Author Topic: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour  (Read 1897 times)

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Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« on: July 23, 2013, 08:59:38 am »

This, is the worst sort of humour ever! I'm sorry but I have to say it! It irritates me so much that my blood pressure rises which puts me at greater risk of heart attacks. See, you people who tell these jokes are going to end up killing me one of these days!
Now, I'm not sure where this type of humour came from originally and if anyone wants to enlighten me on that detail, please do. What annoys me about it, is that it is used in excess. People seem to go on for hours throwing these maternal insults, or 'yo momma' jokes at each other, and after about five or tens minutes, one gets sick of seeing joke after joke being belched into the chat box in capital letters. Come on, guys, can't you think of some other jokes to tell? Perhaps one of your own or something used less often?
Yes, I know, not everyone has the same sense of humour, and some people find these jokes funny. Even I find some of the particularly creative and unique ones funny every now and then. But there is a limit, and a line between being funny and being downright rude. It's when people cross that line that these 'jokes' are really bad; people feel offended. "Perhaps it's because they can't take a joke, or they're in a bad mood, or they're overly sensitive." Perhaps...but have you considered that some people will be very sensitive to maternal insults because some poor sods (bless their little souls) don't have a mother due to whatever reason that may be? No...well, keep that in mind the next time someone "flips out" at a 'yo momma' joke.
Another thing -  why is it always the mother that's being insulted and never the father? I've never really understood that...

Okay, rant appointment over. Bye bye :) :P

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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2013, 02:41:35 pm »
I agree. It is very rude, and it is getting old.

What's worse is when a troll tries to use a 'Yo mama' joke as an insult, and it just comes out like you're a five year old mad at someone for taking your swing. ;/
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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2013, 05:17:44 pm »
I absolutely HATE these jokes Flob :I Im sorry to the people who somehow enjoy these joke but I'm just sick of them. It's a terrible insult and I'd really like to have a chat with the person who "Invented" these jokes. They're EVERYWHERE!!! I've seen them in commercials DX It's awful in my opinion, really. I will never get how people find humor in these insulting jokes. People say it's getting old but, if they say its getting old, doesn't that mean they used to like them jokes?
I'd really like to see these jokes disappear :I They're terrible in my eyes

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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2013, 05:50:14 pm »
I'm okay with it, mostly because I guess I'm a bit immune to online insults. I guess the humor is in finding something so insulting/not insulting it's funny? I dunno. And yes, I've found them in a commercial. I don't think they'll get old to the majority of the internet for quiiiiiiite a while, though. Yeah, it could go too far for some people, so that's why it would probably be better to find another joke style. I'm partial to puns, because they run on a principle of "so bad it's funny." Anyone who knows my character Candi would see that puns would be pretty...

« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 05:55:43 pm by Maskie,., »

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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2013, 09:37:58 pm »
I agree. These jokes just get old really fast (but honestly, I never really found them funny in the first place).
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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2013, 09:44:59 pm »
In my opinion, they were never even jokes in the first place. What idiot crazy person would even come up with this? They're insulting, cruel and offensive. Some people out there just don't know when to stop I suppose...

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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2013, 10:00:58 pm »
I hate this kind of humour, not because it's insulting someones parent, or it's "mean" but because it's brain dead, stupid humour. Classic playground teasing, they aren't really jokes. The people that use these are the same people that use "gay" as an insult or to describe something they don't like.

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Re: Doctor Flob Rants: A Change of Humour
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2013, 10:14:34 pm »
In my opinion, they were never even jokes in the first place. What idiot crazy person would even come up with this? They're insulting, cruel and offensive. Some people out there just don't know when to stop I suppose...
I guess this type of humour isn't too different from laughing at someone who's fallen over, even when you genuinely care about the person, people still laugh because the falling over is in someway funny. However, laughing because someone is in pain because they've fallen over is quite different (and sadistic -_-). Think about comedy shows that you might have seen with an example of this in it.
I'll agree, people need to know when these jokes take things too far and when to stop.

Personally, I prefer the sort humour that makes fun out of farts and other bodily functions...I've talked about this with my step-dad once and we agreed that farts are things that will always be funny. xD To us anyway...perhaps we're just crazy. People don't seem to use it as much :(.
And I love the very intelligent and witty humour demonstrated by the brilliant Rowan Atkinson in Black Adder. XD Words can't bring it justice! How these people can keep straight faces, I'll never know.

Sorry, starting to get off topic now. Carry on. :)
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 10:21:42 pm by DoctorFlob »

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