Author Topic: "FeralHeart.exe Has Stopped Working"  (Read 4863 times)

Offline Fightilldust

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Re: "FeralHeart.exe Has Stopped Working"
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2013, 10:03:58 pm »
Having the same problem i was playing normally and talking to someone who i was going to add then went into ficho tunnel and it said it stopped working and now says that every time when the game opens and comes up with a black screen.I can't just delete it because i have all my textures meshes and maps i am making!

Offline kalicr

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Re: "FeralHeart.exe Has Stopped Working"
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2013, 12:12:06 am »
i ca
I keep getting this message no matter what I do. I just recently wanted to play FH again - see what's new, catch up with people I haven't seen in a dog's age - and I find that I can't even get into the game. I have scoured the forums for an answer, and have tried all of the following:

- Reinstalled several times, making sure to delete the folder itself after each and every one so I was left with a fresh install.
- Checked for duplicate particles in every folder they could possibly be in [including sky].
- Ran as administrator from several different install locations [C, Documents, and Program Files altogether].
- Checked AGAIN for duplicate particles in each location.
- Switched my graphics driver back, forth, and sideways.
- Attempted to run both in windowed and fullscreen mode [<saw that worked for someone]
- Created a new character and attempted to play with HIM.
- Checked for any new content, mods, or presets [despite not having played the game in at least half a year].
- Updated all drivers pertaining to the system and game.
- Set all my settings on low.

Regardless of going through every single option, I am still getting the same issue - and it is an issue it seems a lot of people are getting - although mine isn't solved by the above methods. Any of them.

The game will appear fine. I can sign-in, fiddle with settings, make a character, select a character - all with no problems. I can cycle through characters even - with no problems. It is when I select the character I want to play, and hit Play - that the issue occurs. It will show one of the random loading screens, and the music for the area of the map starts up... However, shortly after that, the game becomes unresponsive, and there is a box that says:

"FeralHeart.exe has stopped working.
Please wait while Windows searches for a solution"

Upon which the program closes, I go into the folder, check for duplicate particles [there are none] - and begin this annoying cycle all over again.

Barring that none of you have a solution for me - is there a way to redownload FH+? I never seemed to have near as many issues with that program, as I do with the original game.

OF COURSE, I'm not expecting people to drop everything they're doing and aid me on this. I realize the game's original coder has gone by the wayside, and it can be exceedingly difficult to smoothly run a game that has not be UPDATED [restarted is different] in nigh-on three years.

Therefore, if someone has a solution I haven't tried - short of hacking into the system to figure out what's wrong myself [which I couldn't do anyway] - please do speak up.

I had heard around the forum that there was a issue going around like this that might be related to random account-bans? If this is what's happening to me, I see no reason for it, since I do not know how to hack, and I have been nothing but polite in-game for the times that I've played. However, if this is the case, I will drop the issue permanently, and those who have been offended by my presence shall hear no more of me.

I am more likely to think this previous "issue" was written to cause panic, rather than as a stated fact... but someone will correct me on that if I happen to be wrong about that particular point, I'm sure.

At any rate,
I hope you all have a wonderful evening, morning, or afternoon, and I will check back on this thread tomorrow after i have gotten some sleep.
nt even open it and ogre comes up and i pick ok and it happens i have never played before