Author Topic: [Everdale] Literate & Longterm Realistic wolf/ect roleplay! Mapped!  (Read 1656 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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Your paws ached as you trailed the rocky terrain. You had been walking for hours; the vast forest in front of you never seemed to stop. Trees bowed down to an icy wind, causing your fur to ruffle every-which way until you caught scent of an unfamiliar; the wolf. Stopping in your tracks, you debated whether or not to continue, but your plans were cut short by a dark figure standing not too far from you.
"Why be your presence here?" His words were short and quick. He obviously didn't want to see you around, whether he was rogue or not.
"I am looking for somewhere to stay." you reply, paws chafing against the ground awkwardly as you stumbled back a few steps when he popped out of nowhere.
He limped forward a bit, scars heavily flanking his right side and eye. He had to be very, very old and grumpy.
"There is no place for you here. Be gone," he snarled, lips pulling back to expose very sharp and deadly canines. Suddenly, as if someone had slapped him in the face, he paused, emotionless. "You must come with me. Now!" he barked, galloping away daintily. You quickly followed after him into a small cave filled with treasures; the antlers of a red deer, a skin of a rather large rabbit and then suddenly various bone necklaces and bracelets, maybe a painted skull mask here and there.
"They will make sure you die," he said coldly.
"Them," he whispered, pointing to a clowder of cougars that paced back and forth, growling and snapping at one another.
"Are you sure that you smelt someone over here?!" screeched one of them, only to be spat at by another.
"Yes, I'm sure! You can smell it, too!"

"They make sure that no one else is in this land. My scars are the only memories of what they have done, and they will do the same to you." he chilled. "By the way, my name is Korun."
"You must stay with me for the rest of the day. Now, let's talk and figure out why you're here."

[Everdale is a roleplay that takes place in the Northern Rockies, NA. You must be literate and your character has to be realistic in order to join. However, your character can be a wolf, bear, coyote, bobcat, or whatever your imagination wants to be as long as it is native to the Rockies.]


Alright, I know I wrote a novel but lets get onto the rules!

1. NO CYBERBULLYING. Not only is it against the rules of FH, it also makes you look like a big jerk. If I catch you, it's not going to be fun for your IP address.

2. NO CUSSING. This game was meant for users of all ages. If you really need to cuss, then censor it out. This also counts for racial slurs.

3. ROLEPLAY DAYS ARE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. This is uber important!! If you cannot make it, then say so please. They usually take place around 4:30 PM EST. Here is a timezone converter.

4. NO DRAMA. Period.

5. BE NICE. I swear to god if I catch you being rude to someone... this also pairs up with the cyberbullying rule.

6. YOU MUST ONLY BE IN 2 OTHER ROLEPLAYS. There is a limit to ensure that everyone is involved / ect.

7. GENERAL CHAT IS FOR LOLS, not roleplay. GROUP CHAT is for OOC talk between your group. LOCAL is for IC roleplay. WHISPER is not used to spread rumors around and is to roleplay out things that should not be said.

8. YOUR POSTS MUST BE NO LESS THAN 3 SENTENCES. No, they cannot be baby sentences either. This is a LITERATE roleplay. If you don't want to type up atleast 30 words per post, then this is not the roleplay for you.

8. HAVE FUN!! If you joined this roleplay to have no fun... I don't know what's wrong with you. 8|

Roleplay Rules

7. NO DESCRIPTIVE MATING. It's disgusting. Roleplay out the nasty if you want, but do it in whisper and away from everyone else. And guys, please don't zoom in on them with F3 because that makes you look like a huge pervert.

8. ABSOLUTELY NO G-MODDING, MARY SUES OR GARY SUES. Oh my god, you don't know how many times I've seen these characters joining my roleplays and then recking havoc, causing the entire thing to crash even though this was specified in the rules. Seriously, don't do it because I WILL KICK YOU OUT OF THE RP. If you don't understand, go here; clickie!!

9. IF YOU ARE IN A GROUP, please listen to your leaders. This roleplay is shared by 3 groups. They [should] know what to do next.

11. PLEASE GO IN ORDER WITH POSTING. If you don't people will get confused and it will cause some IC actions to be 'ignored'.

