Author Topic: ~Ascension Rising~ a semi-real-lit post apocolyptic dinosaur rp (need staff!)  (Read 3624 times)

Offline Wolflover224

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~Ascension Rising~


     There once was a booming civilization located on the planet Terra- the fourth body away from Sol. These creatures, known as Homo Sapiens, or humans, thrived there for millions of years, and grew in intelligence with each passing year. They went from primitive hunters and gathers to advanced astronauts and engineers in a short span of time. However, their population growth brought dire consequences.
     As they grew in numbers, they reduced the numbers of habitats for animals around them- some countries even killed off most of their wilderness. This mass destruction resulted in global warning. The humans, caught amidst their useless pride, were ignorant to the massive change and destruction they brought with them. The people who worshiped deities seemed unaware that they were killing them along with their planet.
     As their technology grew, scientists began pushing the limits to how far they could go. At a secret base in Europe, scientists extracted fossilized DNA from various dinosaurs and cloned them successfully. After many had been cloned, they were stored in a bunker for an indefinite amount of time. However, within that time, something had killed off the human population. Even though global warming was a problem, it didn't kill them. A large nuclear war had killed off most of the human population in Europe and Asia. This left bits of radioactive material around, and had changed the environment drastically.
     The ancient animals were released from cryogenic freezing due to the lack of staff to manage the chambers. They successfully freed themselves, and began to start a new life in an ever-changing world, filled with new and exciting creatures mutated to fit the environment.
     Many years after the animals settled, a large disaster happened. A massive earthquake hit, causing the ground to split, tsunamis to flood forests, and for new mountains and rivers to form. This disaster killed many animals, and changed the environment and weather. For the longest time, it was believed to be a punishment from the Great Spirits, and many still believe this. This disaster, named the Great Destruction, changed the course of their history and their world as they knew it.

     You are born into this vast world, and it is your time to make a mark.

Our Website
(please note that this is still heavily under construction!)

The Religion

     As various species came together to form groups, some began to form a religion based around nature. This religion, known as Dainaism (day-ne-ism), revolved around the Spirits of Nature. The religion respects all other rogue religions, and does not try much to convert those with a different belief or without a belief to it.
     Dainaism believes that all aspects of nature are controlled by Spirits, and believe that the Spirits aided with evolution and the creation of the planet. Druids, also known as Shamans, are believed to be in touch with the Spirits the most.

The Spirits

Earth Spirit: Depicted as a male brown Tyrannosaur with light blue eyes; it has white feathers and brown skin, with the exception of a crest of red feathers around its head. The Earth Spirit controls the movement of the earth and helps things grow on it. He is harsh, but at the same time forgiving.

River/Lake/Ocean Spirit: Depicted as a male Goronyosaur with grey-blue skin, amber eyes, and faint brown stripes and spots. This Spirit controls rivers, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water. The River Spirit controls the waters and rain and helps plants and animals thrive in them. He is gentle, but can easily be sent into a seething rage.

Forest Spirit: Depicted as a large grey-brown female Stegosaur with black and red plates, pale yellow eyes, faint brown feathering, and faint black spots. The Forest Spirit controls various forests and aids the animals inhabiting them. She is calm, forgiving, shy, and has a mysterious nature.

Marsh Spirit: Depicted as a large grey-brown male Polacanthus with a grey-tan underside, black flecks, and amber eyes. The Marsh Spirit controls marshes, swamps, and wetlands. He is mysterious, skittish, and can be angered easily.

Plain Spirit: Depicted as a rather small grey-brown female Triceratops with black light feathering, dark brown spots, and dark brown eyes. The Plain Spirit controls various grasslands, scrublands, savannahs, and plains. She is calm, shy, scared easily, and protective of her land.

Desert Spirit: Depicted as a tan-skinned male Velociraptor with brown feathering; black, grey, and white streaks; pale blue eyes, and a red-brown head crest. The Desert Spirit rules over hot deserts, and stays away from cold deserts. He is harsh, unforgiving, cruel, angered easily, hostile, and usually skittish.

