Author Topic: Vanishing Shadows  (Read 1502 times)

Offline kayla1235

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Vanishing Shadows
« on: February 16, 2014, 06:05:17 pm »
The Vanishing Shadows
This creature is made by Dogsgorawr, do not make without permission or filling out an application below.
The Background
Killodon's were found about a year ago which was shocking to most people in the world. No one knows where the Killodon's exactly came from or how they came to be. People say they just came out of the hiding in the caves and have always been here the entire time, kind of like bigfoot, but only know one found a bigfoot yet. But the truth is, they've been here the entire time, hiding deep in the last cave.

Killodon's eat mostly meat, but since they live in a large cave with a large body of water, they eat fish and other sea creatures they can find in the body of water. That being said, they love the water and will swim all day long if they want to. Anywhere in caves and around water is where a Killodon would love to be since it provides their food and water.

Like I said before, they normally settle in dark places like caves. A cave with large bodies of water like the Last Cave? Perfect! Something like Ficho Tunnel? That's an okay place, but the Killodon's won't normally settle there since there are lots of other creatures that live there, and they hate to live in crowded areas with other creatures because its just their personality toward them, mean and nasty. Anyway, caves are the perfect spot for them to settle since they can't be out in the sun, but they do settle on islands but that is rare since they are indeed out in the open. If Killodon's do live out on islands, when its morning they take shelter in large bushes,under trees,anything with shade is where they would hide in the morning. In the night, they would come out.

The behavior toward other creatures isn't very good. They will literally go in attack mode if a creature approaches them that is not their kind. If the creature is a shifter and can shift into their form, they still will not by it because they know shifters can shape-shift into many things like snakes,dogs,wolves, and other things. However, the Killodon does give warning growls to the creature that approaches them but if the creature refuses to go. They strike, trying to bite and stab at the creature.

The colors of a Killodon range to a dark grey, to almost black. Their markings are also black. However, there are some albino Killodons but they are very rare to see in a Killodon group, and almost never happen. If an albino Killodon is seen, it is most likely a female, and will range from a light grey color to white. The markings of an albino Killodon will be a light grey color.

Application & More
Character Name(Killodon must be in your name)-
I agree to the terms to be a Killodon- Yes/No
Other- (If your other is about being an albino Killodon, albinos are not being accepted)

1. You have mass markings
2. You have pawesome pack V4
4. You're literate

Do not let your friend make a Killodon without permission
Please credit me in your bio
No begging to be an Albino Killodon, it will not happen
Be nice to pack members, which means no bullying!

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: Vanishing Shadows
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2014, 06:26:32 pm »
Absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see some Killodons in-game sooner or later.  ;D

Offline meow101

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Re: Vanishing Shadows
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2014, 06:27:51 pm »
I might join. I'll think about it. c: Can't wait
Art removed. Credit the artist and do not claim work that is not your own.
Find me In-Game as meow101

Offline kayla1235

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Re: Vanishing Shadows
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2014, 06:37:33 pm »
Thanki both c: I hope I can keep them alive, I find it hard making a species because people can steal work and all that.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16