Author Topic: Calling Homeless RP groups!  (Read 394 times)

Offline Thaddeusgrey

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Calling Homeless RP groups!
« on: February 20, 2014, 02:03:15 am »

For other examples of my meshes, look here!

Hello out there FH rpers! Do you need a home? Searching for a lovely mountain to call your own? Have a specific landscape feature found in your rps that you'd love to have in-game? Or would you just like to have something unique to call your own?

"But wait!" you might say. "This is a pretty sorry looking mountain. It looks like a shapeless mass!"
And it is! But that's because the detail hasn't been added yet 8) That, my friends, is up to you.

I am offering a FREE (no points, trades, or anything like that required) mountain base for customization by ONE of you snazzy rp groups to claim and have me customize for you for FH! You just need to supply me with at least one of the following:

One or more rough to detailed reference sketches of your home mountain
Visit one of my livestreams with two or more of your fellow rpers to guide me through sculpting it live in Sculptris(we can schedule this privately to make sure we can all be there if you'd prefer)
One or more photographic references (I don't care where you get it, as long as it's clear/high res enough for me to see it) showing me what you'd ideally like your mountain to look like

And if you have any specific features you'd like to be present, such as number and complexity of dens, cliffs, smaller formations, caves, etc, I will need a list of those, either in image reference form or word form (please consider that if you choose to write your list out I will interpret your descriptions at my discretion, so it may turn out different than how you saw it in your mind.)

Please COMMENT here instead of private messaging to claim your slot!

The current slot is for a MOUNTAIN ONLY. If you would like another landscape formation, I will be offering others later!

I am currently advertising this on DA and Weasyl as well. If someone takes the slot on either of those first, I will be sure to update this thread as such 8)