Author Topic: I'm Haunted...  (Read 1559 times)

Offline LightWolfWarrior

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I'm Haunted...
« on: February 02, 2014, 07:17:06 pm »
Hello again! This is Akari here making a new story :3   It's somewhat quick and I was writing off of retardedness *cough* my own thoughts... OvO  I blame my stupidiodicy (I make up words, okay?) for dying before I decided to write this. Note that this isn't fully detailed since I really never seem to go all the way with these until I actually come up with a great story; (>.<) which I can't seem to do. I may make this better and more detailed...its the reader's choice. :3  Also, I'm sorry for never remaking "One, Two, She's Coming For You..." I just kinda didn't have time. (famous last words, I had all the time in the world :3)
 Well, without further ado and useless talking that no one will actually read, THE REST OF THE STORY!  Enjoy~

It hadn't exactly been the easiest day for me. Lately, I had been experiencing strange illusions and hallucinations. Some were mild and even funny, others had be curled on my bed crying out of sorrow or fear. I had gone to the doctors' about it, my parents had consulted a psychologist, and so many more people who could supposedly 'help' with my new found problem. Today, while I was sitting quietly in math class, I swear I saw a knife fly through my best friend who sat next to me. It was all so real. The blood curdling scream, the silver, bloodstained knife sticking out of her chest, the blood splattering over her body and my face. At that moment, in the dead silent of the actual class. I burst into tears. All eyes were on me. It was so horrible. My teacher looked up from her papers and stared directly at me. Christina, my dear friend, turned to me with wide green eyes. I buried my face in my hands, crying my heart out. She gripped my shoulder tightly and shook me. I had long since told her about my problem. She had no idea what I just experienced, but she tried to help in every way she could. "Maggie!" she called. Her voice seemed to fade away as the darkness began to drip down around me from fake barriers. I guess my closest friends and the teacher had gathered around, for I could feel my body being shook and their countless attempts to console me. The black continued to rain down until I could see no one, or anything for that matter. Random screams began to puncture through my mind, burning holes into my head and filling my ears. Big, salty tears ran down my face like rushing rivers. I covered my ears tightly, trying to make the screams stop. I trembled in my invisible seat. "Maggie..." I heard a soft voice that belonged to Christina. Images of her dying self flashed in front of my eyes. "Maggie." this time it was more clear. I felt a violent shaking on my shoulder. "Maggie!" she screamed. She seemed to pop up in front of me. I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. Blackness was still concealing everything but me... and her.I looked into her lifeless, glazed over eyes. The knife was still in her chest and a shaking hand reached up and pulled it out slowly. I screamed until my throat was raw at what I saw next. On the end of the knife....was none other than her heart, somehow still beating.

"Hey! Maggils!" I heard my voice being called in reality. "W-what?" I answered, blinking and feeling a small tear riding down my cheek. "You're crying... We're almost to your house by the way!" Christina smiled like nothing of the following day actually happened. "Oh...Yay." I grinned, wiping away my tear. Chrissy was to spend the night tonight, something we hadn't done in about a month thanks to her parents. She pulled her iPod out of her pocket and opened up her notepad and quickly typed something down. She read over it before handing it to me. I read the black manga-like text in my head. "You were thinking about 1st period today weren't you...?" the text said. I shuddered, quickly typing back, "Yes...I can't stop thinking about it. It's the first bad one I've had in awhile." I handed it back to her, my blue eyes looking wet and reflective. I blinked away my forming tears and wiped my eyes quickly, making sure my mom or sister didn't see me crying. She nodded her head at me, deleting the note and sticking her iPod in her blue jean pocket. "TGIF." I suddenly said. Though I had my illusions, or, 'daymares' as I tended to call them, it never kept me from being random. I was still a fun, crazy blonde, and nothing could change that.

They all agreed, especially Chrissy. "Thank Jesus." she literally thanked him. "Mer. I still gotta show you that Memories video!" I suddenly remembered. We take videos all the time of ourselves being random so we'll never forget our friendship or our memories. I merged some parts of each video into one and added a song we found together and it made the perfect mix. She was dying to see it, but she never got the chance since she couldn't spend the night often. We pulled up to my house and ran inside. The first thing we did was go to my room and unload her heaps of things she brought along. I swear she wanted to live with me.

The following night at about 9:30, we switched on my T.V to watch some ghost shows. We loved to do that and surround ourselves with humongous childhood stuffed animals. What? Teenagers can't love stuffed animals?

