Author Topic: Suicidal Characters  (Read 3892 times)

Offline Anathema

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 02:48:08 pm »
In my opinion if people absolutely have to roleplay this stuff, then it should be done in group chat, whisper, or in a private map where no one except the people absolutely pertinent to the roleplay can see it. These are sensitive subjects, and they should be kept far away from local.

Offline TheApplePie

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Re: Suicidal Characters
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 04:43:42 pm »
I have quite a lot to write here, not only to show what I think, but how it is in general.

So, what is suicide?
Suicide is the action of killing oneself intentionally. It is also called Self-murder or self-slaughter.
There are many ways to literally 'kill yourself'. Comitting suicide is actually doing the killing.
Many people get suicide from depression and anxiety, and if any of you think someone has problems, don't hesitate and help them.

Why does sucide affect the game?
Since suicide is something very serious, why would you affect your character using it? It might be adding drama into a roleplay, and gathering attention, but why, when you can just advertise, make a movie or ask someone to join, rather than actually making your character kill themselves.

What does suicide give away?

What does suicide give away to younger players/users? That suicide gains you attention? That's not acceptable. Rude, and very stupid. Idiotic indeed. Anyway, why would you want to show suicide to kids? "My character attempts suicide for attention and roleplay. Characters that try to kill themselves gain attention and people roleplay with me." Is what they may hear. So if it works in games, will I gain friends in real life by using the suicide method? No. You clearly won't. Attempting suicide for attention might go wrong, and you may kill yourself by accident.

What do I think?
People with suicidal characters should roleplay it privately and make sure that only people above 13 years old rp it. (13 year olds start to understand that killing isn't right, and understand more about it than younger children.)
However, suicide and various subjects about it/on it should be kept away from children in all ways, if possible. If they ask what it is, everyone should say the truth about it-
It is when someone kills themselves. It hurts a lot, and they never ever attempt suicide. If you or someone falls into depression, ask for help. Never delay yourselves. It may be to late one day, and another precious life will be taken away because of various reasons.

It all links to FeralHeart, and it's just clearly not the best thing to do. Unless you really want to, but that's up to you.

Think about it. Would you really want people to kill themselves for attention/other reasons?

let's be emo in a gerard way