Author Topic: Dem Cliches  (Read 3778 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2014, 02:47:26 am »
Just wanted to bring up a fairly good point that I read while talking to TangledBowties, a very lovely FHer.

He brings up that all cliches are prominent in all works and it's either a hit or miss as not everything is purely original. Well, certainly, there are things you can make up and WILL be original to your own time and whatnot! Cliches are a molding that people use and have a common tag about them such as the children that lost their parents at a fairly young age. Can we not all agree that we've seen that in many shows or books we have read?

Tangled made the point of cliches if done right and work and I full heartedly agree to this! Mind you, repetition is extremely dull in the linear world of an RP and if seeing it everywhere, well, that sort of ruins the quality of the cliche and just makes it a norm.

Everyone is already on a good page and only a minimal point was given to actually verify what was either a misunderstanding or a bad generalization(I admit on my part). I added you as MochaCocoa mentioned it and as did you (and I went on an assumption).

There is no need for further deriding from the original topic as that is disrespectful to the OP and against FeralHeart rules. No one came to accuse you or throw your name into shame. It's not right to write an entire post based off of that.

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2014, 03:44:39 am »

Now dem cliches.
I realized FeralHeart would be less enjoyable without them, even if some of us don't find them enjoyable and humorous. One of my favourites I haven't seen in awhile are Scene characters. Anyone remember them? I kinda wish they would come back because their back stories where truly golden. Also they're pretty fun to hang out with. Just making bogus groups and creating drama. I also like those clan doctors.(usually lionesses... or just cats?) Basically they could use a leaf and a flower alone to fix fatal wounds and broken limbs. Someone drowns? Just call a clan doctor over and they will rub some leaves on the dearly departed and... WALLAH! Good as new. Not even an ounce of water in their lungs. Not sure if that counts as characters with magic powers or power play. But it's all the same. I really just can't believe I haven't seen anything on the forums about these miracle performing clan doctors. Best Feral cliche of the year award would definitely go to them.

I apologize to everyone, especially Coalara-The-Eevee.
I mistakenly got offended. Props and floof to SoaringAway for clearing that up and making a valuable side point this topic lacked.

Offline Eviny

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Re: Dem Cliches
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2014, 01:01:05 am »
My personal opinion is that of a pure no to the majority of cliches if they are not done well. I remember using them along with lots and lots of Mary Sue traits when I was younger, but when I found the list and information about the cliche traits on these forums I began looking for those traits in my characters, and eventually, really despising and avoiding them if only possible. Nowadays I try to make quite literally everything original, but this might also be due to the fact of myself being quite a perfectionist when it comes to creativity.

  If I'd have to say a cliche that offends me the most of the ones I can think of at the moment it would definitely be the "insane" and blind characters.
  As stated in another topic, you should do even some actual research on any disability and disorder or it can become very offending to someone with said disorder or disability. As a person who has quite a serious visual impairment and who is technically half blind I do find the cliche with blind and half blind characters quite uncomfortable most of the time. Why is every character like this needing to be hated ever since they were born? Why did people just straight off abandon or mistreat them because of the disablity no matter what it is? Why can't they simply for once have a fine and happy life? Real animals to my knowledge would not care or they would kill off the weaker one as harsh as it does sound. But if you want to roleplay someone with a disability, for example blindness or some form of it, there are people who actually live just fine with it. I for one was born with a disease that destroyed over half of my vision and even if I was one to experience some negative situations (let's face it, this goes for most people in general) I still have always had a loving family and otherwise happy life to this point. I'm optimistic, I learn from my mistakes, I have friends, I have a home and I live like a human. The only difference being I can't see as well as others.
  I know it is more difficult with wild characters but it doesn't mean they can't be fine and happy with it. Their other senses will take the missing one's part. Being unable to hear or see for example does not mean life is going to be horrible since you can actually live with it. A deaf wolf can have a good eye sight or a great sense of smell, a blind wolf can hear very well and have a more sensitive sense of feeling. The body will find a way to survive.

Anyway, I do still see the pont in why some people do not mind the cliches that much if at all. If the character is not filled with the same traits as mostly everything around them and have actually realistic, interesting and balancing traits to them it is likely a likeable character. My personal strong dislike comes to those characters who are extremely attention begging, filled with drama overall or simply roll in the same puddle of all possible cliches you have seen in your life, and even if it is difficult to define, this does go for personalitites as well. I am sure the majority here has seen the character who had a horrible past and are upset all the time, or the character who is sarcastic, aggressive and generally a bit of a loner type yet they show strong affection to their friends and some others. A better example is a character who is strongly against fghting but is ready to be heroic and fight to the death whenever needed.

  Now, I am aware of the many personalities real people and animals can have, but the most common ones are, in my opinion, getting a bit too common. One thing people who still keep on creating characters with lots of cliche traits forget is how in the reality the past truly effects the personality of someone (not necessarily in a negative way even) and this could in many cases make the character a lot more original and believable over all else.

Example: Let's say you have a semi realistic to realistic wolf character. Yeah, they have the common and quite cliche past; orphaned, abandoned, left behind and whatever else you only can think of related to this. Now, let's say this happened when they were a little pup, a few weeks old, maybe. IF the parents passed away and the pup lived with the rest of the pack they most likely wouldn't remember any of this going on. I may not be a wolf expert, but I do think especially a very young pup wouldn't remember this.
  Now, let's jump forward some time and say our wolf has grown up and had a fine past after this event in their puphood. How would they hold on in a semi realistic setting? I think they would go on just fine. They'd have grown and learned like a normal pup, they'd get past their problems more than likely and be able to grow their own pack just fine. In case they had the more dramatic past and they would get mistreated by others to top the drama, they would, sure, stay away from other wolves or at least be more submissive because that is what they have been taught. They wouldn't go crying about what has happened all day because they most likely wouldn't remember half of it. They would only know they have to behave a certain way.

The example above is only of one kind of these situations and it is quite choppy but I hope it is still understandable. Some balancing and research can truly and honestly help more than just a couple words can describe. Creating a cliche character is easily looked down upon and some people can find it annoying if someone in the roleplay seeks for attention the entire time or is shining with their powers and how special they are.

  Then again, people are allowed to do as they wish and other people can actually even learn from them. What I do is looking for these characters, screenshotting them and saving them in specific folders and later on seeing what is overused and what is not too common. Some of the cliches and Mary Sues/Gary Stus make me and my companion cringe quite the bit, but some are hilarious. It is the question of taste, some people like cliches and some don't, but you can always learn from other people' mistakes, if it is fine to call them as such.

(I know this is getting way too long of a rant, but there is one more thing I wish to include)
  A tip I have found working well so far is to not give your characters traits out of nowhere, if possible let them decide what they are like, what their strenghts are, what weaknesses they have and what their past was like. Using them in a roleplay is an extremely good way of developing them and the key to the development is to not force them to stay the same. Give them room, give them something to do, others to communicate with, activity and different events. They WILL develope themselves if you give them the possibility to do so and this way you can actually give them their own "existence" in your mind, something most writers as well use as their advantage.

This is all for now, I apologize for the long rant.