Author Topic: Jane-Doe's Characters [7.10.14]  (Read 3812 times)

Offline Jane-Doe

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Jane-Doe's Characters [7.10.14]
« on: May 21, 2014, 11:55:20 pm »

I'll be sharing my own characters here, so check back frequently for updates and new character additions.
I am currently working on my first ever Original Character [OC], Jane Doe!~ I'm constantly trying to stir up a few, with the help of my "oh-so-creative" mind. Hah, it's proven to be a difficult challenge! If you have any feedback, comments, helpful criticism, please comment below.

Jane Doe
[Created 5.21.14]

Without a Preset:
With a Preset:

Personality: Jane is a very obserative and curiosity-driven canine. Most of the things she does is normally to satisfy her natural need to know and have a knowledge about. With such curiosity, there's no wonder she has such a knowledge of the world around her- even a bit of the past world. While many don't particularly envy this trait, since "curiosity killed the cat," Jane takes pleasure in her intelligence. The actual phrase was "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." Which basically means that your curiosity can get you in a lot of trouble and lots of other things. But if you do go looking for an answer or what ever you were looking for, that your satisfaction of the answer was well worth the trouble that you went through to get it. She's also very witty and clever- her mind is her most powerful weapon, after all. To some, she can come across as a bit submissive, but she isn't entirely. Jane does what can benefit her self-being, and can appear heartless when she does so- but beneath her standoff-ish exterior, she does have a healthy heart that does have empathy for others.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 02:53:44 pm by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [5.21.14]
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2014, 11:55:52 pm »


The year 2077. Like what many people portray the future to be, the world has advanced in many sciences, literatures, and technology; the latter the most. Many advances in cultures, religion, science exploration, sea exploration, and finding easier and inexhaustibe fuels to keep the earth running tenfold to it's current age. Those animals that once lived on the brink of extinction, now roam in the plentiful nature reserves. It's funny, isn't it? Now that the human race has made giant steps forward, they began bringing back the beauty to this earth- to make it green once again. But despite the advances, there are plenty of con's with so many pro's. However, I wont dwindle on that, since you're probably asking: Where does Jane Doe come to play in all of this? Well, we'll get to that.

This world is jobless, and despite such advances, the earth is going into another 'Depression.' Why? You might ask. Because of Advanced Animal Services- or AAS for short. Employment has  now plummeted; With the current technology, your loyal canines can now look after you as well! The tables have turned, haven't they? You have once fed, protected, and cleaned after your pet- but now they do the same for you. There are a range, specializing in different categories. Those to protect and serve [nothing involving armed forces, it's more of like a guard dog.], those to serve, [with the latest technology, it makes cleaning homes, preparing meals, and doing laundry much more efficent.] and lastly, having a  loving companion and employee! Without the cost of an actual employee.

Now, Jane Doe, one of the oldest, yet most reliable and non-robotic [The newest models including Series II & III are mostly controlled by computers/ have programming. However, they have a lot of bugs and cannot do as much as the first, Alpha model.] AAS is a triple threat. She prepares the meals [which is so easy with the latest technology, a dog could do it.] cleans the house, [which includes laundry, cleaning the floors, and making sure there is little to no dust.] and serving as a protector to the three children that reside in her home while the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dovelle are away.  It's a tiring job, and sometimes proves to be difficult, but Jane Doe somehow pulls through it.

Jane Doe is the first of many models- the only still completely canine model in the AAS series. The AAS was created by a software by the alis of RomX. [Pronounced: Rome-ex] It's a programming chip that is placed internally into the canine. The incision is cut on the back of the skull, near the nape of the neck, but the chip itself goes dangerously close to the windpipe. That is for easy vocal-control and a easy way of exterminating the chip's host [in case the dog itself gets rabies, or any other terminal illness- or for crowd control, sometimes.] The chip sends simple commands to the canine, or vocal interactions so that the master may communicate with it's "employee" however vocal interactions is rarely needed or used. Other interactions are altered vision, and hearing, which is slightly enhanced. They can hear higher and lower frequencies, from farther distances, and can see further, clearer, and in color.

While it may look odd to someone not in the year 2077, the dogs are given a brown leather jacket [normally that of not exceptional quality; sometimes torn, ragged, tattered.] with in red text : Year 2077 on the back, and AAS on the inside of the collar. Year 2077 is also on each shoulder blade for easier spotting. These dogs are protected by law, but if one or two were to be kidnapped and sold on the black market, let's just say, nobody would notice nor care. They are mass multiplying- which means that the newer versions are much more common- and the older versions, like Jane Doe herself, are seen as more valuable.

