Author Topic: ~Eastern Woodland Pack~Mapped,Sited,Semi Realistic,Semi Literate-Literate,Active  (Read 872 times)

Offline xxGreenDayxx

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~Eastern Woodland Pack~

       We are a new,Mapped,Sited,Semi Realistic,Semi Literate - Literate,Active Wolf pack Roleplay.

History: Long ago a pack resided in a woodland area.They were never bothered for the reputation they held was one you wouldn't want to mess with.This pack was fierce,merciless,and obtained unbelievable strengths one normally would never see.It's said they came from far away lands that are said to exist , but have never been see or heard of.When the sky went black and all the lights went out it's said that this pack clashed with the demons below.The fight lasted forever and their battle howls forever frozen into the dark sky.Many claim if you listen closely you can still here those howls.When the sun rose in the sky a few weeks later there had been no signs a pack even lived in the woodland or that a fight even went on.The only thing that remained was a rare pelted wolf that would soon rise creating this pack again,only this time it would be different beyond belief
Alpha: EWA I/II -(1/2)

Alpha Pups: EWAP I/II/III/IV - (0/4)

Alpha Guards: EWAG I/II/III/IV - (1/4)

Messenger: EWM I/II/III - (0/3)

Beta: EWB I/II - (0/2)

Delta: EWD I/II - (0/2)

Lead Spy: EWLS I - (1/1)

Spy: EWS - (0/10)

Lead Warrior: EWLW I - (0/1)

Warrior: EWW - (Unlimited)

Lead Hunter: EWLH I - (0/1)

Hunter: EWH - (1/10)

Lead Scout: EWLs I - (0/1)

Scout: EWs -(unlimited)

Elder: EWE - (unlimited)

Omega: EWO - (unlimited)

Lead Prisoner Guard: EWLPG I - (0/1)

Prisoner Guard: EWPG - (unlimited)

Prisoner: EWP - (unlimited)

Pups: EWp - (0/20)

~Pack Rules~
Obey and Respect your Alphas at all times(Refusal to do so will lead to a warning)

If someone has a high rank taken. (EX: If your a female and want to be a Beta but the rank is already taken by a male, you have to be mates with that male. This goes for any high rank.)

If your a pup You must grow at some point and When your a pup you cant fight off wolves or preditors(Ex:Glanceing up the pup gazed into the hazel eyes of a beast.From the looks of it's claw size and its fur patterns it must be some type of cat.Doing the only thing i could do to protect my love ones, i sprang into action ,and attacked the beast.) You are a defenseless,weak pup for the time being.

If more than one wolf likes another wolf the ones who both like that wolf are to challenge each other whether they are males both liking the same female or a females both like that one male.

Take your ranks seriously and act your part.Don't think that just because your higher ranked that your rank can't be provoked (Ex:Say your alpha guard and another wolf comes near the alpha no matter if its a pack mate or not....It's your duty to protect the alphas from anyone or anything.If you just stand there and ask the alpha if you should make the wolf keep their distance or not,your not taking your rank very seriously.)(failing to do so will result in you dropping down to the rank omega)

Be active as much as possible.If your not active within three days without notifying your alphas of your absence you will be kicked from this group,No ands,ifs, or buts about it.

Use full sentences when rping please.

Be as realistic as possible.

No powerplaying or Godmodding


WARNING: if you are omega you will be picked on in rp and possibly used to train other wolves(not in OCC though,when not in rp you will be respected like everyone)

~joining forum~
RP Sample:

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 09:51:43 pm by Ally »