Author Topic: ?3nsayvorlye Syndicate || ??? || Literate || Demonic Species RP?  (Read 1570 times)

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Groups Roleplay Board

This RP is still a work in progress as the site and map are unfinished, but feel free to read about it below.

Mozemo samo da verujemo paket

The Ensayvorlye are new species of semi-demonic wolves that descend from Grim Reapers. And just as their Humanic ancestors had, these wolves also devour the souls of those ripe for death. There is one exception however, the Syndicate can only take the foul spirits of wolves and lions. If they were impure, wicked, or mediocre within their mortal lives, then leave it to a Vorlye to lead their souls into Hell.

The Ensayvorlye have a special bond to the Underworld that allows them to enter it with their physical selves to remain intact and it also acts as a protection from Hellions and other demonic vermin.

This bond also prevents them from entering the realm of Heaven, so they are ever indebted to the Underworld.
Think carefully mortal, as your decision to join cannot be transposed...

1.) Literacy DOES matter. U cant tlk liek dis, whether you're in or out of RP. Correct mistakes with an asterisk (*)
2.) Respect is expected. In the roleplay, higher authorities may do as they please to the lower members, but if we're not RPing, then everyone is equal, understood?
3.) You're expected to be active once you join, if you're not, you'll be kicked. If you KNOW you'll be inactive for a while, please, don't hesitate to tell someone!
4.) Be nice and be considerate, I don't tolerate drama OR whining, mmkay?
5.) Newcomers will be newcomers, so be a good Samaritan and help out if they need you.
6.) I do allow cussing in this group, but don't go overboard. And please have some maturity and don't call people out for cussing if you don't like it.
7.) Though I don't specify ages, 13 is the best age to join. But as long as you're literate and mature, I don't care what age you are ^^
8.) A majority of the time, we'll be in our map, but if we go out in public, make sure to listen to he leaders. And don't speak to the bystanders unless told to.
9.) Absolutely NO god-modding, one hit kills, perfection, etc etc. We may be immortal, but that does not make us all-powerful
10.) (I may add more rules later)

There are several ranks that are within the Ensayvorlye ranks, however almost all of them must be earned. More specifics will be given for each one once I have finished the website.

Matriarch: The Ensayvorlye Queen (Call them M'Lady, My Queen, Your Majesty, etc)
Tyrant: The Ensayvorlye King (M'Lord, My King, Your Highness, etc)
Earl: A second-in-command. (Males- Sire or Sir || Females- Madam or Mistress)
Knight: A soldier, warrior, etc. (Call them by their name, or call them Knight or My Knight)
Angel: Also like a Knight, yet they have wings, and collect souls once a month. (Angel, My Angel, or their name)
Shepherd: A 2nd branch from Knight, but these fighters guide souls into Hell monthly. Wingless. (Shepherd, their name)
The Pampered: A teen, or Vorlye-in-training. They must be apprenticed to a higher rank. (Their name or Apprentice)
Whelp: Pups. (Do not call them Whelp, this is considered an offensive term. Little One, Young One, or their name)
Hound: The lowest rank. The gum on the bottom of our shoes. Everyone will begin as a Hound and work their way up the ranks with activity and trust. (Hound, Underling, Filth, etc. Though you may use their name)

Omega: The groups' servant/slave. He or she will have to have volunteered for this role and it will mean you will remain mortal. You are not able to enter Hell if you're an Omega.


Because of the type of species the Vorlye are, all of the members look alike. It doesn't matter how much you beg or plead to ask for a change in style, I have specific codes everyone will follow. (The Omega is the only one allowed to bend this rule since they are still mortal, and don't worry, it's not as bad as it seems X3) But I'm afraid I won't provide them here unless you join, and I'll send them to you via Private Message once everything is established. However, the Male and Female codes are slightly different. ALSO, Mass Markings and the Big Item Pack are required as both genders use them. If you don't have them, don't freak out, it's a simple download. ^^

The Males are represented on the left, the Females on the right

This is a Hierarchy RP, meaning that each rank has a higher authority that may control them. The Matriarch has the final say in everything, and has more power over the Tyrant. However, if she is not present, the Tyrant becomes the leader and has power over the others. Earls control the Knights and anything below it, but if they act disrespectful towards their Rulers, then punishment will fall hard. The Knights, Angels, and Shepherds are all in their own group, none is more authoritative than the other, but they do have power over the Hounds. The Pampered and the Whelps really do not have a social place among the Vorlye because they are too young, but they do have power over the Omegas and Hounds. (Normally though, the Hounds and the young members will befriend each other because they are still close to mortality unlike the higher ranks). Hounds only have power over the Omegas, but because they still have a soul left in them, Hounds are usually not so heartless to call down on the Omegas. Any challenge against a higher rank will result in punishment. (And don't have a panic attack, this only applies when we RP) XD

Now, this will eventually be updated, but I have yet to create a map or finish the site. On the site, there will be more in-depth descriptions of genders, ranks, plot, etc etc. I'm about halfway finished as of now, and I'm afraid it may take a while longer due to the reason that I have a lot of school-related things that occupy a majority of my time. But I promise to have them BOTH done as quickly as I can ^^

However, for the time being, I have an old map I made for a previous RP that we can stay in until the true map is finished.

