Author Topic: [:] Surgis [A]utemn Imperium [:] (Mapped,Literate to Strictly,Raced,Mature)  (Read 1050 times)

Offline starthewolf445

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The races of Grulum  were once united together in one strong Legion known as the Blood Legion.
The legion was constructed of three races. The Rangari which consisted of Canines..The Zubanji which consisted of Sabered Felines and the  Arswary a race of half feline and half canine creatures
The Legion was ruled by a main tribe of Arswary known as  The BraveHeart Tribe.
The unification of the tribes brought peace for many years, however during that time a large chunk of the Zubanji population disliked the cultural mixes and thought the vote was unfair to appoint the Halflings as head of the Legion for they believed their leadership would prove to be more PROFITABLE for the Legion alone. However a corrupt leader known as Rakajin came into power after the previous Warlord of his Tribe had passed on. With this he consulted with several others who shared his particular views from the other tribes and it wasn't until they had discovered how to form metal into the shape of blades that they decided to put their thoughts into action.
They had invited the Royal family which ruled over the Legion to the Warlord's Quarters and there they ambushed them cutting off the line of a lineage that had been around for thousands of years.
Without a proper leader the government of the Brave Heart Tribe had began to fall giving the Zubanji the perfect time to strike against the tribe in attempts to wipe it out COMPLETELY. However the Rangari had interfered with this plan and managed to save a small portion of the Tribe's population. However this did not stop the Zubanji from coming into power...
As the Zubanji came within power the lifestyle was changed from lax to strict. Enslaving those who opposed them which mostly consisted of the Rangari who received the worse treatment.
Due to this the Rangari pulled away from the Zubanji Legion separating into the five remaining tribes.
And now the loud drums of war and battle calls fill the air.


We started out as a forum RP with over 250 forum members before recently we started a new website and are bringing this RP to Feral Heart.
Please Whisper either Sentry or me Starthewolf445 in game I'll be on a character named Navra or Whitesight in the Plains and you can send an RP sample there. We are extremely heavy with custom lore that makes each race unique and new contact comes out each weekend :) We hope you consider us)