Author Topic: "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" HELP!  (Read 1423 times)

Offline BITE1

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"FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" HELP!
« on: January 07, 2014, 09:01:34 pm »
Please help me if you can!

   This has been happening for a about 2-3 days now ever since I downloaded a, rather large, map. I have a brand new laptop, barely anything downloaded on it, so my computer being old isn't an issue. The creator of the map said because of its size that it may cause crashes, which it did for me, and said to delete the weather file, and I did.
   It worked for a while, the I kept on crashing and it said, "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working." It says that everytime! I turned off water reflection and changed the rendering subsystem to OpenGL, and changed the view distance and anti-aliasing to 0. Again, it worked for a while, then I kept on crashing and getting the same message.
   I can get to the part where to can create to select a current character, but when I try to go onto the map, it says the same thing and keep crashing.
   I don't know what to do anymore... Please help me! ;.;


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Re: "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" HELP!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 09:20:16 pm »
Set your video settings the lowest they can go. Also, go into C: >>> feralheart >> media >particles and delete any ending in _0, _1, etc.

You could try keeping only FH's window up. ^^

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Re: "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" HELP!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2014, 08:21:54 pm »
To retrieve your characters, try this.

Hello there Floofs,
So upon some of the recent change with the new "Panel" name switch, some confusion on the old version of it still lingers here, So this is a guide of the NEW "Character Reset" that was used but has changed due to the new Preset sync that was introduced recently. Now onto the tutorial. For others who do come across threads that tie into this, you may use as ref if you may.

Why do I need Character Reset:
The reason this was made is to save your character from bad maps or just "bad token" maps that you may come across. This was introduce sometime in 2012-2013 to save characters instead of delete and re-make characters again. Very useful tool for those who happen to go into a private map and doesn't quite work.

Step 1

Well if you have a character in a "dead" map or you have the constant "Failed to connect" or "Bad Token. Then try this Character Reset. When you log in you will see something like this on your top right hand side.
NOTE If you do not see something like this when you log in, then try to log in again. Usually it does turn off for some odd reason after you are gone for a while. Just like when the system logs you out from the forums when you haven't done anything for a long time.
Anyways, the only major change here is that the "Character Reset" has name changed to "Panel"

Step 2

For security reason you do have to log in again with your ingame username and password.
NOTE DO NOT log in with your forum name, this does not work

So for example I would have to log in as Youshallfearme2 since that is MY username, I don't log in as Feareh. Once that step is done, then you are ready for step 3.

Step 3

Red Arrow: This "Reset" button will poof your character back to Lonely Cave. The basic concept of the Reset is generally understandable.
Green Arrow: The "Go Home" sends your character back to the last place you set home to. So if you set your home to the South Pole, when you click this it will poof your character there.
Once you have completed these steps you then successfully saved your character from a bad map. Just a minor note that if you are logged in when you are doing this, it is strongly recommended that you log off and log back in for it to take effect.

Additional/New Features

Now for the new features that the "Panel" tab has to offer there are mainly two other functions. One being the Preset Uploader, and the other being the "Full Account Reset"

Reason for them: Main reason for the Preset sync is to cute down the constant jumbling around for preset links from people. Such as going to mediafire or dropbox just for a persons preset. Preset Sync was made by Raz to fix the hassle and it ONLY works if you have downloaded the preset sync tool onto your computer. If you yourself want this preset sync visit the link below:

Preset Sync:

For the "Full Account Reset", it is basically give you a clean slat. Where you start from the very beginning in your account and removing literally everything from friends/groups/ and even characters. Only do this when you really want to start over in the game since once you enter in your password in there, it will be permanent.

Well that is all in this tutorial, and I hope that this does enlighten some people in the new system. For further questions on hoe to retrieve your character, feel free to PM me and ill get to you as soon as I can.

? Rukia ?

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Re: "FeralHeart.exe has stopped working" HELP!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2014, 06:58:35 pm »