Author Topic: Why do people automatically assume...?  (Read 2733 times)

Offline Lionzue

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Why do people automatically assume...?
« on: April 08, 2014, 09:51:17 pm »
Why do people automatically assume immortal or powers = OMG! GOD-MODDING POWERPLAYING MARY/GARY-SUE!!!1!one!!eleven!!11?
It's not. Most often, yes, it is played off the wrong way so it goes into powerplaying, god-modding, mary/gary-sue-ness, but not all the time. So why do people auto-assume this?
Mary/gary-sue is someone perfect, flawless. Powerplaying is controlling another character without permission. God-modding is the ability to do anything without boundaries(I may have confused one for the other; I'm a little rusty, bear with me).

So long as your immortal character/character with powers can get hurt, has bad personality traits to even out the good ones, and can use powers to an extent, you should be fine. I don't get why its considered so awful.

Why do people think this? It's hard to play it off right, but...a lot of people here are experienced enough and it's still considered bad here, I believe? These people know how to do it right. And they're considered not good enough because people assume.
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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2014, 10:02:43 pm »
I agree with you 100%. Mostly these days I'm scared to make a character who is immortal/has powers because I'm afraid someone will harass me or something. So all of my characters are 100% realistic in rps, no powers, no immortality. :/

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 04:15:23 am »
First of all, I luvs your signature.

Ok, I agree with you completely too. This game has the freedom to make any character you want. Is there any rule that bans fair powers? No. This game does not only focus on realistic animals, so realistic animals are not required 24/7. This is FeralHeart, not WolfQuest.

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2014, 04:39:56 am »
I guess people interpret the definition "immortal" wrongly. Although i do agree on this subject as I have generally seen this. It is perhaps when people end up seeing the word "immortal" or "no weaknesses" they generally get the picture of "oh perhaps this person is a god-modder" really you cant change the views of each individual on FH since majority of users think this way.
Powerplaying is controlling another character without permission. God-modding is the ability to do anything without boundaries(I may have confused one for the other; I'm a little rusty, bear with me).
I think God-modding and Powerplaying are the same thing. Unless God-modding is another term for mini-modding.
I do know that the definition for Powerplayer is half right. Basically its controlling there character to a unreasonable state or actions such as "Kills No misses, or Scratches eyes and kills no misses.
So long as your immortal character/character with powers can get hurt, has bad personality traits to even out the good ones, and can use powers to an extent, you should be fine. I don't get why its considered so awful.
There is nothing wrong with being immortal and acting the part with understandable flaws. Hercules was a half-god and yet still was within the human boundaries of getting hurt and dying. It just in the ends comes down to how a person RP's and if they are indeed a powerplayer it will be obvious. So as a note. if you want to play as a immortal, then by all means go for it. It does go for good RP sometimes as you can progress flaws during the RP.

I personally think peoples views in having a immortal character and somewhat categorizing this as powerplaying is a bad thing. I for one thing if you can RP as a immortal and know how to do it right, then by all means go for it.  Also if a individual ask you that your RP isn't up to standards then keep in mind that anyone has the right to RP in any way they can. As long as it doesn't clash with the FH rules.
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Offline Lionzue

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2014, 12:04:34 am »
Ee-yup. Pretty much, I have seen so many people assume this, so it's nice to see some agree with me.
And Kelsey, you also have an amazing profile in general.
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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2014, 02:42:52 am »
And Kelsey, you also have an amazing profile in general.

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2014, 09:10:16 am »
An excellent point.

'Powers' get a lot of bad rap in the FH world as many people who want to be the 'best' out there tend to have them. As we mature and learn some of the unspoken 'rules' of the game (such as: Don't buttswing on others!) these tendencies vanish and we begin to fit in - or make our original characters more 'acceptable'.

I know of some beautiful RPs that have 'powers' as such, being an original species or a magical one. (eg. Manticores or Griffins) These are accepted, even popular. BUT if the so-called 'powers' are used to simple overpower EVERYONE because the player is the BEST OF THEIR KIND or whatever, then people start to disagree - and this gets the most publicity.

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2014, 04:16:57 pm »
It's true that people with abilities or special skills attached to their character often get the assumption of being a god-mod, Mary Sue, or practices role-play that aren't acceptable. It's sad that people who like a more fantasy or sci-fi approach to their character cannot play them with others and be at peace from the assumptions of other players.

For why, one of the guesses would be they think you're a bad role-player. In most instances, people who have power-linked character can be notorious for god-modding and power-playing around the game. Thus, raises the stereotype that all people with abilities are not fun to play with. Another guess, as addressed by Infinite Snarf, would be that people think you're trying to overpower other characters with yours.

