Author Topic: oUo I has item request...  (Read 1685 times)

Offline Warrior4ever

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oUo I has item request...
« on: September 25, 2013, 02:47:24 am »
I have tried time and time again to find a few pairs of deer antlers besides the usual styles in the larger item packs, such as the Irish Deer or just the Aged or normal antlers. The reason for me posting this of course would not be to tell of my failure to find the items I am looking for, but to request someone make them! Some of the styles I would like to see would be;

~Longhorn Steer~
~Younger stages of normal antlers~
(Just nubs, taller nubs, one-pronged horns, etc.)

As I said thoigh, these are some I would like to see. Now for my main request; caribou antlers. I was thinking of starting a RP where they would be used and the current antlers I have (Standard and Aged) are not fitting of a caribou in my opinion. Now, if you aren't familiar with caribou, it's simply another name for reindeer. Think of all those poor Rudolph characters at Christmas... Do it for them! ;D;

(I cannot pay in DA points or any other payment website payment... Do you accept floof-hugs? c:)