Author Topic: Moth  (Read 1834 times)

Offline LegendaryCeros

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« on: November 28, 2015, 10:10:14 pm »
This is a very old character, that was once my favorite. I thought I'd post this here. Her backstory is shortened. I'll add her image later. c:

"I'll be ever so sarcastic and brave till the end."
-Basic Information-
Mothwing was killed by a fox.
Alias: Moth, Mothy
Past Names Mothkit>Mothpaw>Mothwing
Stopped Aging at: 99 Moons - 8 Years, 3 Months
Gender: She-Cat
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birth-Clan: Shadowclan
Birth-Place: Shadowclan camp, the nursery
Current Group: Starclan
Rank: Elder

Mother: Dappleleaf
Father: Adderstrike
Litter Mates: Wolfkit, Lionkit, Lynxpaw
Younger Siblings: She is the runt.
First Litter
Tornkit[A] | Amberkit | Nightmist
Second Litter
Dappledkit | Mousefang | Shroudkit
Third Litter
Hazelfire | Littlekit
Fourth Litter
Massacre | Nightshade | Sage
Fifth Litter
Softshade | Cherryblossom | Oakpaw | Tinyheart | Twinklefrost
Grand Kits: Darktail, Adderfang
Great-Grandkits: Poppystripe
Other Kin: ?

Mentor: ---
Former Mentor: Auburnflight
Apprentice: ---
Former Apprentice(s): Dustheart, Wolfheart

Mate: Halfstar
Former Mate: ---
Crush: Halfstar
Former Crush(es): Amberclaw
Interest: Halfstar

Breed: Mothwing, like many other feral cats, is a mix of multiple breeds.
Appearance: Mothwing has neither short nor long fur, and has a bushy tail as well as a fluffy chest. She has a reddish brown coat, with a cream colored undercoat. Her coat is covered in faint ebony stripes, and her tail is tipped back. Her eyes are a bright forest-green.
Body Build: Moth is slender she-cat with narrow, slightly curved claws, and strong back legs. She has multiple scars from a long life of a warrior.
Personality: Mothwing has always been sarcastic. No matter foe or friend, she treats everyone with a sarcastic remark now and then.
Friendly; she greets most with a friendly attitude, unless given a reason to become hostile. Mothwing enjoys the company of friends, especially so she may complain and rant to them, and listen to their complaints and rants.
Short-tempered; Moth can be easily angered or set off, and one her worst days she may come off as irritable. She should never converse with another short-tempered being, as it will always end in arguments and fighting.
Over-emotional; she is hardly ever calm, level-headed, or calculating- Moth lets her emotions drive her. She is easily excited, and displays much of her emotion.
Curious; no matter the danger, Mothwing can't help her abundance of curiosity. She wants to know why, how, when, where, and what.
Protective; Mothwing has a certain motherly-ness to her that she shows for close friends and family. Her clan-mates are like her kin, and for it not for her lack of medical skills, she would have ran after a life as medicine cat.

Fighting Style - Mothwing was never the best fighter, as she was more for hunting, and her anger got in the way of thinking during battle. However, she often relied on her agility more than her strength to aid her in a fight.
Talents - She is rather skilled at hunting thrushes or other small birds, and has honed tracking skills.
Faults - Moth, as said before, can loose her temper quickly, and after various traumatic events, began suffering from over-stress.
Hunting - Mothwing likes to hunt small birds, mice, frogs, and small rodents. She dislikes fish, lizards, and snakes.

Song: Silhouettes
Artist: Of Monsters and Men
It seemed fitting...

