Author Topic: the KarooDas by me!  (Read 2115 times)

Offline creepypastaandcats

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the KarooDas by me!
« on: November 15, 2015, 06:23:32 pm »
KarooDas are both wolf like and lion like, they have two pelt types and four ears. they have two sets of horns and two different types of paw. they can have wings, but their wings are like anime chibi wings that float and are not attached to their bodies. they are for looks, and not flying. the wings are rare, also having a lack of horns is extremely rare. pelt defects are rare and if a KarooDa has a pelt defect, they are brought to a dangerous spot when still very little and either starve to death or be eaten by predators, or if in a very cold climate, they would freeze to death. any defects like the pelt and horns is looked down upon if the KarooDa survives the wild somehow(which never ever happens). if they survive the wild after being abandon, they may join back in the pride, but only as a cub entertainer. this scenario can also happen if they have a bone or body structure defect. so defective KarooDas is not an option.

the females are skinnier and their fur is much softer, even though parts of it is still rough. the females have bulkier and duller saber teeth but have longer, sharper horns. the females are much faster than the males and some of their parts can glow.
  the things that can glow:
                  saber teeth

what they look like(drawn by me):

coloring rules:  one part of the pelt has to be a narutal wolf fur color, the other can be any color you wish to have or can think of, if you want any markings, they can only be on the part that can have any random color, and the markings have to be black! the inner ear fluff has to either be a darker version of the part of pelt it is in, or a lighter version, no razy color there. the nose is the same color as the inner ear fluff of the bottom ear, and so is the tail tuft on the lion-like tail. the horns can be any color you want, but they cannot match the eyes or pelt colors! the claws are either black or white, no other crazy colors. only females can have glowing parts, unless they are a very small cub and the glowing has not worn off. the wings are the same color as the pelt part that can be any color.

behaviors of female KarooDas: they are caring and protective of their cubs and mate, they are nicer to humans but still are very cautious of them. they always stay in the pride and hunt for the pride, they teach the cubs how to hunt and defend themselves. the females rule and control the prides. they are completely comforting to the defetcive ones that come back, though wishing they didn't survive so they wouldn't be picked on. they see the death of them as saving them from a terrible life ahead of them.

male behaviors: they are at lot more rough with their cubs and mate, though they do protact and care for them. they are hostile to humans and are most known to attack humans. they often leave their prides and come back after their cubs are fully grown, although some stay in the pride if they are important. few are more likely to attack a defected KarooDa that comes back to the pride, but some will just give glares but leave them alone, others just ignore them.

if you want one, you HAVE to ask me! this is a strict species with strict coloring rules! i am more than willing to let you have one, but i have to accept it before you claim it as your character. if it isn't accepted and you continue to use the character even though it breaks the rules of the species, i will be disappointed. i don't want this species to turn out terribly as it is my first and i hope it to be successful.

i will have a base on deviantart for photoshop so you can make your own on it. my deviantart is

here is an example of a male KarooDa, already taken and is the second canon KarooDa character. it is my friend's but i drew it for her:

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Re: the KarooDas by me!
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2015, 06:55:16 pm »
Aww, what a unique character!  I really love her style.

Offline creepypastaandcats

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Re: the KarooDas by me!
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2015, 08:27:34 pm »
thanks! :3

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