Well, this is the depression, and in such a "utopian" age, so don't expect golden streets and flying cars [those are only for the elite!] There are rundown market places, gritty roads, and fairly rundown and poor looking houses that make up a majority of the city- however, the technology is exceptional, and normally makes up for the crappy appearance. Most of the technology is touch-screen, holographic, metallic, and very easy to access. Now, the other prominent thing is the Black Market- the biggest market and stock market rolled into one. Everything illegial is sold here- for a price, and if you know the right people. Everything you cant get in a regular market- you can get here. Older versions or Beta versions of the flying cars, the newest  holographic  gaming console months before its release, and even information on virtually anybody.. and even valuable servants- especially those of the Advanced Animal Services.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 02:23:52 am by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2014, 12:24:56 am »
[I'll be telling the story in first person, as if Jane-Doe was myself. I feel like the reader could easily interact that way.]


It was your average day in the year 2077. But something felt off. Even from the moment when I finally stirred- groggy and sluggish from the hectic day of work just hours prior to now. Now.. now the sky was much to gray, and the clouds seemed much to heavy. I dont know if it's just my senses, but it seemed as if it would rain today. The kids, Kelly- an adorable cherub-looking child around the age of seven- who had a thing for pulling my ears and tail [sometimes at the same time], and Nicholas- a young teenager, who occassionally called me by my actual name, but usually just calls me 'Servant' or 'Bitch' [since, yes, I am a female dog. Jokester, isn't he?] they still haven't risen, either. But the only normal thing that seemed to have happened today was the two Master's leaving for work- bright and early. Er, well, not so bright, since it looked like the skies were about to release a tsunami on the unsuspecting world below- but early. Everything seemed off from the moment I woke up, to the moment I heard the knock upon the door.

You see, those humans trusted us to do everything for them [or nearly everything at least] but us canine's weren't allowed to open the lousy door for guests? How unfair. I took my beige paws, and padded them up the mahogany stairs, and with my muzzle, I pushed open the unlocked door to Nicholas's room. For a moment I thought the boy was dead, but the slow rise and fall of his chest assured me that he was - unfortunantly - alive. Just in a deep sleep. Heh, it wasn't a sleep, it was a hibernation. A loud groan escaped me, and I tried to nuzzle him for several minutes, but Alas, no use. This rock wasn't budging. I swallowed several growls and finally just stuck my muzzle into the covers and ran my tonge over his cold hand. Gross. Who knew how intimate I would get with my Master's son. Disgusting. The boy bolted upright, waving his hand frantically like he had caught fire or something. I simply looked at him, then at his open door, pawing the floor lightly. This was how they made us canine's communicate. Like we're stupid housepets. Well, newsflash, we're about just as intelligent as you lazy humans now. But nonetheless, humans were superior- and I didn't mind having a comfortable living space. Nicholas up and left the room to answer the door.

The silence.. was unsettling. Had Nicholas opened the door? Dear God don't  tell me this dense child doesn't know how to open the door. Normally, the canine would wait until the return of the door-opener so he or she could be dismissed. However, Jane up and trotted down the stairs. When she came across the front door, it was wide open, no sign of Nicholas or the person who had knocked in the first place. A thought then occured to me. Who would be coming here at this time, anyways? The mailman? No such thing- mail was delivered virtually- and packages were sent by Series II & III Advanced Animal Services. The Master's hadn't informed  me of any guests.. The sudden panic and fluttering of my heartbeats sent out an emergency signal in my chip- which was buried at the back of my neck, just inches of flesh away from my windpipe and vocal chords. I gulped, eyes growing wide. What had happened to Nicholas? In my sudden panic, I sat down, eyes staring intently at the floor, my breaths harsh and ragged. How would they punish me? Like last time when they smacked me in the back of the head with that wooden plank? Or the time before that when they removed a nail from my front left paw? As the seconds ticked by, the punishments just seemed to multiply their degree.

It's minutes later but it feels like hours. My heart is racing so fast, I swear I hear a car pull up beside the house. But most people walk, since the market places are placed so close, and cars are now a thing of the past. Everything seems to fly now- especially time. It seems like just yesterday I was just a pup, only to be taken away and clipped of my wings- of my freedom, and given this godforsaken chip. But now, I'm pulled back into the current state of now.. the present- and more like yanked back in. There's a husky man with beefy hands gripping my furry shoulders, while someone latches a leesh of some sorts onto my collar. I'm pulled out of my shock, only to be brought into it again as something sharp goes into my back. I glance over my shoulder to see a needle injected into my fur, a odd colored serum being pumped into me before my eyelids get heavy, and the world turns to dust. I was thrown into oblivion, despite my sudden seizures and barks in my sleep that set off these dognappers, but I'm still out cold.

I awake in a strange place and my ears are ringing. It's not a natural ring- it's an actual ring. Suddenly a bright light is flashed into my face, and I instantly recoil. Or try to. Only then did I realize that I was restrained. What the hell was this place? The walls were normal, as was the floor, but the restraining cage I was placed into? I was being treated like a rabid here. The door knob turned, and a young man- no older than the age of twenty five stepped in. He had a mess of brown hair, a pale face with a splash of freckles on his nose and under his eyes, and bright green eyes. The only thing that made him look mature were the bags under his eyes. Another sufferer of the depression. Everyone loved the latest fad lately- the sleep-deprived, over-worked look seemed to suit most parents- unless they were apart of the elite, or wealthy. He kept the door open, and a massive German Shepherd followed after him, a leather collar wrapped around his neck a bit too loose, if you know what I mean. Only the rich and powerful had dog's as loyal companions, common housepets- just someone to take away the painful lonliness. The dog kept on his Master's heels, stopping when the young man stopped infront of the cage I was so carelessly placed in.