Elemental Grove (Temporary Map)
---There will be a lock on the map download, so if you'd like to join, I'll send you the password for it through Private Message along with your codes. You're not allowed to give the password out to anyone without asking me first, I had enough problems with strangers coming inside of it in the past ewe
---Also, if you have problems with, you can right click the link and click "Copy link address", then paste it into your URL bar. Then just delete everything before http://www.mediafire...

If you want to join, use the form please!

Code: [Select]
[size=15pt]Username:[/size] (The name you login into FeralHeart with)

[size=15pt]In-Game Name:[/size] (The name you'll use for the RP)

[size=15pt]Gender:[/size] (Duh :P)

[size=15pt]Sexual Orientation:[/size] (Hetero, Homo, Bi, Pan)

[size=15pt]Age:[/size] (optional, but I'd like to know. Your real age)

[size=15pt]Eye Color:[/size] (Is it a pretty one?)

[size=15pt]Rank You'd LIKE To Become:[/size] (I will keep you in mind for the rank, but you will start out as a Hound.)

[size=15pt]Activity:[/size] (How long do you spend on FH daily? What are some things that interfere with your gaming time?)

[size=15pt]Background:[/size] (You should make a story as if you were a mortal wolf who just joined the Vorlyes. What was your past?)

[size=15pt]RP Sample:[/size] (This is required. You have a 200 word limit)

« Last Edit: October 23, 2013, 03:14:50 am by Mythrim »
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869

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« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 12:12:10 am »
Username: Queen of Spades

In-Game Name: Spades

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pan/Hetero

Age: I'm 16

Eye Color: Violet

Activity: It ranges, a majority of the time, if I'm on during the week, it's luck because I didn't have homework (or at least much). I'm usually preoccupied during the evenings, so I can usually get on for about 1, maybe 2 hours a night. On weekends, I'm on nonstop. However, every other weekend, I have no internet available for me to use.

Rank You'd LIKE To Become: I am the Matriarch. I don't have to fight for my rank c:

Background: When the separation of the Corrupted and Purified Angels of Death caused an all out war in 1500, it resulted in one of the worst plague and sickness-ridden eras of all human history. When the Purified Angels outdid their Corrupted sisters, they assigned 7 of them to raise a council of Soul Reapers to collect the souls of only the wicked (as they had lost their privilege to consume the ambrosia-like qualities of the pure). When the seven Masters chose to rise their army of Soul Reapers, a black matter oozed from the ground and formed shadowed skeletons. I rose amongst these skeletons and observed the other Reapers with vague curiosity. Then my blackened bone structure began to transform into a four-legged animal, and fangs began to sprout as muscles and sinew spread across my form. Within a matter of seconds, I was transformed into a wolf with bright purple slits for eyes. From that moment on, I knew my purpose.

RP Sample: Spades surveyed the land with her violet optics as she seeked an aura that was truly saturated with impurity. Her vision panned across the Fluorite Plains gradually until her gaze finally dropped on a lonesome wolf, his paws stained sanguine with the blood of another and his eyes full of malice, and even a hint of guilt. Spades' mouth parted gently with a crooked smirk as she began to saunter to the canine, being able to foretell that another brute was chasing him for revenge. She decided to rest contently under a shaded tree until everything was put into motion and the raging male decided to avenge his friend's murder. Spades observed with amusement he lunged onto the wolf as he was attempting to wash the dark liquid from his wrists and maw. By instinct, she knew the Murderer's name was Quirash, and the attacker was Dractin. Finally as the inevitable came ever closer, Spades approached Quirash with a lithe and swift posture, standing over him as Dractin drained the last ounces of life from his physical form. Invisible to Dractin, She sunk her teeth into the wolf lying on the ground dying in slow agony and dragged his soul out from it's now mutilated mortal self. The spirit stood eye to eye with Spades before she opened her maw wide and consumed the soul, savoring the fleeting feeling before it passed only moments later. She sighed and looked to Dractin and said, "Perhaps another day, hmm?" and with that she bounded off to the next victim. "My" she thought, "I might consider some help, there are too many wicked souls in this instnce of the mortal world..."
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869

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Re: ?3nsayvorlye Syndicate || ??? || Literate || Demonic Species RP?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2013, 03:15:36 am »
Known as Mythrim[/i] but no longer in-game! Message me on Discord at  Mythrim#0869