Author Topic: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }  (Read 1910 times)

Offline vasileva

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Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« on: March 14, 2015, 09:32:21 pm »
EDIT 1: We have found an Yrev and Achuak leader, which means Aussir is now the only pack available.**
Turaia - a beautiful land filled with many creatures big and small. Among them, five packs live a blissful life, thriving on the bountiful plains and rocky mountains.

But paradise never lasts. Grassy plains turned to ice and snow, and food became scarcer with each passing day. The once clear, inviting waters turned to vicious cold, and the sun's rays have been absent for a year. The packs grow hungry, and what was once a peaceful alliance has turned into a tension akin to the eye of a stormy war.

Strange happenings are afoot, and death always lurks around every tree.


Greeings, everyone.

Turaia is finally back and getting into action again.

This roleplay is made and the plot is written by Attsos, the one and only. He was planning on finding new leaders for 5 of the main packs in the roleplay. The first search for the rulers was a year ago.

Due to lack of motivation and health issues, Attsos had abandoned the rp for a while. Though me and my mate, Kasno, wouldn't give up. We were one of the chosen ones last year and we fell in love with the plot and the roleplay itself. We  didn't want to see it vanish and here we are again.

Though the problems don't end here. Attsos is trying to be active again on the forums, while he recovers physically and mentally from his health problems. He has given me and Kasno, the leader of the Charir pack, to be ahead of the whole roleplay while he is away.

The other 3 leaders have lost their motivation concerning Turaia and are officially stripped of their tag as a head of the packs.

And that leads us all to this post. We need them to be really active.

We have started a map. But due to unexplainable circumnstances, Kasno's feral heart wouldn't want to load after we put some particles in the map. Well, a re-install of the game was needed. And that lead us to a new start for the map.

Though we will have two versions of the map, at least, we still need the new leader's opinion on what he/her wants his/hers camp  to look like.

We have gotten our motivation back and it is a matter of time until the rp will start.

Now, let me cut to the chase :

  • Geared towards somewhat advanced to very advanced roleplayers, but paragraphs upon paragraphs are not necessary. Provided someone puts in plenty of effort in their roleplaying, we would let off grammar mistakes and spelling - medium-level roleplayers would be welcome based on that notion.
  • Primarily a wolf roleplay with five packs, which is why we're searching for leaders. All leaders would be entirely responsible for their pack's well being and we would not interfere with how they run it unless we have to.
  • The realism of the plot is pretty much fantasy (should you apply to be a pack leader I would explain this to any of you being considered), but characters in the five packs would be realistic.
  • Ranks in the packs would be mostly decided, but should you wish to change any or add any you would be able to request as such.

As for the packs themselves, here's a bit of information about each of them.

  • Achuak: The beach folk. They are fantastic swimmers and generally a bit clumsy out of the water. Since the sun disappeared and the water turned to ice, they have grown extremely thick coats and have evolved to have large, slightly webbed paws. They survive on sea creatures, primarily fish that have grown accustomed to the icy waters.
  • Charir: The cave-dwellers. They are tough, resilient canines with long claws for quick digging. Their claws have evolved to be strong enough to scratch at the ice covering the ground, and their ears are usually very large in order to hear small animals hiding underground better. *not seeking a leader
  • Ulhar: The mountain folk. Extremely sure-footed and calm individuals, their legs are short and strong, living comfortably at perilous heights. Their pawpads are as tough as the rocks they live on. *not seeking a leader
  • Yrev: The plains tribe. These canines are the lightest on their feet of all, and can run over snow as fast as the wind that sweeps it. They are particularly in-tune to the weather and can sense a storm coming from miles away. They burrow into the snow at night unless there is a storm, in which case they seek shelter in the small, unclaimed caves dotted around Turaia.
  • Aussir: The nomads. This pack has no set home, and instead has a cycle of dens they move around every week. They consist of the smallest wolves of all the five packs, but are also the wisest. They keep in regular contact with one of the few (dubiously) accepted lone wolves in the land, a wise wolf who claims to be an oracle.
  • Vutha: This is a legendary pack in Turaia's history. Every pack tells their pups the story of the Vutha - a pack so strong, they were said to have powers beyond what any canine can imagine in the present age. The Vutha are a dead breed of canine... Or are they? (Currently only for plot purposes, the Vutha are not open for character applications)

