Author Topic: Alluring Secrets: Black Vows (Book 1)  (Read 1102 times)

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Alluring Secrets: Black Vows (Book 1)
« on: December 06, 2014, 04:42:45 pm »
So, recently, I've been writing a story on another website.
I have onl y 5 chapters done so far, and I'd like to share it with ya'll!
If you think it needs improvements, just say so in the replies.
The story is basically my version of the anime, Attack on Titan, and the book, Walk Two Moons, mixed into one.
It's about a kid who loses his parents and has to find them. o3o
Another Way To Read This

Chapter 1 - The Beginning of The End
It was a nice warm and sunny day the day Kakulo was born. His parents chose the name Kakulo because it meant extremes in health, spirituality, and fortune. He was born a year after his younger sister, Mara. Kakulo and Mara were outside their house on the balcony with their parents. They were playing a nice game of Yuan where you pass a ball to each other sitting on your foot and the first one to move loses. Their mother, Casra, was doing laundry as for their father, Raju, was doing garden work.  They lived in a large Japanese town called Koshu, neighbor of Concura and Shunca. Suddenly the sun was blocked off by darkness, causing everyone to stare up in awe and fear. Then, complete darkness. Screaming and suddenly his sister was no-where to be seen when the light came back.
But now, a few years have passed.  He heads off with his bag of supplies to school. "Hey Kakulo!" calls out the familiar voice of his girlfriend, Hanja. He runs up to her, smiling with glee and kisses her cheek lightly. He grabbed her hand and walked to their class with her, smiling widely.
Kakulo took his seat and looked up at the teacher who was behind her desk. She suddenly pops up with papers. "Pop quiz!" she says, the students groaning.
"This woman is a witch." Kakulo whispered to Hanja. Hanja shushed him silent, paying attention. The quizzes were passed out in complete silence, letting the kids work once they got their packet. Kakulo finished first and turned it in. With his free time, he tapped his pencil around on his legs. Around twenty four minutes later and time was up, making the kids turn their finished work in. A few hours of boring learning and the bell rung, the kids dashing out excited.
Kakulo ran into his house, calling out "Mom, dad, I'm home!"
For the first time, silence.

Chapter 2 - Bloodied Silence
Kakulo didn't understand. His parents would always respond with something like "Welcome home, come get a quick snack!" or "Welcome home sweetie!" but today he was greeted with silence. "Mom? Dad? Hello?" He called out. He walked around his house, surveying every room carefully. He walked into the kitchen, fearing their heads were in the freezer all chopped up. As said by his girlfriend, he had a very active imagination, thinking of every possible and impossible thing. He looked into the freezer, expecting to find his parents head, and found a ransom note. He grabbed the note and read it aloud. "Your parents are missing."
Kakulo couldn't believe it. His parents gone? How? Why? Didn't his parents love him? Wasn't he enough reason to stay home?
Alone and afraid, Kakulo ran to his girlfriend's house. "My parents are missing!" he screamed as he made his way to Hanju's room. Hanju spend thirty minutes and her best to calm Kakulo. After an hour, Kakulo must have lost his mind.
"Next year, I go outside the walls. I'm finding my parents." Kakulo said quietly. "Kakulo, that's insane! You'll get killed with or without protection!" Hanju protested, clearly upset with Kakulo's decision. "But my parents are missing. I won't be able to pay bills alone!" "Then live with me." Hanju blurted out.
Kakulo was astonished. "L-Live with you? With my girlfriend because I can't pay bills and my parents are missing?" Hanju nodded, "Yes." There was a long silence before Kakulo spoke out his words, "I leave at dusk, I've changed my mind."

