Author Topic: Overreacting.  (Read 1612 times)


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« on: February 16, 2014, 06:10:08 pm »
Alright. We've all been on FH, we're all familiar with the little slang-terms or whatever used when referring to people that a) type without proper grammar/punctuation. b) ask for mates or other stuff. and of course there are a lot more that I am not bothering to mention. But, you get it. We all have little titles for people who might have a 'skill' absent, or maybe they do something that is frowned upon that doesn't necessarily need to be frowned upon, but is anyway. Wolfspeakers, mate beggars, illiterates; we've all heard of these terms. And hell, I'd be lying if I said I haven't used them before in a way that put people down.  

But recently I've came across some things that I really would rather not see.

Aye, we might all be 'minding our own business' until some bloke with a question comes along, and then we'll all be disturbed or something silly like that. I suppose I don't mind mild complaints or pointers, per-say if someone asked for a mate and someone else directed them to bonfire. Really, that's a bit on the helpful side if anything. But I've seen people that will sit in the backround of conversations, and as soon as they see the words 'Can someone be my mate?' they fly into action. Action being using remarks like 'Go to bonfire, you don't belong here', 'Oh god. Another mate beggar. Ugh. Just what FH needs-- this is why I hate the community. Its gone so downhill', 'No-one wants to be your mate. Go. Away.'

And so on, and so on, and so on-- oh, and stuff up there is the slightest bit exaggerated, but not by much.

The same applies to people who use wolfspeak-- which I'm strongly against, but I don't call people out about it rudely. Say, someone uses the term 'fae'. You know what I've heard in the past? 'Oh, look. Another wolfspeaker. Morons don't know correct English,' 'Better get out the dictionaries, guys. These lot are gonna need it.'-- And again these are slightly exagerated, but not by much. Oi, ya know: the same applies in reverse, too. Use normal terms like eyes or female or something? Some 'wolfspeakers' will call you out on 'not being creative in wording', 'having little knowledge of similar terms', and so on, and so on.

Yeah yeah, that's nice: you. I've only pointed out the obvious examples of what I think are problems, and other people probably view them as problems too, but why? Some people just call others out on their mistakes in this community. Big whoop-o. They're learning anyway, aren't they? Well, it probably doesn't need to explained for a lot (I hope not), but I'm gonna put it in a fancy little quote and everything so maybe it can be remembered.

Just because someone asks a question, or does something you or others deem 'noobish',

Doesn't mean you be a jerk about it when explaining to them whats wrong or right.

I'm all in for people correcting others so they can learn and adapt to what goes on. Have it explained to them in a non-mocking manner, though. Don't tell people they're the lower scum of the game, because that is how some opinions or pointers are expressed.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 06:13:35 pm by FlyingTuck »

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Re: Overreacting.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 07:09:08 pm »
To be honest? I can't stand the term 'illiterate' in the first place. The definition for illiterate is as follows:
a person who is unable to read or write.

Nowhere in this term does it say that someone with a lesser ability is illiterate. You can, in most cases, understand what the person is saying and they can understand you - that isn't illiterate, it's simply having a lesser skill in the English language. Calling a person 'illiterate' for having this lesser skill is not a way to encourage them to attempt them to improve their skill, but rather drives them away from this game and likely gives them a negative view on the community and its members. In reality, most people in this community are alright, but the select group of people who are constantly jumping to the word 'illiterate' (and plenty of other rude terms too) can tend to make the whole bunch look bad. In the case of the term illiterate, I think people really need to watch the way that they use it.

As for wolfspeaking, I personally don't like it but I would not insult one who does. If you don't wish to use wolfspeak that is totally fine as it is your choice, but in no way does this make it acceptable to insult other people for doing something that you aren't particularly fond of. On the same subject, it's also not okay for a wolfspeaker to look down upon someone who does not wolfspeak. This goes back to the same thing as the reversed roles: don't like it, fine, but don't insult those who don't do the same thing as you.

Overall I would say that my gist is that people need to be a lot less judgmental, because it isn't giving the overall community a good appearance. Whether it be looking down upon 'illiterates,' insulting wolfspeakers, or anything of the sort, it's not something that should be encouraged, but rather something that should be frowned upon - in my opinion at least.

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Re: Overreacting.
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 07:32:16 pm »
You know, I have thought the very same thing.

And I agree full-heartedly with the both of you.


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Re: Overreacting.
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 05:41:44 am »
Something I wish to point out very well in this and it goes for many other posts or complaints throughout the time on this forum and inside the game. This is not aimed towards the OP since I understand their post but I wish to add onto this subject since one of the quotes in there is something that can be heard here and there and I just wish to put the plain and simple reply to it.

The whole "The game has gone downhill"," is just completely false. It's such an easy thing to say but very misleading in general. Even people with barely a year under their belt sometimes put out those words as well. If I'm going to be honest, I'd say it's rather these players and users getting a wider insight on the various type of players that exist and a broader sight on everything that can happen or can be seen. If you focus on the negatives you will most likely just see these, if you don't bother with them or cannot take the eyes of something fun, it's easier to see it slip past.

During the years this game has been here, and counting away the very first months in this game's life cycle, the players in the game and their over all behavior and outlook on most matters that are negative for players of various interests and kinds have remained exactly the same. By me myself sitting in the game just watching over people, hearing discussions, feelings or happenings going on, or just dealing with complaints or concerns and problems directly by users contacting you I can certainly say that the whole "downhill" statement is an overreaction and a drama move, and the most common times you hear this is from people that currently go through a messy situation in the game or community they more or less willingly placed themselves in. I'm really sorry if I sound blunt in this but in all honesty, players going on and on about illiterates, wolf speakers, lion king people, bonfire island, glitches of the game, horrid staffing, rude people, drama llamas, land claimers, trolls anything they want to appear negative has remained on fairly the same level as always, the community is what the individuals in it make it out to be. So depending on who you are or what you've done, you can see a sunny meadow with lovely friends and call it FeralHeart, or you can call it the worst community without doing anything about it.

FeralHeart in general is a huge clash of people of various interests and way to communicate and discuss, to put even more into the mix the whole game revolves around the chatting and socializing rather than game play like elements. But it does get tiresome hearing people here and there saying that the community went downhill or how it used to be better during the "golden days", in which I can do nothing else than to leave a very confused face since these peoples lack of insight of what the community have been through or is, is lacking so greatly and their claims simply have no backing. It has remained a complex matter since the get go, it's rather about how much you see as a person.

This is FeralHeart and it's a shame that so many people rather just sit around and find the shortest and easiest way out of it, rather than just trying to help the majority, be constructive instead of destructive. As much as many of us love what FeralHeart can be, it can be a rough place to be as well.
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Re: Overreacting.
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 01:12:15 pm »
*Claps Slowly*
Well said, Red.

I agree with you, actually, with all that you said.


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