Author Topic: Time Wolves(Update: 9/15/13)  (Read 1451 times)

Offline Vask

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Time Wolves(Update: 9/15/13)
« on: September 14, 2013, 06:53:31 pm »
Time Wolves

Time wolves have been around since the beginning of time(Go figure). They were said to be the first beasts on the world we know now. However, other creatures slowly began appearing here and there, and Time Wolves were outraged. These canines went into hiding, slowly dying out as time passed. Only about a handful of Time Wolves remained, blending into the wolves today and hiding their extraordinary powers.

Time Wolves are known for blending in with today's wolf crowd. They come in all wolf colors, but are usually just SLIGHTLY larger than average. Barely a noticeable difference. The Time Wolves also all have bright blue eyes, and occasionally a colored tongue. Also, Time Wolves have very sharp teeth for ripping, cutting, and grinding.

A Time Wolf can have a variety of personality traits, seeing it depends how they were raised. However, these wolves are always kinder and more considerate than most, holding wisdom in their hearts. If a time wolf comes off as rude, it usually because they don't take favoring towards other species, seeing as they took over their world. This species is not aggressive, and almost always thinks before it does. Although, don't think it is below them to react on impulse. These creatures are also extremely calm, and are never the first to attack unless threatened.

Beginner Powers: Knowing The Time Always, Freezing One Non-living Thing In Time.
Intermediate Powers: Freezing One Living Thing In Time, Going Back In Time As Much As A Day.
Advanced Powers: Freezing Time, Going Back In Time As Much As A Few Months, Going Forward In Time As Much As A Day, Healing Spit.

Strange enough, Time Wolves are vegan. They prefer eating sweet fruits, but will never turn down a vegetable. Other than fruits and such, Time Wolves hate sugary sweet junk food and such. Even though Time Wolves are vegan, in an emergency or time of great need, they will eat meat with their sharp teeth. The most sacred of foods for the Time Wolf is a fruit that no longer exists. The Dulcis Fruit. It is about the size of a peach, and it's colors include purple, blue, and red. It is incredibly juicy and sweet, having a taste like no other. A long time ago, Time Wolves feasted off of nothing but the  Dulcis Fruit until other creatures appeared.

Life Span
Average: 6,000
Long: 6,800

Time Wolves think of each other a a big family. They call each other brothers and sisters. Pairing between two Time Wolves is exceedingly rare. Time Wolves now a days pair with regular wolves, or don't pair at all.

Time Wolves communicate with a variety of sounds. Their usual sounds consist of those wolf like. However, they use many other sounds in certain instances.
Annoyed/Slightly Angered:

The Story Of Tempus: The Time Wolves believe in a history like no other. Before the earth, and before time, there was the greatest Time Wolf that ever lived. His name was Tempus. There was just a nothingness to the eternity Tempus was stuck in. So, the wolf decided for there to be a place where creatures like he can thrive and live in harmony. Tempus created the earth, creating everything with care. He shaped every flower, every rock, every ocean and sea with his mighty soul. After he believed the world he created for his children was perfect, he started the beings that were to live under him. Tempus shaped them with soft fur in a variety of beautiful colors. Tempus used a variety of different animals to create them as a whole. The Time Wolf gave them all the brightest of blue eyes to see in the darkness, and sharp teeth to defend their own. After he had molded their great selfs, he gave them personality. Kind, Wise, Confident, and Calm. Tempus did not ever want the creatures to fight brother against brother. Once he had finished their personality, he gave them power. To each of the one hundred he made, he gave each of them a small piece of his power and molded it into their soul.
Tempus's Sacrifice: Tempus lived with his creations for a long time. He couldn't be more pleased. They were considerate to each other and were kind, never to say an unkind word to another. Tempus lived with them for many eternitys, and was getting older slowly. One day, while Tempus was on a walk through a field of his flowers, he knew what he had to do. Carefully, Tempus shaped a small silver clock necklace. Tempus then put ALL his power into the watch, draining him of his mighty strength. The Time Wolf traveled back to the wolves, explaining everything to them. Tempus explained that the clock was to be called the Clock Of Eternity, and so, Tempus gave his power to his closest and most trusted friend, Validus. That night, Tempus gave the rest of his strength and energy to his sacrifice. Tempus absorbed into the night sky, and became a constellation. From then on, Tempus appeared in the sky every night, and the Time Wolves would prey to him for advice. And if their heart and intentions were pure, he would answer. Validus lived for a long time after. He first gave the clock to Tempus's blood son, then him to his son and so on.

Current Clock Of Eternity Holder

Time Wolves 'Ancestors'
The Time Wolves are mainly made up of wolves, seeing they take shapes of normal wolves. However, they are known for being mixed with a variety of animals. Below shows what kind of animal blood runs through their veins and what they have that that animal has.
~Dinosaurs: Slightly larger than average, Dinosaur-like sounds.
~Snakes: Cold-blooded, Swift, Extremely fast reflexes, Venom bite, Tough Skin.
~Hyenas: Extremely hard jaw power, Adapted to crack bones.
~Cougars: Become independent quick, Leap 15 feet or higher, Reach 50 mph at a sprint
~Unknown: The rest is unknown.

Fighting abilities
Time Wolves do seem very dangerous don't they? Well they are. Some of the worlds most dangerous animals combined. Lucky for you however, Time Wolves are extremely calm and non-aggressive. They will never strike first unless provoked. Time Wolves never go out looking for trouble, like their dangerous blood relatives. However, in a fight against a Time Wolf, it would be scientifically impossible to defeat it.

Clock Of Eternity Powers
Travel in time. Forward or backwards to whenever.
Freeze time.
Materialize Things out of thin air.
Go to places between time where time does not exist.

Pictures are still being worked on. Thank you for your patience.


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« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 06:38:56 pm by Vask »