Author Topic: Differences: Fourm Posters and Lurkers VS Those who are ONLY in-game.  (Read 1194 times)

Offline Silhouette

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So this is just a little discussion regarding yet another thing I've noticed about members of the Feral-heart community. It seems that the attitude toward various aspects of Feral Heart changes when you turn from talking to people who regularly lurk in or post in the forums versus those who are only on the game. Now before someone gripes, I KNOW that these things are not true for everyone. Don't throw a hissy fit if you don't like or don't fit what I've said below, these are JUST based on my observations of others. If you agree or disagree, feel free to post your own.

Forum Posters/Lurkers tend to....

1. Are more open to downloading maps and presets.
2. If willing to download maps and presets, are often MUCH more picky about which ones they download (often due to a limited amount of space)
3. Know to do slightly more complicated things with the map maker such as linking maps together to take up less space in Cape, retexure or utilize out-of-game meshes in object maker, as well as trouble-shoot their own problems with the game or knowing exactly who or where to ask for help, let alone how to ask for it. [As caps spamming and freaking out usually earns several posts of scolding for every few (or even one or none) post of help.]
4. MORE critical of cliches, lack-of-logic, character types, etc in RP, BUT often (but not always) LESS critical of a person's writing capabilities (in terms of spelling/grammar) and more willing to assist.

NON-Forum lurkers/posters, solely in-game players tend to....

1. Less willing to download maps and presets. I think part of it comes from the fear of getting a virus or having to have "mommy and daddy download something for me for the 20th time."

2. If they are willing to download maps and presets. They're usually not picky. They'll often take a description or none at all when told in-game about a map, rather than bothering to put in a link to see what the map or preset looks like. Often times, they just want the link.

3. Not know how to do more complex things with the map maker, preset maker, object maker etc. They eventually learn but sometimes have to be badgered before looking or asking on the forum for help OR they'll try to learn from another in-game user.

4. Tend to be less critical of logic flaws, character types, etc in RP. However, they may be more critical of a person's spelling/grammar or the way a person roleplays. (Unless its wolfspeak in which case those who post/lurk on the forum tend to attack wolfspeakers while some in-game-only users tend to embrace it or ignore it.)

Now out of all of these I think my biggest pet peeve tends to come from the users who don't EVER go on the forum. Now that said I have some friends who NEVER go on the forum but do not fit ANY of the criteria I listed above. Anyway, I think the quirk I find most annoying comes from the In-game-only users, # 2.

As for the younger players, you mean to tell me these supposedly more tech-savvy generation can't figure it out? Sometimes Ive tried to help these younger users and it is a painstakingly slow and confusing process. Honestly, since when was downloading and installing something on Feral Heart hard? Its easier than it was for Impressive Title and its a matter of downloading, copy and paste. I would think after seeing one's parents do it (and this is admitedly with the assumption parents either are allowing, not caring, or simply supervising the kid downloading it) several times over that they wouldn't EVENTUALLY learn? Thats how I learned how to install computer games from CD's. My dad did it for me for a while, then made me watch and then supervised from afar, and then had me do it for myself when I didn't need him anymore. For the older players, there are tutorials everywhere to learn how to download and install different user-made content for the game. It just takes a few minutes of hunting on the forum or Youtube, or even just asking someone where to find it!

Some folks I have noticed back out of groups or freak out when they find out that the group or pack or pride just got a new downloadable map to RP in. I find that kinda disappointing. Its not THAT difficult to learn how to do and its not going to overload your computer JUST because it didn't come with the game. There are little maps that don't take up as much as space as others. On top of that, if you get from a reliable source,and  it won't virus your computer. I don't mean to sound snappy about it, I just don't understand why some cringe at the thought of downloading something past the main game which CANT be updated and yet get bored and want more maps and extra things added when they could just download user-made content themselves.

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Differences: Fourm Posters and Lurkers VS Those who are ONLY in-game.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 07:39:12 pm »
.....Okay... where do I start?
I don't have any real logical explinations for the user characteristics you listed above. But I can somewhat see how a "forum dweller" might know a little more about downloading extra files more than someone who doesn't use the forums at all.
When it comes to downloading some extra FH goodies, such as markings, maps, items, etc. maybe some of these "youngsters" don't know what to do with the files after they download it. There are some that can find the download link and download the map withought any problems. It's the steps on putting the file in the right folder that often times confuses them. They would send me a message saying, "Well I downloaded the file but it didn't work. What do I do?!" I know that some downloadable files, such as the items packs, and markings packs come with instructions on where to put the cfg. file in the main FH folder. I try telling them that, but often times they don't get what I'm saying. That's when I tell them, "You know what, I would look on the FH forums and look in the Help section." Often times they say, "Okay" and go seek some help here on the forums, while others were like "Where is the forums?" or "I don't know how to get on the forums." With some people -especially the young ones-, no matter how much you try to be clear with your instructions, most of the times they don't really comprehend what you're saying.

Sometimes the ones who "freak out" over their roleplay group having a new downloadable map to play in, are probably freaking out because their parents probably told them not to download any extra files for the game. Who knows, maybe when junior got down on his knees and begged Mom or Dad to allow him to download FH to play, they might have been the kind of parents to say, "Oh alright. But don't you be downloading anymore extras for the game." Trust me, I've met a few players in the game who said, "My mom won't let me download anything else for this game because of a virus problem." I know, it doesn't really make much sense to me either. So sometimes it isn't because they don't know how to download, it's often times because they are using their parent's computer and don't have permission to download everything. You never know.

That's my only point of view of this so far.

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Re: Differences: Fourm Posters and Lurkers VS Those who are ONLY in-game.
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 08:59:50 pm »
The first 3-4 months of playing FH, I didn't use the forums either. (I made an intruductory thread and a few other posts, but that was it.) I completely had n idea that there were custom maps for download, or items, I always thought "why people loved the marshmallow look so much", and I didn't even know that presets exist. It wasn't until one day back in February, that I heard someone wining in general about how to download a map. Interested, I went to the forums, then I have been a forum poster ever since. So yeah, I dunno what is up with non-forum posters these days, but those seem to be the (most likely) helpless people.
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Differences: Fourm Posters and Lurkers VS Those who are ONLY in-game.
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 04:57:08 pm »
First Things first: Nice use of words, like how you used 'Badger' in there o.- , But the sorry thing about me is, I can't do a proper uploading of maps and items to my game, because I can't understand the words the people are using to describe it to me ;-; (I have Join.Me, but, I can't find anyone to help me who has that ); ) But I have to agree with a LOT of what you are saying, on the WolfSpeak I simply did not get.

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