Ok, I agree with you completely too. This game has the freedom to make any character you want. Is there any rule that bans fair powers? No. This game does not only focus on realistic animals, so realistic animals are not required 24/7. This is FeralHeart, not WolfQuest.
This would be another reason people think on the lines of "unreal things, bad." Some people believe "unrealistic" characters do not belong in Feral Heart, which is an unrealistic statement on its own. Whatever the reasons that follow, it's not fair to be judged upon the type of characters you like to play with.

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2014, 05:56:53 pm »
Some people judge characters with powers like this because there are many people out there who have made characters with powers and were pretty much Mary-Sueish and powerplayers. I see it rarely happen nowadays, but I remember witnessing fights between characters with powers and characters with no powers. Often times the ones with the powers wouldn't RP fairly and start insta-killing the "mortal" characters.
And that's where people form the assumptions of "All characters with powers are powerplayers and Mary-Sues!" Is it true? No!

I've seen many characters that had a power or special ability, but they had flaws too. I myself have some characters that would classify as "immortals" because they are based on immortal beasts of fairy tales and make-believe. One such character of mine is Amalthea the unicorn fox. No she is not the average fox. She is a white fox with a unicorn horn and unicorn powers. She is somewhat of a lesser forest deity. Even though she has magical abilities, she has plenty of flaws to follow. She can live forever if she wanted to, since she can never grow old... but that doesn't mean she can't die. She can be killed. Unicorns can be killed! We've seen that happen in movies like The Last Unicorn, Legend, and Harry Potter. Plus, Amalthea's magic is very limited. Using magic to heal the injuries of someone can take up her energy and weaken her.

As for my manticore character.... she doesn't really have any magical powers like some dragons, griffins, and other manticores have. She's just a big beast that relies on her strength as a power. But she has a few flaws.
1.) She's an old manticore, and not as strong as she used to be.
2.) She's a slow flyer.
3.) She get's tired real easily, especially when it comes to combat.
4.) She acts based on primal instincts rather than reason.

These two characters have been labeled as the Mary-Sue powerplaying type, but that's because they weren't given a chance. Sometimes people who are too quick to judge a character based on their species and supernatural abilities don't allow the creator to explain themselves and really don't give them a chance. They be all like "Oh NO! He/she has powers so he/she is automatically a powerplayer! No way I'm going to RP with them!"

You know what they say, "Don't judge a book by it's cover". That saying can apply to characters here too.

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Re: Why do people automatically assume...?
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2014, 06:31:13 am »
More often than not characters whom are immortal are considered as kinda a cheap move becuse people look at them and say "Well that character is immortal. I bet that if our characters fought they wouldn't take any damage at all and theirs no chance I could win" and in some cases this is true. However well written immortal characters are often a pleasant addition to any role play. Often a person will balance their character by having them not 100% immortal where they can die of injuries and the like but don't really age or get sick. Another option is one I used to use but probably under developed, in this method the character is truly immortal but they are no stronger than your avarage individual. They just can't die you can beat them to a bloodied pulp but the fragments will pull them selves together (which based on the way I play characters like this is almost as painful as turning into pulp in the first place) and the character will be at drained and at the mercy of whoever harmed them. This type of character works better in a more "gritty" role play as you can light them on fire, gut them and over the course of five weeks push a burning brand through their skull and they cannot die. If I remember correctly my version of this character type eventually stopped thinking realizing she had no choice but to die over and over until the end of time she just stopped any sentient thought.

Now when it comes to powers people tend to be a bit prejudiced since we have all had a encounter with that one person whom went ahead and used unexplained powers to (usually violently) kill our characters, however again if written well and executed just as well powers are not a bad thing. If I may offer any advice it's please try to find a feasible backstory for your characters powers. And for the love of all that you hold dear don't have that backstory be lab experiment. To often people give their characters powers like lighting and say " It's cause xhe is a lab experiment" please explain to me what any race smart enough to build labs stands to gain by giving wild animals powers? Was one guy like "I know! With my funding I'll give a dog the power to spit acid and by a cyborg. Yes that will certainly benefit the scientific community as well as society" and no one looked into it and was like "woah we're cutting your funding and sending you to therapy". It may just be a personal thing but that kind off stuff really bugs me anyhow provide a backstory and reasonable limits such as your character can pull a DIO and freeze time but can only move in the frozen world for a few seconds and maybe they can't take a hit either. Being DIO is still super OP so don't do that but still. As long as a one is reasonable and logical with powers it's fine however even if you have the best character in the whole world *cough*MajimaGoro*cough* it's polite to inform any other partners particularly if randomly selected if your character has powers, is immortal or any other things like that simply so both players know what their getting into.

Anyway I rambled more than enough. If any of this is understandable or useful feel free to put it in a more sensible format and claim it as your own cause what can I do about it. Sorry if its entirely useless it's like two in the morning and I've been up all night watching fist of the North Star clips.