Each pack will have its own territory (including Aussir) and their names are subject to change if a leader should desire it. Think of each pack as a people, rather than a pack. You're free to add your own rules to your pack as you see fit, but there will be set ranks and rules for each one otherwise. Everything is subject to change - if you want to change a rank's name or add a new one, you're free to.

All the packs will have more or less the same hierarchy, but not necessarily the same ranks. We will try to individualise each tribe. Leaders will be free to write up information for me to put on the site, or request something be changed. Other than what I've stated, it will absolutely be yours to care for. If you're not very active, I will find someone to replace you.

If you're interested in becoming a leader for it, there is a form below that you can use to apply for a position.

Name: Your character's name.
Gender: Males are more common than females.
Age: Wolves in Turaia tend to have a very short lifespan. 8 is considered extremely old, and 1 is considered old enough to no longer be dependant.
Appearance: A link to a screenshot/reference sheet is more than enough here, but if you'd rather put a description then that is also fine. Please make sure it's detailed if you do go for a description!
Personality: Doesn't need to be super detailed.
Biography: This also doesn't need to be super detailed. Just points of interest in your character's history is fine.
Which Pack: The pack you would like to apply to be a leader for.
Roleplay Sample: Be honest! There's no point writing paragraphs upon paragraphs if that's not what you roleplay like all the time.

Simply fill it out and put it in a comment below. Don't note me it, a comment will suffice! I'll let you know if you have been accepted. Note that the leaders will not be chosen straight away - at least a week time until I have made a choice. It's to give everyone a fair chance.
The site link -
« Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 06:57:42 am by Squidwardbutt »

Offline IsagoKage

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 12:34:11 pm »
Name: Gaila
Gender: Female (I know they're less common, I might make a male character later on)
Age: 2 years old
Appearance: German-Shepherd like, with tan pelt, black on her back and down her muzzle, her tail is tipped with dark brown. Gaila has blue-grey eyes and some dark brown patches
Personality- She's brave, and loyal. Will die for her pack.
Likes: Snow, wind, running
Dislikes: Hot climates, rouge wolves (Aussir pack wolves)
Fears: Is extremely scared of falling
Biography: Gaila used to be in the Charir pack, but hated it and ran away to make a better pack. She has the strong claws and paws of a Charir wolf and the large ears of them too. Gaila has learned to run as fast as a Yrev wolf and sense the weather.
Which Pack: Yrev
Roleplay Sample:

Gaila stepped into the gloomy cave; ears back in fear and her nose quivering. Every little noise made the young fay whine in fear. Suddenly low growling came from the entrance of the dark cavern. A large black wolf, covered in battle scars, stood snarling and foaming in the entrance. Gaila turned on the wolf and lowered her head. "Why are you here, Arston."

Offline IsagoKage

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 12:43:52 pm »
Oh and I'll post a screenshot either tomorrow or Saturday. Thanks! Either answer my form here or in PM

Offline Hylocereus

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 01:55:03 pm »
Ooo, this sounds interesting.

Name: Sotet
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Sotet is a large, solidly-built male wolf with a thick, shaggy coat of fur.

Calm and thoughtful are two words that could be used to describe Sotet in a nutshell - he always acts, never reacts. With a good handle on his emotions and logic ruling instinct, he is not known for rash or hasty decisions.  Sotet tends to have a soothing effect on those around him - ever diplomatic, he is an excellent mediator and has a way with words. He firmly believes in putting the whole before the individual, and sternly drums the same belief into others wherever he can. He can come across as a little too strict sometimes, but he means well. Sotet has no patience for troublemakers and is not afraid to dole out discipline - though he is usually quite forgiving.

