Author Topic: [:] The Blood Legion [:]  (Read 1268 times)

Offline Sentry

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[:] The Blood Legion [:]
« on: January 09, 2014, 08:39:35 pm »
You are a blood wolf.
The Blood Legion is your Mother
The Blood Legion is your Father
Honor your Mother and honor your Father
You are a fighter, a warrior stained with the blood of the fallen.
You fight in the front to stare straight into the eyes of your enemy.
And slaughter them with their own claws.
We need no weapons of Iron like the Iron Legion.
We need not to strike from the shadows like the Brotherhood.
We are front liners.
We kill with our bare claws and with the power of her jaws.
We strike in the open.
And the one thing that matters to us.
Is Victory.
Are you strong enough to come face to face with death?
Or will you hide from its grasp.
Or die.
[:] The Blood Legion [:] Is literate to strictly literate Canine RP,mapped,plotted,semi realistic to unrealistic,rivaled and  with its own website.

In order to join please post an RP Sample below.
______Main plot_______________
It has been a decade since the ancient spirits had risen up against the rule of humanity ending the species once and for all, during this time the ancient Tree of Life mentioned in ancient Celtic legends appeared to the world taking on the burden of restoring it to the way it was before the humans arrived.But there are no happy endings in life.A plague broke out injecting into the genes the ability to either control a power of element,spiritual, or mental to those who it infected.
This caused mass panic among those who were not causing them to segregate their infected brothers and sisters and soon a war broke out between Pure and Peculiar.
Famine now rages throughout the land.
And the sky is forever tinted with the blood of the fallen.
For as the corruption and chaos spreads.
The tree continues to die.
The world does to.