Author Topic: HyenaClan  (Read 1022 times)

Offline WolfLover2550

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« on: July 14, 2015, 11:43:31 pm »
 You are a hyena all alone in the savannah. You might survive by yourself for a while, but who knows? One day, you come across a clan of hyenas much like yourself. These creatures offer you a place in their clan, do you accept?

HyenaClan is;
>currently unmapped, may be in the future
>beginners to advanced rp
>mostly realistic


>keep cursing to a minimum, IC and OOC, you MUST stop if someone asks you to
>realistic coat colors(black, brown, etc.), they don't have to be "in order", and eyes may be any color(except red, unless albino)
>no powerplaying, godmodding, etc.
>try to stay active
>no OOC drama
>please do not "wolfspeak"
>only hyenas please(spotted, striped, etc.)

Sadly, the ranking system is very complicated/confusing since it is as realistic as possible, but I will try to simplify it as much as I can.

"Females are dominant over males, and even the lowest ranking female is dominant to the highest ranking male. Although males typically disperse from their natal clans when they are between two and six years of age (Smale et al 1997; Boydston et al. 2005), females usually remain in their natal clan, so large clans may contain several different matrilines. Although cubs of both sexes 'inherit' their mothers' social ranks, males voluntarily forsake those to assume much lower ranks in the neighboring clans to which they disperse."-

"A hyena clan is rarely gathered together at any given time; instead, it is divided into smaller packs and single hyenas, temporary groupings that frequently form, disperse and reform.  Clans are led by a single female hyena, the matriarch.  Hyena clans also have secondary leaders who lead smaller pack divisions.  Hyena packs consist of a single leader and several other hyenas who follow her lead.  Packs are formed both deliberately and coincidentally; hyenas will gather together to form packs, although they may often find themselves together by chance.  These packs are temporary; they will eventually disperse, and the hyenas may join other packs, or, in the case of pack leaders, form a new pack.  The hyena clan has a hierarchy, with the matriarch and pack leaders holding the highest rank.  Female hyenas are larger, stronger and fiercer than males, and thus hold higher rank and are more frequently pack leaders."-

Queen-The ultimate matriarch
First Alphess-The most dominant secondary leader  Second Alphess    Last Alphess-least dominant secondary leader
I know these are very confusing, and I'm sorry. PM me for more info or if you need me to explain it further.
If you've read all this and are still interested in joining, please fill out the form below and either PM it to me or post it below c:
If its accepted feel free to give us a join request.
*In game username:
*Desired rank:
(*required) (all fields required for rank Alphess)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 12:04:57 am by sarah »
Le Laser Duck Queen
Known in game as WolfLover2550