Sotet nurses a secret love of the spiritual and mystical. While untalented in either field himself, he tries very hard to live in what he sees as "balance", never harming another being unless absolutely necessary and trying to amass "good karma". He becomes something of a wide-eyed pup in the presence of actual mystics, and always has time to learn new things.

He loves folklore, and believes stories are one of the best ways to teach lessons to pups. Sotet believes it is important to remember where a wolf came from, and immortalize their ancestors through tales of their life and exploits.

Likes: Fresh snowdrifts, the scent of the sea, pups, a happy pack
Dislikes: Lack of direction, cruelty, wastefulness
Fears: Making mistakes with terrible consequences, fire, losing himself, situations out of his control

Biography: I prefer to keep things like this strictly in-RP if that's ok. Simple things of note -
- Born to the Achuak pack
- Wandered for a short time upon becoming independant
- Returned to his birth pack to find things had gone downhill
- Decided to stay and try to aid his people however he could

Which Pack: Achuak, I'm not fussy about role. Well, Sotet would NOT fit an omega role, but y'know.

Roleplay Sample:
(Scene-setting post example - Muse allowing, I usually start with a long one like this to set the mood and scene, then post 2-3 paragraphs instead.)

Tonight's winds were bitter, howling across the crashing waves as they effortlessly tossed great chunks of ice against the shattered shoreline. The moon gazed down impassively, casting a silver glow across the ice and sand that bore no heat, but provided ample illumination where it peeked between the wispy, galetorn clouds. Dawn would come, soon. But it would bring no relief from the storm. This, Sotet had resigned himself to with no short amount of worry.

The dark-furred male's paws were numb, the frozen sands beneath radiating a chill even his thick coat and sturdy constitution could not ward off. Head down, his stark yellow eyes were squinted against the crosswind's bite, ears pinned flat against his broad skull. He'd long given up on holding his tail carefully, allowing the wind to tease and pull it as it pleased. It was unpleasant, but his endurance was waning and the most important thing was to simply keep moving. He repeated this like a mantra, but truthfully he did not know where he was going.

He'd seen the first signs on the open plains - the lush, tall grasses withering and giving way to mottled sands and parched earth. Birds, once flitting busily about the sparse trees, fallen silent and gone into hiding. Prey was scarce, and there was a strange unease over the land. Snow had begun to fall - blanketing the plains, the mountains, in bitter white.
It was the same everywhere Sotet travelled. A chill had creeped into the very bones of the world, turning paradise into a frozen wasteland.

His yellow eyes misted over as he mulled over the situation. It had been three years since he had left his birth pack, the wolves of the waves, the Achuak. A young, bright-eyed pup, whiskers barely grown. He'd wanted to see the world beyond the sprawling beaches and estuaries.  He'd rarely thought of home on his travels, too embroiled in the idyllic rhythm of living, leaving, looking. But worry had begun to grip the male's heart as he witnessed this strange malady that afflicted all lands, and his heart twinged in fear for his home.

Things were looking bad, and Sotet did not need the vicious bite of the wind to remind him of that. He had to find them. With renewed vigor bred from determination, the male forced his wearied legs into a trot, head raised in defiance of the storm, seeking something - anything - that brought memories to the fore and gave him a guide.

Offline IsagoKage

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 02:27:08 pm »
That's a really good roleplay sample! I'm glad you don't want to be the same leader as my chara, because you would win for sure! XD

Offline IsagoKage

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2015, 05:22:34 pm »
Hey Hylocereus, maybe Gaila and Sotet can be the male and female leaders of the Yrev pack (not as mates, but just as two leaders XD)

Offline vasileva

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Re: Turaia { seeking leaders 2/5 }
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 05:11:43 pm »
Thank you for applying, guys! If you are accepted, you shall receive a personal message.