Author Topic: Converting.  (Read 1303 times)

Offline Hallucination

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« on: July 28, 2013, 11:58:13 pm »
Hallucination here, looking for some help!
I am certain the title has given you some sort of clue as to what is going on here. But not exactly. This is mainly a game of gathering the programs. Otherwise, I understand how to convert the mesh itself. I just do not remember what programs are needed, and the tutorials...Well, I'm incapable of understanding them. Can someone give me a clear list of the programs I need to install (Hopefully compatible with the newest version of Blender, 2.68.) I need to know what Python is compatible with Blender 2.68 and all its little extensions needed for this. I need the thingy to make it export an .xml file, and the thingy to convert the .xml file to .mesh... And a little briefing how to get it all to work in harmony.
Extra points if you can direct me to the Direct X Blender plug in for exporting the .x files I believe it is. (That's for a different purpose however.)
Thank you in advance.

From the Shadows~


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Re: Converting.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2013, 08:06:00 am »

Hello, love. This is fairly simple. You should use, MicroSoft Word, Gimp, FireFox. I think these would work. I hope I solved it, love!