"Oh my God!" I suddenly screamed, grabbing her shoulders and scaring the heavens out of her. "Maggie you idiot!!! I hate you so much!!" she yelled at me. "I know you love me." I said sarcastically, nudging her arm with my elbow. "Bah." she huffed angrily, but quickly getting over it. She looked around for another bag of chips in our little barricade of animals.  Here's what we do:
1. We pull out my second bed from under mine.
2. We get butt loads of food and soft drinks.
3. We surround ourselves with huge stuffed animals. (My life sized wolf for example)
4. We cover up with a blanket up to our faces.
5. We pray we won't die of a heart attack.
6. We eat and drink whenever we feel the need to, no matter how scary the show gets.
7. After finishing our show and growing tired, (Usually occurs at 4:00 in the morning) go to sleep and have nightmares.

And a nightmare I did have. We went to sleep at 3:00, pretty early for us. I woke up at 4 in a cold sweat. I looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes were almost black. As in, you couldn't see anymore dark blue and white streaks in my eyes black. I jumped out of my bed and across hers, trying to land quietly on my toes and not wake her. She was a light sleeper and once she was awake, there was no going back. I quietly opened my bathroom door and stalked inside. I gently glided my hand over the textured wall and tried to find the switch. I felt something that I wished I didn't. I felt rough skin and ragged, knotty hair. I jumped backwards out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut, crawling over the now awake Christina into my warm bed. "No... Is this another hallucination?" I asked myself, breathing in a shallow manner. "Mags?" I heard Chrissy yawn in her just-waking-up voice. "Just... go back to sleep." I huffed, trying to hide my eyes from her stare. She quickly sat up and grabbed my long blonde locks, yanking my head sideways to look at her. She caught a glimpse of my black eyes and fell backwards. "Stop! I won't hurt you. There's something in there... I gotta kill it. I just need a... knife." I twitched, my black eyes looking around. I don't know ho they got that way. I felt fine, I swear I didn't have a demon in me. I stood on all fours and fell back on my feet, sliding off my bed and across Chrissy's. "I'll be back." I simply said before running out the door. The pitch black hall was physically dark and I could see nothing except even blacker hands jerking out of the walls and grabbing at me. Another hallucination? I didn't know. I couldn't tell what was real and what was not.

I skid into the kitchen, stumbling in a hasty attempt to get a knife. I froze quickly. I found one. It was sticking up from its holder, now covered with thick, red blood. Or was it red? I took a closer look at my hand with the knife sticking out of it. It was definitely a real wound, for I could feel the horrible pain. My blood, though, was black. I gripped the knife with my free hand and quickly slid my damaged hand off of it, cutting flesh like it was a pound of beef. I let out a quiet cry, forcing myself to be quiet. I quickly picked up the knife and sprinted to my room, forcing myself to ignore the jolts of pain in my hand. I bashed my door open with my foot, and low and behold, and mangled girl lay dead on the pull out mattress. Her green eyes had been ripped out and he chest was split open. "Oh my God...n-no... No!" I screamed in anger,  slashing out at air. In reality, Christina was on my bed sitting against the wall with wide eyes as I lashed out at nothing, but I didn't know that. I swung my bathroom door open in a rage, losing my footing on the slippery carpet and falling onto my knife. The life slowly began to leave my eyes as I bled out. Christina had run into the bathroom and flicked on the lights, screaming at me in terror with tears running down her face. It was all blurred and her screams sounded like high pitched rumbles.

I laughed, my blue eyes crazed. I coughed up my own blood and it dripped from the side of my mouth down my cheek. "Remember....Christina," I coughed harshly. "It's better this way, if I die now and leave these nightmares to you!"

I awoke with a start to find it was bright outside. I checked my clock. Nine o'clock in the morning. I survived the night. It was another nightmare, another illusion, another piece of my sanity being torn away. I looked over at Christina, making sure she was still alive. Yep. She was. She was on her iPod, most likely on twitter. "Mornin'." she looked up at me. "Will you please kill me?" I puffed, burying my face in my pillow. "Another nightmare?" she asked, shutting of her iPod. "Yeah." I hid my tears in my pillow.

"This time... It was me."

I'm sorry this was kinda on the crazy side....... >.>  I hope you liked it though! It might get taken down due to the.... horribleness. o.o FORGIVE ME!!!! D:

I would like to thank not only God, but Jesus, for I See Stars.


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Re: I'm Haunted...
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2014, 07:51:36 pm »
Lovely story
You're talented yk?  :)

Offline LightWolfWarrior

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Re: I'm Haunted...
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2014, 08:36:26 pm »
Lovely story
You're talented yk?  :)

  Awh! Danke very much Dundee ^^ That means alot to me! -gives cookie-

I would like to thank not only God, but Jesus, for I See Stars.