"Speak, darling, speak!" The man encouraged before continuing, "We both know you can. You want to say so much, don't you? I can see it in those lovely eyes of yours." The young man spoke- and his voice made him seem a tad more youthful. It was too innocent to be believeable- but not devilish enough to be disagreeable. It was counterintuitive, yet, a completely correct description of him. I narrowed my eyes upon him, not sure if I even could speak after years of refraining from doing so. The massive dark brown and black dog barked harshly at me, a bit of a warning, I assumed. My flickered around my hind legs in a fashion of fearlessness. "You want me to speak- but not your lovely mutt-friend?" I spat harsly. My eyes grew wide, my mouth agape and my ears ringing in their own disbelief. I could speak- still- after all that time of a life of a mute? Well, not completely mute, but still. It left me breathless- gasping for air, since my chip was so closely lodged into my windpipe. The young man laughed, and his dog- who was closer now so I could see his nametag read 'Elrick,'- had a smug expression. "That was wonderful darling. Miss Jane, was it? You're going to be exceptionally valuable when I'm through with you.." His voice trailed off as a grin spread across his face. It wasn't entirely evil.. but not exactly good, either. This man seemed at war with his good and bad sides; he was all too balanced. Yet, no matter what it was, he didn't seem to come off as abusive or hostile. He turned on his heels to leave, stopping by the door to switch the lights off. Once more I'm engulfed in this unsettling darkness.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 05:40:00 pm by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2014, 02:13:02 am »

The Black Market

It's been weeks since then. The process is the same, yet every time, I'm still shocked by the end. The young man, whom now I know his name is Rian, and his trusty companion, Elrick, came in every morning. Or so they said it was morning. I couldn't tell- there were no windows in here. They would examine me from inside of the cage, write down a lot of notes, and would ask me to say something. The responsies vaired- they were mostly vulgar, but some of them were questions towards Rian and Elrick. Neither would respond, but they promised they would at a later date.

But today.. today was different.

For many reasons, but the most outstanding one was Rian released my harness, and opened the cage door. I quickly surged from the cage, only to yip in pain at my cracking and aching joints moments later. Elrick and Rian laughed in a mocking unison, but my own sharp glare shut them up. I shook my pelt, it's beige and sandy pigment a bit dusty from remaining in that cage for.. exactly how long? I didn't know. It didn't matter. Once my limbs seemed stretched out to their maximum capability, I sat on my rump, examining them with sharp, malice-filled glares. "Thank you for that dehumanizing cage-punishment."

Elrick let out an amused snort at that comment, which only further irritated me, but I was too busy cracking my joints and rolling my shoulder blades. I began to walk around the small room, the wooden floor polished and what seemed to be expensive oak. Once my limbs were stretched to their hearts content, Rian ordered me to sit down, which- after a few reluctant minutes- I finally did. I recoiled instantly as Rian took a step closer, but he willed me to remain still. My body fell stiff as he examined me- poking around my muzzle, examining my canines, glancing in my ears, and prodding my tail with a curious finger. However, when he got a stick and a flashlight - to examine my throat - I let out a growl. "Hm? Scared, pooch?" Rian's too-young-for-his-intelligent voice questioned as he held open my jaw, and shoved the stick in, as well as flickering on the flashlight. Rian let out a small gasp. "What's this we've got here? Some manufacturing mishaps?"  Rian questioned, motioning towards the vocal chip that was prodding Jane's throat; creating a slight tear.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 04:42:48 pm by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2014, 02:13:30 am »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline shayy

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2014, 04:30:15 am »
So nice to know more about each of your characters C;
pm for free art i need practice

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2014, 04:46:14 pm »
So nice to know more about each of your characters C;
I only have one character... Heh. ^^' But.. thank you, Shay?
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2014, 04:50:01 pm »
Very interesting character! Sci-Fi future stuff always gets me so I really dig this. I would love to see what she looks like if you've made a preset of her =o. Well written character bio too. I look forward to seeing what else you add :)

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [6.20.14]
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2014, 05:21:31 pm »
Very interesting character! Sci-Fi future stuff always gets me so I really dig this. I would love to see what she looks like if you've made a preset of her =o. Well written character bio too. I look forward to seeing what else you add :)
Ah, yes, I'm either going to make the preset myself or have someone do it for me. [I'm not that experienced with presets, so probably the latter.] Thank you for your positive feedback, Sura! It's very much appreciated. However, she's still a very huge work in progress.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

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Re: Jane-Doe's Characters [7.10.14]
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2014, 02:54:26 pm »
Nearly finished!
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."