Author Topic: Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP  (Read 1740 times)

Offline Pittedpith

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Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:32:56 am »
(Any real images used are not mine and are obviously merely edited by me!)
*edit*  oops sorry!! The site loads very slowly for me and I think I posted two ads.  If a mod is reading this, please feel free to delete one of them.

Rovaniik, meaning 'Wanderer' in Thuum.


Hello there!  Rovaniik is an upcoming canine RP that will mostly consist of any dog breed bigger then your average pug, but will be accepting the occasional wolf or fox into the group.

Rovaniik is...

*Literate -  We do require RP samples and want our RP to sound fluent and well written, however, we will allow semi-literates willing to improve!

*Semi-realistic - Requiring realistic pelt color (with the exception of war/tribal paint), no powers or weapons, but this RP can't be realistic since it's a dog pack living in a harsh, mountainous area.  They also have god lore and things of the like, and loot from human camps for supplies, so obviously Rovaniik is not 100% realistic, but it's not unrealistic either.

*Active - Planning to be on each day for at least an hour or two.  

*(mostly) Private - Rovaniik won't be doing much recruiting in game since we would like to keep a small and organized group, so if you would like to join you will have to add us in game.  This RP is good for anyone who gets overwhelmed with lots of people.  However, we will make sure there is enough people online to RP actively.

*Stunningly mapped - You'll see what I mean below!  Rovaniik has a very large map pack with stunning, gorgeous forest detail.  For people who lag or crash easily, there will be a guide to help you reduce any problems that may occur!

This role play centers around a small group of dog, fox, and wolf alike, traveling through the harsh wilds of the mountainous and dense Rovan, home to many beasts and wildlife.  After four young apprentices return home from their daily testing, they find their beloved kingdom of Rovaniik up in flames, their queen dead, their king missing, and everything they have ever come to know now gone.
Now the once grand and marvelous canine kingdom of Rovaniik has fallen to the paws of a young group of dogs who will do absolutely anything to keep their pack alive and constantly growing... even if it means taking in wolves.
With the treacherous world of Rovan constantly out to stab them in the back, the ever so determined pack sets out to rebuild their pack and restore their name and honor to Rovaniik.


Rovaniik's actual mainland where we mostly role play is extremely detailed and foresty with snowy mountain tops and waterfalls.  There are at least three campsites, one of the more larger ones is where the Rovaniik pack typically resides at.  
The map has (so far) 7 add on maps.  Most of these are small caves with little secrets and such, one of them is a mountain clearing, another is a mountain side and cove, one of the outer maps is a once great forest land that burned to ashes long ago and is now a mostly empty, dead looking desert that extends for miles.  It is called the Further.
If you are worried about lag or crashing, there will be a help guide to reduce it.  Also, it's been proven that the crashy maps do adjust over time.  
If you are worried about memory and download time, the main map is separated in it's own download.  When you wish to get the add on maps, they are there in another download!
Now time for previews!


The biggest falls in the map, with a bridge leading to a large mountain clearing that contains even more maps.

The bridge you must cross to get to the main part of the map.  The bridge also connects to the cape of distant worlds.

One of the two elk herds!

wow would you look at that forest.

Part of Rovaniik camp!

An area in front of Rovan's camp.

Part of the mountain clearing.

More of the mountain clearing

And the rest you'll have to find out for yourself!


"When is Rovaniik opening?"
Aiming for March 5th as long as the map works and nothing pops out.  If not, just give or take a few days.

'Do you accept wolves/foxes?"
Yes, but not many since the main focus is dogs. If a wolf is in the pack, they will need a weakness or something that would cause them to want to stray from a wolf pack and into a weaker dog pack. Otherwise, the wolf may have too much of an advantage.
If the pack has too much wolf/fox involvement, we will no longer allow wolves/foxes.

