Author Topic: The Prices of War (Warriors Fanfiction) Chapters 6,7, and 8 (Link to Animation)  (Read 1998 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Chapter 6~

"Crescentclan! Attack!" Slashstar cried out. Lionpaw dove into the camp, pouncing on a she-cat. The she-cat, growled, clawing Lionpaw's nose. With a hiss of pain, Lionpaw clawed her in the stomach with his hindlegs, and released the warrior. A cat barreled into Lionpaw. Growling, he turned, seeing a tan tom with a stub tail and black paws. He looked like an old apprentice or a young warrior. He knew this was Deerpaw. Lionpaw bit the apprentice's paw, and smacked his cheek. Before Lionpaw could roll under him, Deerpaw slashed his forehead. Lionpaw's vision went red. He collapsed on the ground, feeling the fur on his shoulder being ripped away. He tried to lash out at Deerpaw but the apprentice was agile, dodging his moves. His vision cleared and he saw Deerpaw had found another opponent. Lionpaw staggered to his feet. His shoulder was bleeding. He saw Shadowfang battling two warriors. Limping over he clawed a cat in the back. The warrior turned and pounced on Lionpaw. Lionpaw fell on his back, and clawed the warriors stomach. The warrior hissed, trying to claw Lionpaw's throat but the thick fur protected him. Lionpaw then used an old trick, playing dead. He felt the warrior loosen his grip. Lionpaw jumped up, and clawed the warrior's eye. Yowling, he ran off. Lionpaw suddenly got a blow to the head, a hard one. He collapsed. The last thing he heard was the deputy's call to retreat.

Chapter 7~

"Blizzardclan! We win!" The leader, Snowflakestar, yowled as he leaped onto the Highrock. His tail was bleeding, and his cheek was scratched. Deerpaw looked to see what caused them to retreat. He then saw what it was. Slashstar was being carried out of the camp, his shoulder was gushing out blood. They were also carrying Lionpaw. Deerpaw's cheek was bleeding and his paw was too. The medicine cat and her apprentice rushed out, treating the badly wounded first, then moving onto the less badly wounded. Deerpaw lay down, licking his paw. It soon stopped bleeding, and when the medicine cat joined him it had stopped bleeding completely. She placed some sort of paste on his cheek, then another paste on his paw.
"Thanks." Deerpaw mewed.
"Everyone.." Deerpaw looked up at Snowflakestar
"Everyone, we have beat Crescentclan in battle. Slashstar has lost two lives. We didn't lose any cats, thank Starclan. And I have a cat who I think his ready to be a warrior." Snowflakestar beckoned Deerpaw forward.
"Deerpaw, you have fought bravely during this battle. Do you uphold the warrior code to-"
A grey tom leapt onto highrock, slashing the leader's throat. The clan screeched in horror, surprise, and panic.
"NO!" Deerpaw screeched. Snowflakestar fell off of highrock. The grey cat looked at the clan, then he ran off. Snowflakestar was on the ground. Deerpaw ran over, "Snowflakestar!" The tom's formerly white neck was stained with blood. A gash was in it's place. The medicine-cat and her apprentice ran over, franticly trying to cover the wound. Deerpaw looked back up at the highrock. There was no trace of the cat who done it.
The medicine cat looked up. "An assassin. He must have been hired by another cat to kill him. Snowflakestar is dying quickly.
"He can't die. Maybe he just lost a few lives.." Deerpaw said, desperation in his voice.
"Snowflakestar is losing many lives. I tried my best. But his life in is Starclan's paws."
"What does that mean?!" Deerpaw mewed.
"It means I can't heal him at this level. Starclan decides what happens to him now."
"Oh please..let him live."

Chapter 8

Owlpaw trotted out of the apprentice's den, and stretched. She had taken a long nap. She walked to the puddle in the middle of the camp, but it was frozen over. She growled, "Why now?" Birchstar snorted, approaching from behind, "The river is frozen too. We are relying on moss to keep up hydrated. Go collect some." Birchstar mewed. Owlpaw nodded and dashed out of camp, looking for a tree with moss. She found one, and clawed it off gently. She rolled it up and picked it up in her mouth. Owlpaw found another tree and did the same, placing this piece of moss under her chin. When she returned Birchstar nodded in approval. She went to clean the elder's den. They were basking on a rock outside their den, so Owlpaw had no trouble. When she was cleaning out one of the dens she found something. It was a gold circle item with a jewel on it. Probably a twoleg item they found when they were a warrior. She placed it aside and resumed cleaning the dens. Owlpaw finished and placed the shiny thing under on the nest again. She walked outside and shook her pelt. Owlpaw walked towards the apprentices den, but she blinked and was in a new place.
  Owlpaw found herself in a forest. She looked around, "Hello? Where am I?" A cat approached her, her eyes blue and her pelt as white as the first snow.
"Hello Owlpaw. I am Snowstar and I come with a message."
"Are you sure.. I am just an apprentice!"
"Yes. But I don't have much time. The five clawed paws will join together and jou-" A roar erupted from the bushed, and two yellow eyes appeared. Owlpaw turned and ran. She looked back. Snowstar had run in another direction. But that was not what scared Owlpaw. It was a cougar. And he had it's eyes on Owlpaw, like she was lunch.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 07:09:21 pm by Dunastar »

Offline Trixxy

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Re: The Prices of War (Warriors Fanfiction) Chapters 6,7, and 8
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 04:02:12 pm »
Oh my... I can't this is just...


Please continue with the story! It's amazing<3

Offline Howl at the Moon

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Wow Duna! The animation is great for your first try, and the storyline is beginning to get exciting! Keep typing!