Mothkit was born in Shadowclan, daughter of Dappledleaf and Adderstrike. Her siblings were Wolfkit, Lionkit, and Lynxkit, but unfortunately Wolfkit and Lionkit were stillborn. Mothkit was adventurous, and spent her time playing with her sibling, climbing mountains(rocks), and getting on the medicine cat's nerves. As a kit, she accidentally ate crow-food.
Then named Mothpaw and given Auburnflight as a mentor, Moth trained to become a warrior of Shadowclan. She tended to learn at her own pace and spend most of her time goofing off in Shadowclan camp. Unfortunately, mid-through her apprenticeship, she found out that a rogue by the name of Tiger had murdered her sister, Lynxpaw.
Then a warrior, Mothwing's first objective was to find Tiger. Fortunately, it was moons before finally, one day returning from a border patrol, she had spotted the clan surrounding the rogue; Tiger, and deciding to keep him prisoner in camp until his punishment was decided. One night, Tiger escaped where he had been kept prisoner, and Moth eventually was forced to give up when the rumor of Tiger's death spread throughout the forest.
Awhile later, an experienced warrior, Moth met Halfeye, a mysterious black white tom with heterochromia blue and brown eyes. Interested in learning about the tom that little to no one knew about, Moth spent time with the tom, unaware he was using her to establish a social connection with the clan, making him seem more trust-able. Halfeye was very ambitious then, and was eager to take the role as leader. However, Halfeye warmed up to Mothwing over time.
While Mothwing befriended Halfeye, she found a lone kit while on a border patrol. This kit belonged to no clan, or it seemed as such, so Mothwing took the kit back to camp. No-one claimed the kit, and so Mothwing felt obligated to care for the kit. The kit was named Tornkit, for it's torn right ear. A few moons would pass before the kit disappeared from camp, and a day later found dead on the shore of the lake. After that, Moth developed a fear of having kits.
Later on, Halfeye confessed; he was using her and he had allied with Tiger, and hadn't cared that Tiger killed Lynxpaw. Devastated, Mothwing fled to her thoughts for awhile, not knowing how to respond. After awhile, sucking up her temper, Moth forgave Halfeye. She told him "it's better to forgive than regret and resent".  They both made amends and went back to being friends once more. Moons passed and one day, when a warrior had joined Shadowclan by the name of Amberclaw, Moth's interest was sparked. The tom seemed independent and guarded, and so Mothwing established a friendship with Amber, wanting to know more about him. She ended up receiving his backstory, and after knowing about Amber's past, Moth spent more time with him. But one day Moth had woken to find that Amberclaw had left Shadowclan and joined Windclan. Angered and hurt, Mothwing made an objective to confront Amber and demand his reason for leaving. After awhile of impatient waiting, Moth found Amberclaw while patrolling the border Shadowclan and Windclan shared, and discovered he had left out of fear of falling in love- again. Mothwing still did not understand, but eventually let it slide and was determined to keep her friendship with Amberclaw, whether he was in Shadowclan or not.
As many moons passed, Moth and Halfeye had spent more and more time together, and it eventually led to the two falling in love. Of course, neither knew this strange feeling, and were both completely clueless on what to do. Mothwing sought advice from one of her friends, Dawnfur, and decided to tell Halfeye how she felt. He confided his feelings for her as well, and from then on they both were partnered.
When Mothwing returned home with her beloved, she had found out her father, Adderstrike, died of greencough. Mothwing felt numb awhile after her father's death, as well as her mother, but when Moth recovered Dappleleaf grew worse. Moth hoped she would soon recover, and dismissed any feelings of doubt that she wouldn't.
A few moons passed and soon Mothwing discovered she was pregnant, which terrified her. When the kits arrived, a litter of two; Amberkit and Nightkit, Moth dismissed her fears and was determined to take care of them. Unfortunately, a few moons later Amberkit passed away of an unknown illness.
As the moons went by, Mothwing gave birth to another litter; Dappledkit, Mousekit, and Shroudkit. Once again, her kits Dappledkit and Shroudkit died as kits. Although, Mousekit lived on to be Mousefang, deceasing as a warrior. Halfeye and Mothwing lived as peacefully as they could.
Before long, the clans had to evacuate the forest due to flooding and infestation of rats. On the journey, while venturing the area around where the four clans were temporarily staying during leaf-bare, Mothwing was suddenly lost. For a time she tried to find her way back to where the clans were currently staying, but by the time she got back the clans had already left. Lost and having no clue where to go, Mothwing continued her trek through the snow until she passed out.
Mothwing woke up in an unfamiliar medicine cat den, surrounding by a clan whom called themselves "Darkclan", and having nowhere else to go, she decided to stay and help the clan through leaf-bare. Although she missed her birth-clan, Moth kept herself busy learning about various herbs and berries and remedies to counter sicknesses and wounds after finding out that the clan had no medicine cat or medicine cat apprentice. Moons later, once leaf-bare had passed, Mothwing couldn't stand being away from home any longer and left Darkclan.
"Would it have been better if I stayed in Darkclan?" Mothwing wondered, for that moment she returned to Shadowclan's new camp, she discovered that Halfeye had become Halfstar while she was gone, and had passed away due to old age. Feeling an agonizing, unknown pain in her chest, Moth fell into a deep depression for moons. During her depression, she retired to an elder.
For awhile, she experienced random headaches and sudden moments where she would collapse to the ground and experience old memories.
A few moons went by and Mothwing was slightly better, and once learning that Sedgeflower had left Shadowclan, Moth kept an eye out for Sedgeflower whenever she ventured out of camp for a walk. One day, Moth did find Sedgeflower, and found that she had changed her name to Sage. Mothwing discovered that her daughter had left because of the death of her kit and the disappearance of her beloved, and so convinced Sage to re-join Shadowclan to face what she had left.
Mothwing lived out the rest of her days as an elder, until one fateful day while on a walk, encountered a fox that the patrol had yet to discover. Moth could not run, and did what she could; made a sarcastic remark. She did try to fight back, but she was no longer the strong and young warrior she once was. The fox won, and left her fatally injured.

Random Facts:

(1) Mothwing likes to swim, as well as hunt fish.
(2) Moth hates crowfood or anything remotely rotten-looking. This is because of accidentally eating a maggot-filled mouse as a kit.
(3) She has minor headaches now and then, after the deaths of her father, mother, and close friend.
(4) Mothwing is terrified of insanity, war, and fire.
(5) Moth enjoys the rain, and during a rare moment when it's raining while the sun is out, she'll bask on one of the rocks in camp. Or go on a walk.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2015, 08:04:52 am by Legendaryceros »


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Re: Moth
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2015, 04:37:08 am »
Nice to see some details about your character's background. Hopefully I can meet them in the game one day.

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Re: Moth
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 05:00:57 am »
It's always interesting to read a about a character who is experienced in life, and this kibben seems like one of those, I love how well structured this lil bio was. Pleasing to the eyes.
Keep up the awesome work floof. I'll bet all your characters are just as awesome as Moth <3
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Offline LegendaryCeros

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Re: Moth
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2015, 08:07:32 am »
I added her backstory, the shortened version of it.
All of her history was roleplayed, which is one of the reasons why she's one of my favorite characters. Some aspects of her history may seem a bit strange, I guess. o3o