Author Topic: Well, I'll Put it This Way..  (Read 2118 times)

Offline magicfairy

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Well, I'll Put it This Way..
« on: May 20, 2014, 10:12:47 pm »
Well.. the title explains my first sentence..

I've been thinking.. and I think FeralHeart is dying.
Here are some reasons below;
1. South Pole is beginning to take very little notice.
2. Ascension Island is taking very little notice as well.
3. Atlantis takes the most little notice.
4. Bonfire... it's become unnoticed a lot as well.
5. I'll put Cape of Distant Worlds this way.. it's beginning to fade out from everybody, the time I'm posting this it says 19 people are in it!
6. Ficho Tunnel is taking little notice.
7. Temple of Dreams seems forgotten by most people.
8. Last Cave gets forgotten VERY easily.
9. Fluorite Plains seems to be too noticed.
10. Trolls are spreading.
11. It gets kind of boring without a few wolfspeakers bounding about.
12. I regret everything I thought about Bonfire.. Bonfire is much happier and pleasant with all the spelling errors. It seems to be taken over by literates.
13. General is gone, most people complain.
14. Movie spam is getting worse and worse.
15. Too much clans, so very little good or neutral clans. So little packs, so little creativity in groups.
16. I don't see loners so often anymore. Where did all of them go?

Ok guys, there is the explanation why I believe FeralHeart could be dying. Or becoming boring about.

Do you think FeralHeart is dying? Any comments about this? Opinions? Anything?
vanitas ยท he/they/it/fae


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Well, I'll Put it This Way..
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 10:48:53 pm »
I've seen quite a few people in-game say that our beloved Feral Heart is dying, but I do not agree. Many people join this game daily, even with the restricted registration times. (Average is 141 per day; forum stats) With all of these new players arriving, it's impossible to say this game is dying! As long as people keep making new accounts, this game will be here for a while. On the forums, it lists how many people are on the server, and it always seems to be between 600-900 people. That's a lot online! Note that school/work could also be a factor about less people, but they'll be back in the summer or whenever they have more time for the game.

I think Feral Heart always had maps that were more popular than others. (I hear Bonfire was always "that" same Bonfire we know today. lol) I always see at least someone in every map, whether it be Last Cave or Temple of Dreams. Sometimes I notice there's not as many players on really late at night (EST), so time zones could be a factor to the lack of players in certain maps. In my mind, just because there's not 100 people in one map doesn't mean the people in there aren't having fun. I'd rather FH have one or two quiet maps to hangout in, rather than being squished in a tiny map like Atlantis.
Some of the reasons you gave about Feral Heart dying could be avoided simply, including "trolls." The block button is your friend. There'll always be trolls. lol
I know no one likes movie spam, but when people are advertising movies, I think that's the opposite of FH dying when you think about it. People are advertising their roleplays. You don't have to pay attention to movie spam, you could just turn it off or ignore it.
Reciently I heard a conversation in South Pole about the lack of updates for this game. It would be nice for an update or two, but people need to reconize that they themselves could make things for the game, including mods, presets, maps, and the list goes on. I love that about Feralheart; it's customizable! So what if there's no prey? Go to another game then.
Also, the lack of typos in Bonfire doesn't mean that the game itself is dying. xD If whether this game stayed up rested on how many typos people make, this game would be long gone. Same goes for wolfspeak. People might have just noticed what they were doing. I'm sure there were always wolfspeakers, after all, they didn't originate in FeralHeart.

In conclusion, I don't think Feral Heart is dying; just about the opposite. :)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2014, 10:58:57 pm by AlphaEclipse »

Offline Vespian

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Re: Well, I'll Put it This Way..
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2014, 02:38:04 am »
I believe Ms. Eclipse has stated most of what I myself would say however I'll add in a few experiences and pointers myself as to what I think about yer statement.

For starters, I personally don't see the maps ye've labelled to be unnoticed to be precisely true. One needs to keep in mind about the time zones, as Ms. Eclipse has stated, and the everyday casualties of life that can restrict one from the game for a bit. Things may change since summer is just around the corner. This goes for every map and when it comes to South Pole alone, the map is normally around the 3rd-5th most populated map in the game. Most users within said map are just off hidden in the seemingly endless mass of snow- role-playin' or simply hangin' out by their lonesome. It's best to keep factors like these in mind whenever ye' may saunter into a map only to be in the presence of a handful of members. Not everyone likes to hang around the hot spots in every particular map. One of my friends spend most of her time in Atlantis even, role-playin' with her buds in the vast expansion of ocean. In addition, as stated before:

I'd rather FH have one or two quiet maps to hangout in, rather than being squished in a tiny map like Atlantis.
It also depends on one's tastes and preferences. Some people like bein' all in one big map where most everyone recognizes their face and there's members galore to socialize with whilst others prefer the more quieter maps where they can become lost in their own imagination without worry of havin' to focus on what's goin' on around them- even engage in small-talk every now and again to a passin' member who so happened to say "Hello".

