Author Topic: Ortho Appt. Tomorrow... Really Worried  (Read 1623 times)

Offline femalecreature

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Ortho Appt. Tomorrow... Really Worried
« on: July 29, 2014, 07:49:05 am »
I've not always had the best teeth ever. This is evident from my MARA appliance and braces.

Tomorrow, I have an orthodontist appointment to remove said MARA appliance. Truth be told, the thing is terrifying:

Basically, it's supposed to be an appliance to push your lower jaw forward. I was born with a weak lower jaw, so it was either this or being knocked out for a surgery on my jaw in which they place a large metal pipe in my jaw to lengthen it.

It's not that hard a decision: a two-day recovery surgery that'll leave scars or 9 months with this thing and the same results, with no scars?

Of course, I wanted neither, but I had no say in it.

Tomorrow, however, I get this thing taken off. I'm not afraid of what it'll feel like; I know what it feels like. The cap on my upper left tooth once fell off and they had to pull the whole top part off to fix it. It doesn't hurt, I know that.

I'm afraid of what my teeth will look like AFTER that... I am terrified of cavities due to a deep-rooted memory from my childhood when I went under the drill for 3 cavities in a row. I was so shaken, and it hurt so much. I have a strengthened immunity against laughing gas, which they were using. So I felt it, and it hurt. A lot.

I don't want a cavity. I really, really, REALLY don't. I know it's irrational, but I'm afraid that when they take off that appliance and the braces,  there will be a cavity. Or maybe a few... I don't want either of the options. I'm terrified of dentists, orthodontists, and doctors. Terrified. Beyond what people are normally afraid of.

And, it doesn't help much that I absolutely despise blood and syringes, which are used for Novocaine, if I'm correct. Err, they have Novocaine mouthwash. That works.

Anyways, I took flight to the forums for some form of comfort. I'm admittedly terrified of the whole ordeal, even though I know I shouldn't be. So irrational. I keep thinking only of the bad things. It's my fatal flaw, I must admit.
egg me up inside (can't egg up)

Offline lolopo456

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Re: Ortho Appt. Tomorrow... Really Worried
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 02:13:59 am »

Offline ComatoseKatie

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Re: Ortho Appt. Tomorrow... Really Worried
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 02:33:01 am »
Don't worry I just so happen to have to get an expander for my upper pallet because it's so narrowed and I have to get braces. I'm sure you'll be fine! You're better off than I am because if the braces don't make my jaw more aligned I have to have surgery in the future and there isn't a simple solution like this D: They would have to break my jaw and then move it back or something. So you should be fine and i'd say if you were brushing your teeth good *If you brush your teeth with that on ._. * you shouldn't have cavities.