Author Topic: Teal and Phantom Kitsune.  (Read 1029 times)

Offline Werewolvesunite1

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Teal and Phantom Kitsune.
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:35:57 am »
Chapter 1
The sad sad story Of Phantom Kitsune.
Long, long ago in a land very distant from ours called Feral Heart in part of the land which was a tunnel Called Ficho lived two wolves who were brother and sister. The brother's name was Kane. The sisters name is lost to us. So we'll just call her Phantom. Phantom was pure white with bright blue eyes. Her brother was pure black with red eyes. Phantom's brother Sat next to a group of his friends one day when they were teens. "It's not fair!"Kane complained to his friends. "What isn't fair Kane?" Asked a tall lean Red wolf named Braken. "That I'm stuck with this ugly black fur and red eyes while my sister gets to have the white fur and blue eyes!"Kane said. "Not this again!"mumbled one of Kane's friends under his breath. "But! I have a plan to make My sister feel how I feel!"Kane said. Oh boy, thought Braken. "Well see ya guys."Kane yipped getting up and padding away to his den he shared with his sister. ((To be continued))
"One does not simply deal with the Phantom Kitsune. The Phantom Kitsune deals with you."