Author Topic: .:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)  (Read 2431 times)

Offline Rhaagaryen

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.:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:46:01 am »
R U M O R S       O F     T H E       I M P U R E

Semi-Realistic | Lion Based | Literate | Active | Mapped | Plotted


There is a whole lot to take in when considering 'Rumors Of The Impure.' We are a plot based Role Play, so you should get well acquainted with the current goings on in the world of Kreosal. We will be updating our 'Plot' thread frequently as matters in our world are expected to fluctuate greatly.
You can find the plot post HERE.

The Kingdom Of Old and The World Of New
Your basic introductory to Kreosal and first sightings of The Impure

"After a long era of silence the Deities of Kreosal awake. For their children brought great achievement but also grave sin, they watched their home be torn apart and drenched in blood of prejudice and war, until they would remain silent no longer. With their hearts swollen with rage and sorrow, they began to purge our world. The sky split, bringing forth rains of fire, the seas grew cruel and unforgiving storms threatened Kreosal. The world trembled and broke apart, shattering under their wrath.

Alas, it seemed the Deities were hell bent on the destruction of our entire world, displeased by our actions and relentless with their punishment. Nearly a decade passed before the seas grew tired, and the Deities scavenged the realms of Kreosal in search  of their failed children, they we satisfied with their devastation, finding only charred remains and mass graves filling our once lush Kreosal, our kind was absent, and the world finally grew still. They purged the new world of our old sins, albeit, they tore it to pieces, our gods, our protectors, our ancestors had weld war on their own children. In many ways they succeeded, our world is no longer as we remember it. The wrath has left it scorched and in ruins. Tree's blackened and fields bare. Food scarce and our numbers thought to be extinct were barely existent, but we remained.

Those lucky enough to cling to life had abandoned our faith, customs, and emotions fled to a quiet corner of Kreosal and lay dormant until the storms had passed. We carried a great burden, and knew not what the Deities would send forth to when they learned of our survival. We were the Impure.

We learned of the Deities second 'gift' to The New world of Kreosal, twas' a second generation of our kind. Those who would not know the sorrow and loss of war, of the purge and how our kind was slaughtered and clung to life by unspeakable means, a second chance. A race which knew not of our existence, and saw us only as a rumored tale for their children. Our quiet corner brought only pain and panic for fear of the new world and our means of survival had began to dwindle, cannibalism was our last resort before the end of darkness. Finally pushed from our sanctum by the rising tides and the worlds renewal, we were forced to seek refuge in their camps, we repressed old emotions in attempts to remain hidden from the Deities and our past hidden from the New Worlds occupants.

Welcome to The New World of Kreosal"

Still interested in joining? You can find all related details about this role play group in the below posts.

Offline Rhaagaryen

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Re: .:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2015, 01:46:24 am »
Character Creation and Important Information

Our Kind
The New World Of Kreosal is home to two generations of the Inelsa species, known as The Korsa and The Kutsa. Both are a feline species which best resembles that of a lion, only larger and more diverse in coat and marking colorations and patterns.

Kutsa, nicknamed 'The Impure' in modern day folklore and legend. They are the Insela of the Kingdom of Old

RESTRICTIONS: White eyes, unless blind. Black eyes. Albino (Extremely rare, comes with extreme health problems) Black, Grey, Steel coloured coats.
HEIGHT: 4ft - 7ft
LENGTH: 9ft - 11ft
MALE WEIGHT: 550lbs - 800lbs
FEMALE WEIGHT: 440lbs - 610lbs
EYE COLOUR: All eye colours accepted, including Heterochromia.
BASE COLOUR: White, Cream, Blonde, Tawny, Honey, Gold, Ginger, Russet, Auburn, and Brown shades are accepted.
MARKINGS: Markings should not directly resemble other species. Stripes and spots should not cover the entire body so that your lion looks more like a leopard or tiger than a lion. Can be any colour within our accepted shades.

BODY TYPES: There are 3 body types found in Insela's. Ectomorph They are the smallest when it comes to weight, but are known to max out in height. They are agile and quick, but lack strength. Mesomorph Are the middle men, have the greatest range of possible proportions without ever reaching the extremes in height and weight of the other two body types. They are proficient in both strength and agility but are not expert in either. Endomorphs The largest and most powerful of the 3 body types, but they are often clumsy and lack agility.

Korsa, the Inelsa of The New World.

RESTRICTIONS: Auburn, Tawny and Blonde bases are not found. No heterochromia. No black or white eyes(white accepted if character is blind). Albinism has NOT yet been seen in the new generation, it's possibility is unknown.
HEIGHT: 4ft - 7ft
LENGTH: 9ft - 11ft
MALE WEIGHT: 550lbs - 800lbs
FEMALE WEIGHT: 440lbs - 610lbs
EYE COLOUR: All eye colours accepted.
BASE COLOUR: White, Cream, Honey, Gold, Ginger, Russet, Grey, Steel, Black and Brown shades are accepted.
MARKINGS:Markings should not directly resemble other species. Stripes and spots should not cover the entire body so that your lion looks more like a leopard or tiger than a lion. Can be any colour within our accepted shades.

BODY TYPES: There are 3 body types found in Insela's. Ectomorph They are the smallest when it comes to weight, but are known to max out in height. They are agile and quick, but lack strength. Mesomorph Are the middle men, have the greatest range of possible proportions without ever reaching the extremes in height and weight of the other two body types. They are proficient in both strength and agility but are not expert in either. They are the most common body type found in Korsa's.Endomorphs The largest and most powerful of the 3 body types, but they are often clumsy and lack agility.

Kutsa Race - CLOSED


Known Tribes

Weoth Tribe



The Weoth Tribe is strict, they keep things organized and without error. All decisions regarding ranks and classes are decided by the Deities through a spiritual connection with one of the Tribes Blessed.

