Author Topic: Scar's True Color(s)  (Read 2889 times)


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Scar's True Color(s)
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:54:53 am »
So I have just noticed for a very long time that my Scar coloring, and others colorings were incorrect. I just learned this last night from a literate orange Scar last night. This is not pointed towards anyone, it is a simple thing I have decided to show. Scar is not brown. The proof? These.

Many people have either used this, or just any official movie picture they search on Google, which is usually him in the shade.

Thus, it ending up like this in-game.
Scar is not dark brown.
I mean, think about it. Scar's brother is light, and so is his father. It would make sense if either A. Someone else in the family had dark brown fur, or B. He would just be dark colored because he's the antagonist in the movie.

So now, it leads to my final picture. Scar in the sunlight.
As you can see, his fur is not only orange-ish, but his mane has a darkish red look as well.

Also, a look at what he should have been seen in-game.

So I guess it's the end of my some-sort of... I think a rant.

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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 04:19:26 am »
Hmm. Very interesting of you to point this out.
I've seen the Lion King about 93847 times and I didn't even catch on to the little details of Scar's pelt coloring. There are far too many unnaturally dark brown "Scar" RPers in Bonfire I've spotted. While I've never RP'd as a Lion King character, this observation sure helps shed some light on the matter of derp TLK character colors seen there.
You've got quite a good eye.
Thank you for sharing this! +floof. ouo
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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 04:38:52 am »
Thanks. I have seen the movie a lot of times and I've NEVER noticed either. xD

Sir Equius

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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2014, 05:24:30 am »
D--> You seem to have alot of time on your hands to make a rant like this.

D-->It's a nice way to show people Scar's "true" colors, but what does it really matter? People see the Lion King characters very differently when it comes to their pelt colors and appearences. Maybe it has to do with their computer monitors, or their television screens whenever they would watch the movie. Every sceen is different.

D--> I've seen the movie plenty of times too (probably way before you were even born) I've always seen Scar to have black mane and reddish brown fur, does that mean I'm wrong? He's not really dark brown, but more of a reddish kind of brown. In the sunlight, yeah he'll be a little lighter. But when a shadow is cast on him, he turns into a brown color. The example of "incorrect Scar" you showed looks decent to me. But that's just me.

D--> Does it annoy you to see a Scar character that is "dark brown"? I really think nothing of it. I see a few Simba or Mufassa characters that are smiley face yellow, but who am I to go over to them and tell them that their character is inacurate. The people making them are probably really young and just splashed the color they thought was best on the Lion King character. Now if we see a neon green Simba... okay that's way off the chart XD

Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling now. 

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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2014, 07:50:26 am »
I want to point out some very important things here when it comes to any coloring of Lion King related characters or discussions regarding what is "true" and what is not inside of the game.

The answer is really that there's several different factors, and sometimes these factors can even mislead people into thinking they more right than another regarding the actual colors of a character taking place in these movies. Even though I myself have managed to stay clear from jumping into discussions like these in the game for years now since I find them a bit pointless, I do still hear them from time to time, and I've also heard quite a lot of different arguments regarding what is correct or false according to different kinds of users in the game. Personally though this is something that takes a longer time to break down for someone, especially if they have a really low attention span or convinced they have the true colors, or even something like a chat flying by in the game. However, I will go through these things and I sure do hope that people that read this will take the information in.

The saturation or color intensity in The Lion King 1, is a lot more intense in the first movie rather than the second one. When it comes to a general night scene or day scene the colors of the characters are more intense than in the second movie. Yes there were design changes on the characters along with it, but keep in mind that some people might look on Simba in the first movie for example, while someone might look or try top copy the Simba colors from the second movie. Just this single thing, plain off the bat creates confusion among most. But it's not only the characters, the vegetation and surroundings is also less colorful in the second movie, never can you truly compare a character when people refer to two different movies where the coloring is different.

Number 2: The In-movie weather and surroundings
As you mentioned in the thread before, Day, dusk, dawn, cloudy, rainy, night, All these play a difference. The animators used different colors for all the different scenes. I'd say if you want the most common or straight to the point color you should go with a non shaded part of the body in direct sunlight. Not all users keep this in mind and will try to recreate characters and just trying to copy from a misleading picture.