Fluorite Plains has always been the most popular map. Always. Even back in 2011. This could be due to it so happens to be the biggest map in Feralheart or the fact that many, many role-plays have inhabited the savanna grasslands and calls it their home. As for the trolls- well, again as stated, there will always be trolls. In every multi-player game, there's gonna be trolls. Some worse than others. This is why ye' have the block button and the screenshot button. If the said troller(s) are gettin' a bit out of hand, feel free to screenshot their actions then report them to the staff team. Block them afterwards if ye' so wish. A simple solution. The same goes with the proclaimed movie spam. Ye' always have the option to turn movies off but if one or two particular members are just goin' haywire, ye' can always whisper them and kindly ask them to tone it down.

As for the wolfspeakers, they're still around. Trust me. They haven't gone and disappeared. If ye' really wish to see some wolfspeak, ye' may need to wander around a bit, away from the maps' hot spots, and seek a little. Ye'll come across one eventually if ye're patient and that determined.

I won't say anythin' about the General chat. It was taken away for a reason and that reason is well listed here: >>Click here!<<

I wouldn't start complainin' about all the warrior cat clans either. Role-playin' a warrior cat is simply what one wishes to role-play as. There's nothin' wrong about that. Besides, not every clan is the same. I've actually seen some pretty unique ones roamin' around. I've also seen plenty of canine-based role-plays too whether it be their recreation or a new establishment yet to take off. Some examples would be: - Red Reverence -, Seether~Carnage, Galdu Arima, even a hyena clan (who's name I've all but forgotten). Of course, there's many more but I'm just labellin' from the top of my head right now. Ye' just need to look a bit closer.

The list ye've created can easily be resolved and/or avoided. However I am aware that these are yer views upon the game and I respect that- but I do not agree with it. Feralheart is a long way from dyin' out. Every game has its ups and downs. Every game changes over time along with the community. If it didn't, then it'd be pretty repetitive. Since this particular game has practically been abandoned by its creator, it greatly depends upon the community here- the very members that continue to keep it alive. If the members give out, so does the game, and Feralheart will be no more. I don't know about ye' but I'd hate to see that happen. Thus, it's best for everyone to make do with what they have and help the game by contributin' all that they can:

It would be nice for an update or two, but people need to reconize that they themselves could make things for the game, including mods, presets, maps, and the list goes on. I love that about Feralheart; it's customizable!
I believe I've said all that I can on this particular topic. If not, then I shall edit this post and add more onto it. For now though, this is my opinion towards all of this and I hope by readin' this response, ye' will come to realize a thing or two as well, ma'am. I'm sorry to hear ye' see Feralheart as nothin' but a beaten down horse.

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Re: Well, I'll Put it This Way..
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2014, 03:00:32 am »
A large reason why many of the maps you mention seem to be dead is because they are quite boring by design. Most people don't want to spend time on maps like South Pole or Last Cave because there isn't much to them. These fairly vacant maps leave very little room for imagination. Maps like Fluorite and Bonfire, on the other hand, have at least a bit more trees and dens and seem fairly more "lush" and lively. I think it's also human social nature to want to gather where there are larger groups and naturally abandon the more isolated maps.

Another thing to take into consideration is that most users here are young. Some are attending high school or elementary still and have little time to devote to Feral Heart in between studying, class, and homework. Some users are also working or attending college. This month is dreaded exam week for most college goers. I for one haven't been online to often due to the immense work load with papers and finals as well as registration business for next semester etc. Elementary and high school users also should be preparing for their own finals and last classes soon. If most people take their studies seriously I doubt you'll be seeing to many people on these next few weeks.

I disagree with the whole FH is dying thing also. This community is far from dying. What it has are highs and lows when it comes to activity. Some months are more busy then others as are some seasons like summer when most are out of school etc. Weekends around here are still a maniac fest... lol If you want to see lively come online weekends at early hours.

When it comes to lack of interesting rps I think that perhaps you're not looking hard enough. I got myself into some rping adventures the past month or two and have found myself in pleasant company in quite a few interesting rps. Sometimes all it takes is for you to put the spark out there and you never know what you can start. If you've got ideas of interesting rps bring them out there. Some users do lack imagination sometimes but with the refreshing inspiration of new ideas from another come great things. Some users are also afraid to try new things because of either lack of proper knowledge or fear that others won't be interested or will tease them over it. Although some rp themes are a bit over used most are popular and under stable to all so that's why you might see a lot more common themes around and less specialized ones. You also shouldn't under estimate the potential of over used themes. There is always a new way to refresh an old thing.

Lastly while FH hasn't been updated in a long while that isn't much reason to see it as dead or boring. The whole concept of creativity is the life blood of this community. If one losses their own creativity that's when the world of FH starts to dull to them. If you continue to see the game as the empty canvas that it is you'll find it much harder to tire of.

To me every time new users join, the game updates itself because with them come new personalities, new ideas, and new adventures.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 03:09:05 am by LordSuragaha »