Weonsis and Weons (0/2)
Consort (0/1)
General (0/1)
Heirs (0/5)

The Triad
Vestica (0/3)
Primodial (unlimited)
Guardian (unlimited)

Senior Warriors (0/1)
Warriors (0/1)
Hunters (0/1)

Guardians (unlimited)
Scouts (unlimited)
Spies (unlimited)
Assassins (unlimited)

Healers (unlimited)

Combat (unlimited)
Spiritual (unlimited)
Protection (unlimited)

Lower Class
Subordinates (unlimited)
Captives (unlimited)
Cubs (unlimited)
Slaves (unlimited)

Achlok Tribe


The Achlok Tribe has a simplistic ranking system, based around 3 Tiers of Leadership and members are ranked based on abilities and classes. Once you pass the seven tests of the Achlok you will choose your path, once your decision is made you may not stray from its course. So decide wisely.

The Council of Achlok
Lord and Lady of Achlok (0/2)
Farseer (0/1)
Kolh Guardian (0/1)
Achlok Elders (0/5)

The Path Of The Guardian

High Vindicator (0/2)
Knight (0/5)
Sentenial (0/10)
Blackguard (0/5)
Squire (unlimited)

The Path Of The Seer
Grand Augur (0/2)
Prophet (0/3)
Disciple (0/5)
Druid (0/10)
Acolyte (unlimited)

Sanctified (unlimited)
Ward (unlimited)
Unclean (unlimited)

Captive (unlimited)
Captives are wolves that have been taken as a prisoner. May also be a member of the pack that has become a traitor. Pack members that hold this rank are also referred to as 'slaves', and rarely ever move up from this rank. They have no say in pack affairs, and are not eligible to leave the Cryptic Cavern.
Available upgrades: None.
Duties include: Puppets to the dominate tier.

Traitor (unlimited)
Members in this rank have been priced with a bounty and commonly fall into this position after eviction. They are commonly wolves that have done an unacceptable crime. Wolves under this rank are to be taken captive and escorted to the council where they will receive their trial. If the crime is high enough, they may be listed as kill on sight. Traitors can become captives should they decide to rejoin the pack and can fall from any rank.
Available upgrades: Possibility of Captive.
Duties include: Traitors have no duties other than to await trial.

Cursed (unlimited)

The Deities

A list of the most popular Deities of both Old and New Kreosal Will be updated as they come into play.

Vaius The Deity of Wisdom

Usoi The Deity of Faith

Zatia The Deity of Revenge

Zetix The Deity of War

Ryelia The Deity of Forgiveness
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 04:18:16 am by Rhaava »

Offline Rhaagaryen

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Re: .:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 01:46:38 am »

The Forgotten

The Floodgates
Kreosal was under siege. Our Gods abandoned their children and sent forth their full reign of wrath, rains of fire, storms of ice and acid destroyed the foliage and fauna, the seas became alive with the Gods revenge and hostility. The Kutsa was pushed to its breaking point and drove to commit sins far worse than those of which the Gods were punishing. What means of survival the Kutsa were forced to peruse are rumored to include cannibalism, and sacrifice. Few survived, a small band who fled to The Cove Of Haunting's clung to life. Their world was lost and the species seemed to be broken. Will the Gods ravage end?

Generation New

The Renewal
The water is rising and the foliage has begun to grow back, Ryelia The Deity of Forgiveness has answered the Korsa's prayers and convinced the other Deities it's time to heal the realms of Kreosal. This means the return of the forests, prey, and access to fresh water. All remains of the Kutsa culture has been wiped clean and repressed to tales of 'fiction' and used for entertainment by the Korsa Elders. With the renewal of the world The Cove Of Haunting's has been restored to it's formal glory and has forced the Kutsa out of hiding, they've left behind the sick and wounded and ventured into the new world in search of refuge and protection. Will the Kutsas identity remain hidden?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 02:50:46 am by Rhaava »

Offline Rhaagaryen

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Re: .:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2015, 01:46:49 am »
The World Of Kreosal

The world of Kreosal is vast and full of wondrous realms and secrets. It sports copious amounts of lush rain forests, swamps, valleys and mountain ranges providing the God's ever decide to revive the Kingdom of old. For now Kreosal is a waste land of forgotten brilliance and beauty. WIP MAP WILL BE ADDED LATED
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 02:59:40 am by Rhaava »

Offline Rhaagaryen

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Re: .:.Rumors Of The Impure.:. (Currently Closed - Opening Soon)
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 01:47:05 am »
Applying and Joining

Rules and Regulations

Q. Why wasn't I allowed to make a Kutsa character when I applied?
A. Right now the ratio of Kutsa to Korsa differ greatly, and until we progress further in the role play the Kutsa is a species that will open periodically through the role play.

Q. How many characters and I allowed to have in RotI?
A. You are allowed to have TWO characters in RotI. You may not create 2 Kutsa characters, this will offset the balance of our plot.

Q. If I decide I no longer want a character am I free to kill him/her and make another?
A. If this is your only character YES, you are more than free to kill him/her off as many times as you want. *Please note if your first character is a Kutsa, you will not be allowed to remake another unless you adopt a cub from an existing litter.

Q. Why don't we get to know the up coming plot?
A. We don't want upcoming plots to effect your actions during role plays. If you knew all the amazing things that were going to happen or the consequences for your actions I guarantee it would drastically change the way your character would act and we lose the reality of our role play scenario.

Forum Application


Character Name:
In-Game Username:
Tribe Affiliation:

Role Play Sample:
Desired Rank:

Feel free to add me as a friend in-game (Rhaagaryen) and apply that way as well.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 05:10:27 am by Rhaava »