Author Topic: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)  (Read 15112 times)


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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2013, 07:10:33 am »
Age shouldn't matter. I had a 'friend' once say something to me for roleplaying animals and being 22. So I simply ignored them and blocked from my Skype. It's abit offending when you're put down for being older, but you just get over it and move on.

And really I have friends of all ages, some 12 and a few older then me. I don't have a problem with people 40+ either. Unless ofcourse I'd see them being inappropriate; then I may stay clear. Honestly I love animals and just roleplaying in general so I forsee even when I hit that age myself I'll still roleplay or play games like FH and forums (if they exist). I like doing what I do for fun and no ones going to stop me. Lawl.

Really when I tend to find or befriend people way younger then me and grow close I view them more as younger siblings or even kids sometimes; giving them advice and what not. This isn't related to FH at all, but I play Miencraft and am friends with a 10 year old. She was a noob so I joked and 'adopted' her and now I have a habit of being motherly. I personally know a 37+ year old couple that plays Minecraft and they are just the nicest people you'd ever meet. c:

So yeah age isn't a problem with me. Though I do tend to 'adopt' or act more motherly/sibling like to those younger then me.

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #61 on: July 14, 2013, 08:33:23 pm »
I Personality, Think age should matter since I hate when I run into some one not very mature. Yes we were all young kids once but, I come here to Rp and hang with my friends, yes I can be childish at some points (When Im half asleep or when Im sick and had a ton of medicine and drinking way to much tea that I wanna throw up a everything I just ate. (Or just vomited on my computer {That did happen before}) But as a Teen I feel like there should be a age limit or a add on Public map for some younger kids, For example in Impressive title I think there was a map Called PLay ground which the name made me feel like it was running to younger kids attention, I m sure it wasnt but that is how I felt (Derp Sentence).
I feel like Im now just being a little hurtful and I mean no offence. So If this did offend you, Im sorry but this was an opinion.
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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2013, 06:55:44 am »
Personally I don't mind the ages of the floofs on here, and I rp with many people. Though sometimes I wish the older people wouldn't act so immaturely in front of the younger kids sometimes. I never give out my age in-game, and I don't ask how old other people are. I've seen people from age ten all the way up to age forty. (Derpy post.)
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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2013, 08:36:05 am »
I don't think age really matters, I really don't care how old players are. I know players that are adults and players that are kids still in school, it doesn't bother me. I think it's wrong to say that younger players are not as mature as older ones and that older players should have something better to do than play games like Feralheart. Everyone is different so you can't expect players to be the exact same as everyone else in their age group.

When I first joined Feralheart at 12 I met a friend who was very literate, well mannered, respectful and mature. I assumed she was 15-17, I was wrong, she was only 11. Now I have met 11 year old players who were not as mature but that does not give me the right to look down on an age group, knowing that there are younger players more mature than myself. Especially if you don't know the player in real life, you shouldn't look down or give judgement towards a younger age group, make that any age group for that matter.

If you are going to be telling younger players that they should get the hell out of your space and play some other game then you are just being a bully. Feralheart is a game for all ages and everyone is allowed to play. There is a Block button if you are unhappy with someone; there is no need to upset or hurt anyone. If you are to stick with making a player's time miserable you can actually discourage them from playing online games and lower their confidence around older people. Being online is some people's way of escaping stress and painful times in their life. I know when I'm unhappy I come online every now again. To say that younger players are ignorant and immature when you have people like that in your age group is being a bit hypercritical because yes, you do get older players that are immature and ignorant. No age group is perfect.

As long as no one is making judgments and everyone is being kind and respectful towards each other, then everyone can be happy.
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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #64 on: July 16, 2013, 01:56:58 am »
This discussion is very interesting. Well, I guess I don't have THAT much of a problem with age. Although, I do slightly. I mean I had a rather..surprising encounter with someone WELL over the age of myself while RPing.
I was in a clan and someone advertised on the Movie Clips that they needed a clan. I made so they joined and they ended up being my kit. I thought they seemed rather Literate, cause they practically understood everything I said and replied right away and everything. It was nice. Then we kind of got sidetracked in the RP while our leader was advertising at SB. We got into the conversation of 'Ages'. I wasn't really listening to the conversation that much, but I did manage to catch that my 'Kit' was a 36 year old man IRL. Now, this kind of shocked me but I laughed it off and continued RPing. He was actually quite a good RPer.
But, to this day I can't help but think: A 14 year old is playing the mother of a 36 year old?
It still makes me laugh because it was just so...surprising. 

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2013, 11:46:57 am »
Honestly, to me the age is the same as if someone was from a different country or so. The age is the age, it is how many years a person has lived. It doesn't tell or effect the person's personality or actions. I do have friends up to the age of 20 and up and I personally do feel way more comfortable when chatting with a person who is mature and understanding. To me the age line of people I want to even blink to here has always been 13 and up. Usually the younger ones from that are trolls and not to say all, but most from my own experience, have been very immature towards others.
  In my opinion it doesn't matter how old you are to play. Adults too like to play these games and should not be harassed for it. I personally (like stated before) like to chat with mature people and this game does really need them, just like any other game. People usually overreact because of what is said on the usual forum sites and the warnings they get from the news.
  Where it feels bad to be called a pedophile and all that, if you get to actually talk to someone who is mature enough to understand you might even teach them new things, such as not all the older people in games being what they have always been warned about. Someone might even get a very good friend of a person who is older and who they meet here.
  But then again, these are only some of my views and opinions on the subject. I'm not saying this was official and I know probably most people here won't agree with me. But hey, maybe someday this will be useful to someone, hopefully in a good way. (No harm intended)

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2013, 12:19:54 pm »
There's nothing wrong with this, I have friends that are from like 8 to 30 some thing! As long as you're not being a Pedo or anything, and anyone could do that, age shouldn't matter. But if you're that worried about it, just don't tell anyone your age! :3

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