Author Topic: Anamagda Map Pack (4-map WIP)  (Read 1039 times)

Offline PoisonIVy12

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Anamagda Map Pack (4-map WIP)
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:32:32 pm »
I've been at this map pack for about two years, and it's still not finished, but I'm getting there...

Now, I've added more to the map pack since this was uploaded for Christmas Day last year (on which I posted a download to the unfinished map pack for people to explore), but it's still largely unfinished.

Malichadsant has expanded the most, and now has lava, more stuff added to the pictured structure, including eLAVAtors... (err, lava elevators), a den made from the elephant skull, a creepy looking camp, and dead trees and fiery rocks everywhere. I even have a lava lake surrounded by fiery stones, and lavafalls coming from the stones. XD

OK, so here's a brief description of the Anamagda map pack:

This is the main map and is probably the closest to being done; I just want to add some more trees and structures. It contains portals to two maps: Volcano Caves and Stavesacre Castles. It is GORGEOUS. The sky is super blue, the grass is always a rich emerald green, and the sunsets are a blazing red-orange. If you love beautiful outdoor maps, then you will love Anamagda. (It just rains here once in a while. I'm afraid it may cause crashes for some people, but that's easily resolved... just delete the weather cycle if it ever gives you trouble.)

Volcano Caves
This map is a lot of fun because it has an underground community beneath it (Not pictured in the above screenshot). On one side of the underground is where the social happenings take place (has stone tables and stuff like that) and on the other side is where you'd sleep. It's full of some interesting dens, including the "bunk caves", the "conglomerate den", the "step den" and the "pineapple den". My personal favorite is the pineapple. XD And it, of course, is covered in volcanoes (be careful about climbing up mountains lest you get stuck in one) and underground caves. The central volcano has a portal at the bottom which will lead you to...

The name is Lupish (my own language) for "Dark Land". It is, basically, that. Nothing but the darkest of souls can live here for long--- in fact, they're all dead. Beware coming here. Beware Malichadsant and its guardian, Bloodhound.
Picture of Bloodhound:

Stavesacre Castles
My favorite map in this map pack, though it will probably cause lag for everyone. The lag is caused by the presence of five unique castles: Elephant Castle (pictured), Crystal Castle (Screenshot below), Sun Castle, Aerocastle, and Cathedral Castle. Elephant Castle and Crystal castle are basically finished, the other three are far from it.

Elephant Castle was called such because I once had an elephant skull on the front of it. I will likely reattach it. It is the largest castle on the map.

Crystal Castle is the tallest castle on the map. Structurewise it doesn't differ much from Elephant Castle, but it has elevators and more floors (7 as opposed to Elephant's 5).

Sun Castle is made of orange rock rather than gray rock and is either where the sun rises or sets (I can't recall which). It has an interesting shape and will likely have a layered design held with elevators rather than a structured design held with stairs. One level is structured but the rest is incomplete.

Aerocastle is a suspension of disbelief: It has no structure. It's built on air. It has no supporting elements. As a result I can make it as high up as (and whatever shape) I like. It isn't much now, but later I plan to have a larger structure up above the little stepping-stair bits of the castle and have that be the top.

Cathedral Castle doesn't have enough space to live up to its full potential. I'm building it to have some fancy structuring. The least complete of all the castles. Difficult to work on thanks to next-door neighbor (and king of lag) Elephant Castle.

Yes, there is a download of this map available, but it is, as previously mentioned, last year's download. I will probably re-export the map and post a new download link here this next Christmas, so be watching for that!
Find me ingame as PoisonIVy12!

Cy, the eccentric rebel against the world. Oh, and wordsmith. :D



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Re: Anamagda Map Pack (4-map WIP)
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2015, 01:27:29 am »
What a big project you're facing! So far so good! You're doing a great job so far. ^^