Chapter 3 - Dusk's Last Breaking
That night, Kakulo slept in Hanju's bed with her, exhausted after a long eventful day. As he slept, he recounted wonderful memories he shared with his family, smiling in his sleep. He remembered when he was born, when he played with his younger sister at such a young age, when he made Hanju his girlfriend. Suddenly, his dreams took a dark turn. He dreamed his parents chained and locked up in a small dark cell, weeping and screaming for mercy. Their ragged, torn, and bloodied clothes made him think they've got beaten. He wanted to cry at the sight of their condition. He wanted to scream and cry but his voice nor eyes would work. He was frozen.
Kakulo woke in a shower of cold sweat and rabid ragged breathing. He slowly got up without waking Hanju and made his way to her room's window. He drew the curtains back silently. Dusk. He got a serious expression [good enough to scare cops away] and snuck out using her bedroom's window, jumping out and climbing down a tree so he didn't smash into the ground. He ran home silently, and once he was in his room at his house he packed all his clothes and special treasures for a long trip.
Once Kakulo was packed and ready, he ran to Hanju's house and climbed up a tree, going into her room through the window. She was stirring awake, and Kakulo silently made to where he slept on her bed, hiding his luggage under her bed. "I see you made up your mind again. You're here and awake and it's day." Hanju said sleepily, waking. "No, I haven't. It's still Dusk. I want you to come with me." Kakulo said, grabbing her hand in his and holding it tightly.

Chapter 4 - The Run
Much to Kaklo's despair, Hanju said no as she slapped his hand away. "Why not? It'll be better with multiple!" Kakulo exclaimed, upset. If he left town, he truly did want his girlfriend with him. "My parents will be worried, we might die, and I ain't taking the risk!" Hanju explained.  Kakulo ended up grabbing her hand and made her get dressed, watching her. He didn't care if she was uncomfortable about dressing in front of him. He dragged her outside when she finished. "Please, Come. With. Me." Kakulo begged. He gave her his best puppy eyes (which was more disturbing than cute). "Fine." Hanju said, giving in. Kakulo smiled and ran off with her into her house, to her room. He helped her get packed, sliding his luggage out from under her bed. "Ready?" Kakulo asked Hanju. "Yes." She answered.
Kakulo nodded and grabbed their stuff, plus her hand. They walked off together, holding hands. They kept alert as they walked closer and closer to the wall, trying to stay clear of guards that'd catch them. After a few hours, it was dawn. They made it to the wall, all they had to do was get through it. How would this work,  though? There were guards at the gates, on top the wall, and it's impossible to dug under. So, how? Kakulo looked to Hanju since she always had good ideas. "Pretend to be going out for wood." She whispered, grabbing a nearby fake axe. She handed him a wooden fake axe that she made. They walked over to the gates, staring at the buff and large guards in armor and holding swords.

Chapter 5 - Escapee's Lost
They made it, they did it, they got past the guards by completly fooling them! No a single look of doubt was seen on those idiot guard's ugly faces. Kakulo and Hanju ran away from the wall as much as they can. They both stopped at the edge of a forest, looking up into the tree tops. "Damn, these trees are taller than any tree I've ever seen!" Hanju exclaimed. Kakulo nodded in agreement. They slowly walked into the forest, holding each other's hands. They could easily get lost in this place if they weren't careful. Kakulo walked farther and farther into the forest with Hanju. They came across a large log cabin, probably big enough for 5 people. They slowly walked up to the door and knocked on it.
The door swung open and stood a short Indian girl. She was beautiful, though Kakulo still loves Hanju. Behind the short Indian girl was a tall Indian boy, basically a male version of her. He looked at them with  Hanju for a very long time in silence before breaking the ice by saying, "Hello." The two Indians growled at them but let them inside. Afraid, he walked in with Hanju. She was shaking, he can tell because he was holding her hand. They made them sit down. They made some sort of food for them to eat. "Oh, thank the Gods. We got food, finally!" Kakulo praised. He wolfed down his food, bowl after bowl the Indians gave him. When he was full he noticed there was one bowl, filled with food. He looked to Hanju but she was full too. He smiled and moved the bowl closer to the two Indians, allowing them to eat some. "So,  uhm. Thanks, we're really grateful. Do you have names?" Kakulo said, asking a quick question too.  They nodded and the female opened her mouth. "We're...."
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 04:48:08 pm by KaiPudding »