Author Topic: OMG!!! HOW DID U GET IN MY MAP!?!? (Sheesh, calm down)  (Read 1829 times)

Offline Silhouette

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OMG!!! HOW DID U GET IN MY MAP!?!? (Sheesh, calm down)
« on: November 08, 2013, 03:12:33 pm »
So I realize not nearly as many people go into Watermill as they used to but this has been an issue from the get-go when the game came out. For those of you tilting your heads wondering what Watermill is, its the map that appears on the log-in screen. Everyone who has the game actually does have easy access to Watermill but it is not as easy as it used to be. It USED to be (and don't do this unless you want a Watermill bare of plants and rocks) that you could open map maker, hit "Export" and boom, you had a portal to Watermill in Cape. THAT was in early versions. Now if you try to export it, or even just open it in Map maker to play with it, its bare of objects. So the only way in now is to make another map and place a portal in it with the destination as watermill and check the box for a portal for the first map to appear in the Cape. I used to adore RPing there but as of recently its grown more than a little unpleasant because I'll be in the middle of RPing and someone comes in screaming

OMG HOW DID U GET INTO MY MAP!!!?? and they're absolutely /freaking out/ as if its hacking. Its not hacking. Everyone has Watermill. You may have had the game for years and NEVER went in there but you DO have Watermill if you downloaded Feral Heart, guaranteed. Otherwise, your log-in screen wouldn't have anything behind it.

First off. Second, if you make your own map INSIDE of Watermill, that is to say if you make a map and you don't save it with its own name like you're SUPPOSED to, you WILL see people in your map when in reality, they're NOT in your map. They're in Watermill.

So the next time you make a map and you have kept it private OR you haven't even put it up for download and you see people running around in it, do not flip out. Check your map again and make sure its not saved as "Watermill" and CALM DOWN. People don't deserve to be barked at for your mistakes. /End rant.

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Re: OMG!!! HOW DID U GET IN MY MAP!?!? (Sheesh, calm down)
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 11:48:23 pm »
Indeed, I faild to get WM working, and one time saw Some one log into my 'WaterMill' Since I edited my own, and saw no one, and put it down to game lag.

i don't know nothing about mopeds
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