Number 3: Movie playback
Some ripped versions of the movies, whether you have done it yourself or got it in other ways can have more or less gamma to them, even some media players can display the movie slightly different with it's own settings and preference. Just the most tiny change to a clip with something like the gamma can change how something colorful like a Lion King character appear.

Number 4: FeralHeart's OWN day and night cycle
The game itself display colors in it's own way during daytime and nightime not comparable to the movie. As many players have noticed themselves, the characters can appear to get a pink/purple ish tan during night time for example which is one of the most noticeable things. But in general if you'd just try to eyedrop tool colours of a character, and use the sliders in the character creator to make your "Exact copy", digitally you are using the same colors as your movie or screenshot display, yes, but it will still look slightly different in the game and it's effect on textures. If you make a lion king character you don't have to be spot on from a screenshot, instead I'd rather say try to modify it slightly so it goes well with the game lighting rather than the screenshots.

Number 5: Monitor settings
This is not necessarily something that changes the characters, screenshots or the movie itself, but it changes how we behind the screen see a character to a bigger or lesser extent. Most monitors come with different adjustments and settings, and if you line up different monitors next to each other, you can see differences even if you haven't changed anything and use factory settings. So in all honesty, something that looks more natural or spot on to you behind your monitor, may not look the same on someone elses screen and this comes to everything. In general it's normally not a huge difference, but when it comes to something so delicate as the exact colours of these characters, people can get a bit thrown off. After all, most modern displays you can both adjust gamma, saturation and contrast.

Number 6: Modified Screenshots
Screenshots seen on something on google can be heavily or minor manipulated when it comes to things like brightness, contrast and saturation. Keeping also the very first points I listed up top regarding the video play pack of the raw clip or which player used these screenshots can vary a lot alone. However what I wanted to point out with this is that many of these screenshots could've been modified more or less before they even got placed on our lovely internet. Something that is very common that some might just forget about is that people pull up the saturation on some screenshots quite a lot to give it more colours and appear more appealing to our eyes rather than a more dull colorless screenshot.

So there you have most of it! In the end it's really about how much you have diddled around with movie clips, raw movies, photoshopping and editing or just watching the movie, maybe even playing around with display settings. So in the end, it's really down to all this, and what you believe is right. Now of course, someone might question my claims here as well and why all, or some I said here should matter so much.

Even though I cannot claim to be the one that's absolutely right, I have my reason of thought and upon what I base colours on and believe is right. I have spent endless amount of hours watching on these movies, not only by watching it infront of a TV or computer, but actually editing these clips, manipulated them for music videos with various filters and effects, done playback in various players and computers, just to go back and do it again. I've done a lot of photoshopping with screenshots from these movies and I've used the many tools for colors and image adjustments over the years. As much as I understand that a group of people can instantly point at a character and say, "Hey that's not right!", when it comes to serious matters of these colours, this discussion sometimes throw me off, and the claims people make of why they are the "right one" leave me rather certain that  these people do not take enough of consideration of what's around them and what that can affect a picture, they only look on what they have and what they've seen.

Now closing off my rant, yes, in Daylight I'd consider Scar more orange than brown, but if I'd personally make a scar It would have a slight distinct color due to how the game does things.

I do hope people found this information useful!
Also sorry for derpy wording in some parts, late night foruming at it's finest.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 07:57:44 am by Red »
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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2014, 06:17:15 pm »
It doesn't truly annoy me to see a dark brown Scar. I actually had a dark brown Scar before someone started arguing with an orange Scar, and in the end he was "correct".

Thank you for the information, Red. I do agree with changing the color a bit due to how the game works because I did actually have to play around with the colors so he would look less neon-ish and his underfur looked similar to his pelt. I did this with a Mufasa, and left the colors alone. It looked wierd, to be honest.
I have never thought of it that way, though.
I do love your music videos, too. :3

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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2014, 06:47:53 pm »
I agree with Red's post, but most people are able to get the coloring kinda correct. However in my time with FH I've seen some wacky TLK characters. For example, the other day I saw a Scar with a bright white mane, and a long time ago I saw a Simba with a black mane and green tiger markings. That's the sort of thing that bugs me. 
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Scar's True Color(s)
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2014, 01:15:17 am »
Unlike most of the others, I knew this. I have actually seen some Scars that are a chocolaty brown with duller green eyes. I saw one today, actually...

^^; Some people just don't get it. I have seen some VERY accurate ones however.

I agree with Red and Kiki.

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