"What ranks are available?"
Rovaniik has no ranks-- not yet at least. The group decides on everything together. They all fight, they all hunt, and they all scout. The only official rank they have is a healer who uses herbs to tend to the sick and injured.
Later in the plot the pack will hold a long discussion ICly to decide what dog should be the group's new king/queen and their high ranks. The new leader will be a group decision, and anyone can try to fulfill the position IC by stepping forward in the middle of the discussion and volunteering.
Once the leader is decided, other official ranks will be as well.

"Who is the leader/how will the leader be determined?"
As said in the last question, the group in character will hold a discussion on who should lead the group.  Anyone wanting to RP such a position will be able to step forward ICly and say something like "heywhataboutme"
Since we allow members to decide where Rovaniik goes and everything is a group decision, if Rovaniik takes some sort of dark path where they'd rather use violence, then they might have a fight for dominance instead.

"How active are you?"
Considering Rovaniik is a mostly private dog RP, there may be days in which it is quiet but unless something actually serious is happening that requires everyone to have to leave for a while, Rovaniik will be RPing at least once a day every day. We do not kick for inactivity, so if you need to disappear for a while or only want to come on during your free time, it is a-okay.

"Do you accept pups?"
Yes, but it is recommended you have an adult to get the full experience. Pups must have an adoptive guardian if not birthed in the pack, and must be or older then 2 months.

"Who can I contact in game?"
My user is Mangio Culo and I check on at least once a day.  You can add me and talk whenever you see me.  There are other staff, I'm just unsure of which screennames they will be using.

"If Rovaniik is a mostly private RP, how do I go about joining?"

talk to me in game, ready to prepare an RP sample oooorrrr
PM a staff member on the site filling out the forum, or copy and paste the forum beneath this post. You can have more then one character, but just use the one you plan to be on most!

Character name:
Character breed:
Character Description:
Activity hours:
Any questions/comments?:
RP sample:

So what are you waiting for?  Rovaniik needs people to join our ranks and help us build our story, starting March 5th!  
Please feel free to join our site at and create a biography while you wait!

« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 08:45:17 am by Keon »

Offline kanikat

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Re: Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 01:10:38 pm »
Im in
I have to make a dog before I post my info.
I am me, and that's all I'll ever be
Curiosity never killed anyone
The greatest power is the power of words


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Re: Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 07:45:15 pm »
Username: DreamerDay

Character name: Cinderella
Character breed: Dalmatian

Character Description: Cinderella is obivously known as a female dog. She have spotted dots and and soft tuffs. Her eyes are light brown. [more in rp]

Activity hours: It depends on school and mood. Usually I'm on everyday.

Any questions/comments?: Nope.

Preset Dalmatian owns to a 7Knok in DA.

RP sample: (I'll copy this from my old roleplay since I'm lazy. But if you want a point of view from sky, then I'll do it over.)

Strong body quiver as he heard his name called. The young male husky woke up and begin blinking his eye, ready for the morning start. Strong begin stretching until he heard his board..meaning it was good to go start the day. Until suddenly, a crack randomly appeared. Strong yawned and straighten up. Then answered Sam's bark. "Yes sir?" he answered with a respected tone. "Another day for hunting" he asked,as he walked out the den, walking towards Sam--Whom was thinking of a good hunting place-- "Thought of something yet for me and Lexie to start the day?" he asked with a grin of his face. Strong was always happy to serve his Alpha.

Minutes later, Strong throat was acting up..or started acting up every morning. Strong turned to Sam and told he would be right back. The young husky traveled to the pond and began taking sips of the fresh,clear,and cool water. Seconds later, Strong was feeling back and ran back to the alpha, seeing if he made his decision yet on where to hunt. When he finally reached, he saw he didn't decided yet, so Strong slightly nodded and sat besides him.

Offline Pittedpith

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Re: Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 11:32:44 am »
The map is now complete for Rovaniik!


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Re: Rovaniik: A literate, stunningly mapped, unique dog/canine RP
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2015, 11:34:19 am »
The map is now complete for Rovaniik!

Whooo! That's amazing news!
