't either. It's the inconsistency that bothers me the most.
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Offline Silhouette

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2013, 05:49:20 am »

Yes. Oh god, yes do I encounter this! It's so frustrating! I get that you character's had some horrible made-up past life, but can I get a civil "hello"? Or even worse than that, their character is completely social and normal, and they just keep deciding to move away from wherever my character is. You know what really grinds my gears? Roleplayers with short attention spans. "OH! I'm gonna go hunt. Just about to make the kill and meet Haruki's character? LOLNOPE time to run away from humans."

Sit still, you little bugger.

HA! That pictured made me LOL Haruki but its so true. It really does make me wonder though how little or how much some people pay attention. I have a critter who minus the curly tail (a sign of attempted breeding for domestication in foxes) looks almost like the perfect image of a red fox. I entered a RP recently and about halfway into the RP, and after following them to their camp [so they moved on me too] and getting close, they went. "...Oh you're a fox?" She said. "I thought you were a cat!" Ok. Fair enough but then others in the group start chiming in. Apparently one of them mistook me for a lion and I was like "...You didn't bother to look?" and even so in my posts SEVERAL times, it stated that my /fox/ was the one following them. Don't get me wrong they were nice people and it was alright but the fact I knew they weren't reading what I was typing with much diligence after that moment, it just... ugh. I don't get it.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 03:49:43 pm by Silhouette »

Offline Vespian

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2013, 07:02:10 am »
I've underwent something like this before. It involved a whole group who wanted me to be a part of their establishment. However, once I joined, I felt like some dead, lifeless corpse that everyone doesn't want to be around instead of having some warm welcome and feeling like a part of the 'family', so to speak. What made me upset and rather annoyed was that they asked me to join them. Not the other way around. But once I did join, whenever I'd be typing up a post (and I tend to post 5-8+ paragraphs when I'm not having writer's block), either when I was in the middle of my post or before I could even hit the 'Enter' button, they'd run off to another part of the map. They wouldn't inform me of their movement, they wouldn't even look behind their shoulders to make sure I was following. No. They'd just leave and have me scrambling after them like some idgit. I'm not one who will tolerate any form of ignorance so I practically left that very day. Doubt they noticed as well.
It pretty much aggravates me and makes me rather disappointed when individuals tend to do something as such.

Offline F a t a l

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2013, 07:14:15 pm »
I've seen quite a few people do this before. I was roleplaying as a loner with a pack, and then they said they needed to go hunting, but they never even came back. I mean, the least they could have done is told me they didn't really want to roleplay anymore. :p
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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 07:53:02 pm »

Yes. Oh god, yes do I encounter this! It's so frustrating! I get that you character's had some horrible made-up past life, but can I get a civil "hello"? Or even worse than that, their character is completely social and normal, and they just keep deciding to move away from wherever my character is. You know what really grinds my gears? Roleplayers with short attention spans. "OH! I'm gonna go hunt. Just about to make the kill and meet Haruki's character? LOLNOPE time to run away from humans."

Sit still, you little bugger.
Ohsotrue. xD

It really is irritating when users don't acknowledge you while you're in the middle of typing (also alluding to what Vespian said). Granted, I don't type more than 2-4 pages per post (unless I feel like being absurdly detailed and do a whole soliloquy), but I general don't take that long as a literate RPer. I can type fast, and I can be quick in my responses if given a slight pause of time, rather than running 24/7 and only typing a couple blurbs of text for each post.

Not judging those who like fast-paced RP, but everyone does have their own style, and either way it's just courteous to give the one you're RPing with the time of day to read their post, that way you can actually create a story together.
But, if you don't sit still, then no, you're not going to get a storyline, and you'll just be running around RPing with yourself.
(In which case, just go write a book on your own. D8 Dangit.)

I understand the frustration here, though. Silly floofs just need to sit down, relax, and just let the roleplay's story unfold as each character adds their own color to the scene (sometimes at their own pace xD).
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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 08:54:08 pm »
I've seen this before.

I was in a lion role play and this "rogue" joined, his past could not have been more tragic. Within about three minutes into the role play he had to go on a walk to be alone and think. I tried to involve him but he got mad at me and ran off....

There are ways of seeming removed emotionally without literally removing yourself!

Offline Silhouette

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Re: I thought you said you wanted to RP, where are you going?!
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 12:57:45 am »

I've seen this before.

I was in a lion role play and this "rogue" joined, his past could not have been more tragic. Within about three minutes into the role play he had to go on a walk to be alone and think. I tried to involve him but he got mad at me and ran off....

There are ways of seeming removed emotionally without literally removing yourself!

LOL Yeah and I think part of that stems from some people's need to have the relevant...well, shoved in their faces with a neon sign attached to it. Similarly, they don't KNOW how to give subtle hints/clues themselves in return. Consequently, they're on one extreme or the other. Either they're too cryptic or they're just too obvious to the point of near ridiculousness. But here is the thing, if you do the subtle stuff then you are relying on everyone else to /pay attention/ which Haruki established earlier... some people don't do very well. X.X