Author Topic: Some older things I have wrote. LGPBT, Support, etc.  (Read 1682 times)

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Some older things I have wrote. LGPBT, Support, etc.
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:11:39 am »
These are old, yes, but I thought I would share them with you. Yes, I wrote these, to rant about things, and more. Feel free to continue to add on, or debate, if you wish. ^^

This is something I had written for the International Day of Silence, on April 15th, 2011. I mean every word of it, and it speaks through my soul. Laugh when you hear that, but I believe it.

"International Day of Silence is today. I participated in this today, and have not spoken a word. I, myself, am Bisexual. I'm tired of how people are against Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders... It really pisses me off. Name calling, bullying, making fun of. It's not right, and I believe that we would all get along if you understood us.

 You see, I know a lot of people who are LGBPT. They're the BEST people I've ever met. They are all nice, funny, and my BEST friends. I trust them, and I can talk to them and they UNDERSTAND. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have people to talk to, people to have fun with, and my best friends.

 And yeah, I know the whole' Ew, gay marriage!!!' deal. You see, love to me doesn't matter what gender, what race, what age... As long as they love each other, then there is no reason for them to be apart. There is no reason they shouldn't be together. As long as it's true love, it shouldn't matter.

 Yes, I wrote this.

 What are YOU going to do to end the SILENCE?


And another one I had written for the start of 2011, the new year. I kind of ranted in this, critiquing some of the kids at my school, and as well trying to make people feel better about themselves, to understand more about life.

"2011 brought us, yes, a new year, but it's a new chance to start over, and to have a better time than last year. Get new and better resolutions~ And yes, I have new years resolutions. They I gotta say are to make new friends, get in touch with old friends, get outside more, get a job. I'm trying harder this year in school, saving up money, working more on my art and stuff. But for the most of it, my new years resolution is for all year to make the best of it and live life to the fullest, leave nobody behind, make friends with the enemies, love thy haters, and help those who are in need, the kids who have no friends to make friends with them. I mean, I'm not like most teens, all of the kids in my school have already drank beer, already kissed, already smoked... They don't care about anyone, shove their way though the ones who don't mean anything to them, cause trouble, ditch class... You see what I'm getting at? They all toss relationships around like nothing. And this is our future? Their future? If that's what they want, fine. They say 'Stick to the status quo' but I think you should be yourself, share what you like, don't care what others think of you. Stand out, dance like nobody's watching. Love like no tomorrow. Sure, people may think you're odd, but who cares! You're yourself, and that's who you should love and who you should be. And yeah, other people follow what's cool, the trends of the year, but that doesn't mean you have to change, that doesn't mean you're supposed to. Yeah, it may make you 'uncool' but so? It's your life, do what you want with it~

And to sum it all up -

Be Yourself <3?

Yes, I wrote this, because I'm tired of those who believe that you have to stick with the new fashions and trends to be popular. Sometimes you just gotta be yourself, and you'll be fine~"

That is all I have for now, now, you all may discuss if you wish. <3


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Re: Some older things I have wrote. LGPBT, Support, etc.
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 11:01:06 pm »
See, I have a problem with 'The Day of Silence'. That's what THEY want. They WANT you all to be silent. To quiet the mobs. Why should you all be silent? It should be a LOUD day. Speak up for those who are too afraid, for those who have BEEN silenced due to bullying for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or what not.

Do not be silenced, speak up in honor. :/

Not much to say on the second paragraph, well written however. <3

I'll be watching this to make sure it doesn't break out into any sort of heated argument. Love to see what others may have to say, though.

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Re: Some older things I have wrote. LGPBT, Support, etc.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 04:27:54 am »
Aye, but the point is, is to have the DoS to show everyone who has been hurt, picked on, or is LGPBT, you see, and well, you know, it gets the point across. That day at school was the most silent day ever, it was like a curse fell upon the school. And for a while after that, most people were friends, and everyone got along much better. The silence that fell upon my school had changed a lot of people, a lot of people noticed that people aren't always happy, y'know? And my school isn't the best school to be at.

And thank you. ^^ I appreciate that~

And thanks for watching it, I wouldn't want any fights involved in this. :3