12. SHARE THE MAP. None of it is yours, because it is all MINE. Territory disputes occur naturally within groups but don't take it personally. Follow the rules of nature as well; if you are a rogue, you will rarely enter another territory unless you want to look for a mate, join a group, or purposely hunt or trespass for the sake of IC drama. But remember that I OWN that map. Don't claim anything as your own OOC.

13. IC DRAMA IS IC. Do not take anything personally because they are not directing it at YOU, they are directing it at YOUR CHARACTER. Don't take IC drama into OOC, too, please because that breaks rules #1, 4 + 5. Do you see why I over-exaggerate them?

14. NO UN-NATURAL ITEMS! This also cooperates with the fact that this roleplay is REALISTIC. No knives, clothing, eyewear, ect. Jewelry, antlers and possible skull masks are exceptions. [Bone necklaces/bracelets, maybe your character is a deer or they wear the antlers of their first kill, skull masks are just a thing that fits in.] If anything else you must have a VALID REASON.

15. A list of your characters vitals [Physical health, emotional health, mental health] and how they are [currently] is a nice thing to have in your characters biography so you don't have to type 'The wounded ----- limped on it's left front leg where blood rushed out of the fresh wound because of...'

16. NO 'ABANDONED' PUPS/CUBS/ECT. I don't care if your character has been abandoned there by their' parents. In real life, THEY WOULDN'T LAST FIVE MINUTES with wolves and cougars around. Your character MUST be atleast 8 MONTHS OLD [when most species began to grow and change into young adults]. IF IT CANNOT TAKE CARE OF ITSELF BY THEN, it must find a MOMMA or DADDA that is the same species in no less than 3 REAL LIFE DAYS. And they cannot teach themselves; it must learn by it's BIOLOGICAL or ADOPTIVE parent/gaurdian.

And don't scroll down and copy it off of someone else's app, okay? I will know.


Please download everything you can from here.
Most of us [particularly me] do not have access to the Preset Sync, so all presets, maps and items will be available for download here.




1. A total of THREE groups can be held in the map.
2. All camps are caves; PM me for a layout of the cave you want. They are not premade.
3. Your group must have a total of 10+ ACTIVE members, including yourself.
4. Your group must have a PLOT and a REASON for moving into the map that I approve of.
5. Once groups are established, there will be a territory map. Also, please PM me for how large you want it to be. No, it can't be any larger than 1/4 of the map.
6. Your group members MUST FILL OUT AN APPLICATION.

1. FREE!
2. FREE!
3. FREE!


Here is a list of all characters involved in the roleplay.

Group 1 Name goes here

Group 2 Name goes here

Group 3 Name goes here

Rogues, Outcasts, ECT.

ALIAS- Ko? None.
AGE- Old; approx. 8 1/2 years.
SPECIES- Grey wolf [Red wolf traits]
SEXUALITY- Heterosexual
FAMILY- Parents are long forgotten; children have moved away and mate has passed. No siblings known.
PERSONALITY- Korun is an impolite, brash and cunning old fellow. He is very wise, although; living in the two valleys has aged him over so that he knows every turn of the next stone and what to avoid. He is often down in the dumps when everyone else is celebrating, but he has grown used to this. Not speaking to another one in ages, it has worn down on his sanity so he might seem skeptical about everyone and everything, but he truly wants to do them good. Inside the shell he is actually very gentle, caring and playful; even youthful at some points. But to those around him he is rude and feisty, much like your tall-tale Scrooge.
HISTORY- He grew up with his parents as a single child, yada-yada. He moved out in search of a mate, yada-yada. He found one, had a few children, then they carried on. One day, his mate passed and he was all alone until cougars viciously attacked him, blaming him for their' own problems. The day is still remembered via scars and a single blinded eye. Since then, few cougars remain in the park but among the humans there is talk of re-introducing select species.


[ img ]100 X 100 IMAGE OF YOUR IN-GAME CHARACTER HERE![ /img ]
SEXUALITY [optional]-
HISTORY [optional]-
MISC INFO [optional]-



And if it seems [in the eyes of the moderators] that I've posted this in the wrong category you can just go ahead and move it ene"

« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 09:55:50 pm by Roe »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: [Everdale] Literate & Longterm Realistic wolf/ect roleplay! Mapped!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 pm »
[reserved post]

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: [Everdale] Literate & Longterm Realistic wolf/ect roleplay! Mapped!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 10:09:49 pm »
[reserved post] plot stuff goes here
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 10:11:37 pm by Roe »