Author Topic: Show respect for Greece!!!  (Read 1268 times)

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Show respect for Greece!!!
« on: July 17, 2013, 09:06:16 am »
                                                   So, Let's get this started:

Now that Feralheart is down, I started browsing and playing other roleplay games and chat in other forums. So, when I was in one site (won't tell names for obvious reasons) we discussed about our origin. Where do we come from/ which country are we living at, etc. So, I said I am from Greece and I live there. Then a random person pops out saying:

"Weren't you guys all homeless? Greece is now a non-existent country. I would be ashamed if I was a Greek. You guys haven't done like anything except for complaining about your politicians and nothing else. No wonder you will stay behind..." (exact quote!)

Unfortunately, a couple of more members agreed with him and started saying other offensive things about Greece as well. Even a couple of Feralheart players would react like that which makes me sad. Not only because communities and forums should be welcoming to everyone but also because people are so unaware on what Greece has given to them.

Wanna know who put the bases for mathematics? Oh,yeah! Greeks!

Wanna know where over 50% of your language came from? (ignore if Asian/Russian) Oh yeah! Greece!

Wanna know where all your Medical terms come from? Oh, yeah! The Greek Language!

Wanna know where geometry advanced to the next level? Oh, yeah! In Greece!

Wanna know where all those beautiful and indeed meaningful tales like Odyssey and Iliad come from? Oh, yeah! Homer wrote guess what? He was Greek!

Wanna know who the heck first introduced poetry? Oh, yeah! Greeks!

 But, all you say is that we Greeks stopped producing because we became lazy, bored etc. Wanna know why you advanced and we did not? Because from 16th century till the middles of the 19th century we were ENSLAVED by Turks. (No offense to Turkey here, the past is the past. You gotta know that our TV is full of your series too..)
That means we had no chance to advance our technology. Imagine that in the 19th century, when the revolution started we still used swords -.-. But, I have respect for all our allies (they were many) who just helped for the revolution to be victorious.

Now, you say: "Why then, did they not advance after 2 centuries?
*cough* *cough* *WorldWarII cough* *WhichCameAlmostRightAfterWeGainedIndependance*

Also, Greeks were never people of war. They were people of Art and Science. That's why we are so welcoming to everyone. You, Oh, dear, British people (not all but in my visit to England almost most of British people were like that) just ignore us, the puny people, no matter our origination huh? Same for some Germans as well. Have you ever visited Greece? If so you would notice that, even with us being poor, we are friendly and full of life and happiness. But of course, you do not respect our hospitality, nor do you admire our way of life and our sturdiness. All you gotta say is: "Duh, Greece should not exist anymore!"

All the things I said do not only count for Greece but for every single country that has faced racism and tough situations... Show some respect for everyone less powerful than you. Because you never know how much THEY have contributed to your life.

That's all I have to say. Opinions are welcome (That's why the Topic is up xD) and if you have any objections, please express them. I would really love to hear them (I really do xD)
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Re: Show respect for Greece!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 09:30:49 am »
I will keep this short and sweet when I say the following:

As I read this, it feels as if you are talking bad about me and my country (which is, in fact, Germany). Just because some, not all, individuals start talking bad about your country and everything, doesn't mean you should become hypocritical and immediately start dissing on other countries, going on a rant all blindly on a subject very, very touchy. I have found this very offensive towards me, just because of how you worded your post. It's like you're demanding us, or me, to be respectful towards you and your country. Everyone has their opinions on things. The best thing to do is to be mature and just not be around those certain individuals who has insulted you. Be the mature one and merely leave. It isn't that hard. They're being immature for judging someone without getting to know them, but you are doing the exact same thing.
Now, I apologize for the Turks enslaving your people and all, but the past is the past. We, the FeralHeart community, wasn't the ones that enslaved your people, caused all bad times to happen, etc. So please, modify and re-word your post for, I will say again, it sounds like your saying, "RESPECT THE GREEKS FERALHEART! ALL OF YOU! I DEMAND YOU!".
Really, posting this is a big argument stirrer due to the fact you're disrespecting Britain, Turkey, Germany, etc. so be careful doing such in the future.

Tis' my opinion on the matter and tis' all I've got to say.

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Re: Show respect for Greece!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 09:50:44 am »
I must heavily agree with Vespian on this one. Such topics as these are not necessary at all, for this topic shows some offensive assumptions to that of other countries. I apologize that those people hadn't respected your country for what it is, but that's just their opinion. You didn't have to bring the discussion here, for we are not the ones who disrespected Greece. Because of your words, I very much think that a debate might start for much offense can be taken in every direction.

I've taken a bit of offense for I'm partially German. Think before you post, lass, for you can hurt many others... not just yourself. This community relies on great respect and motivation, and whence coming across this could cause them a lit'le off edge. If you need to talk about this with someone, PM your closest friends or talk with your family. To no concern should this community be involved in things like these.

When such happens, you have to just ignore them. 'Tis just their opinions, a few against many. Along with what Vespian said, it seems like you are accusing us all and demand attention. I don't think we nor the MODs would tolerate such. It would be great to think of what will happen before posting one of these. We wouldn't want another unwanted argument lying on the forums now do we? I'm glad you are defending your country, and I'm sure those who also reside in Greece appreciate your recognition but... This is just not the place.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 09:54:23 am by .exe »

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Re: Show respect for Greece!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 11:37:40 pm »
So, when I was in one site (won't tell names for obvious reasons) we discussed about our origin. Where do we come from/ which country are we living at, etc. So, I said I am from Greece and I live there. Then a random person pops out saying:

"Weren't you guys all homeless? Greece is now a non-existent country. I would be ashamed if I was a Greek. You guys haven't done like anything except for complaining about your politicians and nothing else. No wonder you will stay behind..." (exact quote!)

Unfortunately, a couple of more members agreed with him and started saying other offensive things about Greece as well. Even a couple of Feralheart players would react like that which makes me sad. Not only because communities and forums should be welcoming to everyone but also because people are so unaware on what Greece has given to them.

That guy was just being ignorant and trying to make you mad, is what it sounds like. I'm sorry you were bullied like that. No one should say such ignorant, stereotypical things, when they don't know the true facts. However, it's not right to say that EVERYONE thinks the same way. I don't see Greeks the way that guy said he saw your country. That's just one guy's opinion, it doesn't mean everyone else thinks the same way. I actually like the Greek culture, especially the history of Ancient Greece. My classmates and I learned all about that in high school.

Vespian and exe. have good points here. It's really not right to point fingers at other countries and say that all the people there are negative and hostile toward the people in your country. It's not true. There are plenty of nice, respectable people out in the world, no matter what their origin is. I understand how bad racism can be, since I see it almost every day. I've been subjected to racism plenty of times, being called terrible names, and being told that I don't belong here in the country I live in. But those are just random people's opinions; not EVERYONE is going to agree to those opinions. I'm not going to point fingers at a certain group of people and call them all racists, all because one or two of them expressed racist opinions. That wouldn't be fair to the ones who have nothing against me.

So in conclusion, don't let a few people's opinions get the best of you and cloud your judgement. It's okay to be upset about something like this, but it's not fair to put the blame on other countries and other people all because of the ignorant opinions of one or two people. They don't know what they're talking about.