Author Topic: Don't butt into our conversation!  (Read 3805 times)

Dire Night Wolf

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Don't butt into our conversation!
« on: August 13, 2013, 10:25:56 pm »
So I was in Bonfire Island today and I was a bit bored, so I naturally started to try to have some conversations with others. I replied to some questions/comments and passed the time a bit.

Then, someone declared that they noticed that a lot of the males in-game are actually females in real life.

So, I replied saying that there's nothing wrong with cross-gender roleplayers, that's when the person's "friend" (or whoever they were talking with) said something along the lines of: "It was a rhetorical question, not one to be answered. You got to love it when others butt into your conversations uninvited."

Um... ok? No need to be so rude about it. Did I mention this was all in Local and out of character?

Excuse-me? Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but when you don't want others joining your conversation, then maybe you should talk in Party or Whisper instead of Local? Especially when you're in a map like Bonfire, where EVERYONE can hear your supposedly private conversation.

It would of also been nicer to simply say "Excuse me, but I'd like it if no one other than (insert friend's name here) conversed with me." or "Please do not reply to our conversation, we'd like for it to remain between us."

But in all honesty, it's a LOT simpler to have a private conversation between two people in through Whisper. If you are talking in Local, in maps such as Bonfire, you ALWAYS have to expect someone to reply or join into your conversation even if you don't want them to. It is also nicer to gently tell them not to reply to your comments, rather than to be rude about it.

Now this hasn't only happened to me. My brother once replied to a statement made by someone in Bonfire, along the lines of: "Gay people should put 'gay/lesbian' in their names." my brother replied with: "That's a bit far. It's like straight people putting 'straight' in their names, it takes up space for nothing when you can just place it in your bio." then, the other person said: "I wasn't talking to you, geeze, talk about rude. Don't butt into our conversation."

Another example is when a good friend of mine was sitting with me at Stone Bridge in Fluorite and two other people (amongst many others) were talking about General chat being removed and they were practically in flames about it, they were constantly blaming the MODS for how the entire game is going down the drain.

So, me and my friend stated our opinions about this entire ordeal. I said I supported it being gone and my friend said that she didn't quite agree with the decision, but was going to give it a chance, that's when the two other people started being quite rude, saying things like: "Oh you don't know anything." or "Stop ruining our chat."

How am-I supposed to know that your conversation is private when you're talking in Local with an entire group of other people? Do you expect me to grow radars and suddenly know that your conversation/replies are not to be answered/commented on by me?

Well, I'd LOVE to avoid situations like these, but sadly I don't grow radars or have psychic powers to read your mind and know that you are having a private conversation with someone else and neither does anyone else I know of, so unless you talk in a private map or in the select chats that others can't see, your conversation isn't really private and you should expect others to join in with their opinions.

I can understand that sometimes other people state their opinions in a rude manner or that you are talking "in-character" and then I can understand why you'd block them/ask them to stop, but when you talk in Local and call it private, that's when I get a bit irritated.

Anyways, what are your opinions on these supposedly "private" conversations?

Offline Feareh

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Re: Don't butt into our conversation!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2013, 10:41:18 pm »
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Bakujio 🐺#7358

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Re: Don't butt into our conversation!
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2013, 10:49:38 pm »
I totally agree with you. I often find myself joining in with interesting conversations at SB when I'm advertising for groups. I find SB a place where different groups interact, even if it's out of character and for a short amount of time, it's nice.

Often times I can tell when a group is talking in group chat, which I respect as they want a private conversation, and it's what me and my group mates do when we want to talk to each other and not the rest of the FH world.
If you are going to chat in local, you should know that almost everybody will be listening in, as almost every body their is searching for members/groups, so they will be scanning every post in case they see a request to join their group/an interesting looking rp.

I have once been told to "But off" By some people at SB who were having a lively talk within their group, yet not in group chat. They mentioned something funny, and I couldn't help but comment on it. I mean, why be rude if your in local chat with a lively conversation? Even more so if you get a positive response!
But most the time at SB I don't get much of that, thankfully, as every one is chatting and making friends. Inter-group friendship is a lovely thing to see!

Why speak in local chat if you don't want anybody listening in? If your not in a group, then whisper, or if there are more than two of you, then why not talk in party? There's nothing complicated in it.
Of coarse if you are in a sort of secluded part of the map where not many people go, and you are just chatting in local, I see that completely understandable, but even then, it would be nice to polity tell them they don't want you to talk with them, even better would be to have a nice time with them laughing away! Or maybe just share views and opinions on interesting subjects to see what other people think on things. Maybe you could end up rping with them, and they could be lovely rpers!

And if you are already rping, and someone thinks your just having a conversation, then why not just tell them they are rping, and are in IC, not OOC, politely? What's the point in telling them off when you could be friends?
So yeah, maybe people should take into account:

  • Their location
  • Their chat section
  • If they are IC or OOC
  • Their attitude

And as Feareh said, it is against the rules to actually disrespect other players, so some could try to brush up on their manners eh?

Sir Equius

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Re: Don't butt into our conversation!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2013, 03:35:23 pm »
Apparently some people don't know that local chat is for everyone to use and engage in conversation. Those who tell people to stay out of their conversation might as well be saying "get out of our territory." If you don't want people to listen in on your conversation, TAKE IT TO WHISPER, GROUP, OR PARTY. It's as simple as that! If you're going to complain about people butting into your conversations, why are you even talking about it where everyone around you can here you?

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Re: Don't butt into our conversation!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2013, 02:22:00 am »
As said above, I understand if you are talking with certain people and then someone randomly breaks in it could be annoying, but you are in local and you can't really avoid that, it's like setting yourself up. Those people shouldn't have been so rude.

Offline Mewwn

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Re: Don't butt into our conversation!
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2013, 09:16:53 am »
So these 2 peeps were in Local chatting and one randomly commented on how pretty the moon was at their house, and my user being MoonSlayer I comment: "I'll slay the moon xD" and they both instantly told me off :I So I reminded them how Local is a public chat for all, and they might wanna use Party chat if they don't want extra comments, but they didn't listen so I go "Meh." And went finish a map I started.