Tundra Spirit: Depicted as a large pale red-tan furred male Cave Lion with faint brown rosettes, a faint tan-cream mane, a black tail tip, and pale amber eyes. The Tundra Spirit rules over cold deserts, tundras, and frozen arctic places. He is hostile, harsh, unforgiving, easily sent into a rage, and cold- just like the tundra.

What is Ascension Rising?

Ascension Rising, or AR for short, is a soon-to-be post-apocolyptic roleplay based around ancient creatures (mainly dinosaurs). In the near future, we will be mapped, sited, and have various admins/mods.


All groups (herds, packs, sulks, etc.) within AR will still remain in the main group (Ascension Rising). The groups people create will be sub-groups, meaning that they are not seperate from the main group, but are seperate from other sub-groups. In order to create a sub-group, you must have a reason (RP reason), such as "this pack/herd/sulk was created by these -insert animal here- because...." lets say.. "because they were driven out of their habitat from a flood".


Every group must have rules to be stable, and ours is no exception. Our rules are not as strict as most groups, unless it's realism.

1. Know your facts about the animal you are roleplaying. We will quiz you on your animal before you join.
2. Realism is a MUST. No bright colors, and remember to roleplay your animal correctly.
3. There are no boundaries of periods; Tyrannosaurs and Stegosaurs can live together.
4. Graphic mating is allowed, however keep it within group chat (if we happen to  be in a public/moderated area), and do not do it physically unless we're in our private map. This is because mating serves a huge purpose within the story.
5. Cussing is allowed, even major swears like the F-word. However, if we're in a public/moderated area, do not swear.
6. We may talk about some content others find offensive; please notify us of any triggers you have before joining.
7. Do not abuse the mods/admins. Doing so will result in a warning, then a temporary ban, then a kick from the group.
8. Do not cause OOC drama. Drama IC is fine, but do not start flame wars within group chat.
9. Do NOT ABUSE MOD/ADMIN PRIVALIGES. If you are given the recruiting account, you are expected to only use it for recruiting players. Do not create characters that are not premade, and DO NOT GET IT BANNED. Doing so will result in the entire group being disbanded, with only a select few allowed in; the group will be within my and only my hands, which means that the group will rarely be active.
10. Please remain active, and notify us of a schedule change. We are not big about inactivity, since I'm often inactive myself. This does not mean "go and create a character, get in the group, and go absent for a month without reason".
11. Godmodding is a huge no. Anyone seen godmodding will be temporarily banned, and if they do it again, they will be kicked.
12. If we are in a public/moderated map, the main Feral Heart rules apply in local. No exceptions.
13. Roleplay samples are REQUIRED, along with an image of your character.
14. If you have a preset, please color your character to look like the preset. Not everyone's computer cannot download presets, and if you show up with a newbie-colored character with the excuse of "ET A PRUSAT, SUNY", you will be warned, and you will not be accepted.
15. Loner, Rogue, and Outcast are NOT punishment ranks, meaning that you are not one if you break the rules.
16. Fighting within groups is allowed, but you will become an Outcast after enough IC disagreement. Groups regularly spar, and will fight during mating seasons.
17. DO NOT CLAIM TERRITORY WITHOUT PERMISSION. Territory means a large area of land, not just a den. Den claiming is fine, but you are limited to one den and one den only. Camps are avaliable for sub-groups upon request.
18. DO NOT CLAIM THE MAP AND GROUP AS YOUR IDEA. THIS WILL RESULT IN AN IMMEDIATE KICK. I put hard work into the maps, and if anyone claims it, they will be kicked.
19. Your animals are SMALL. Large dinosaurs (such as tyrannosaurs, carnotauruses, stegosaurs, etc.) are roughly as tall as people or horses. That means no giant (life sized) sauropods!
20. If you want your animal to be above the allowed size, ask a mod. You are allowed a larger animal (or large prey animal) without having permission if they are cavalry to humans.
21. Please stick to predatory or semi-predatory animals, as prey animals (triceratops, stegosaurs, Irish deer/elk, etc.) will be hunted! However, there is an exception to this, as you are allowed a prey animal with some meat in their diet.
19. Have fun, and follow the rules!

Mods, Needs, and Other Stuff

Yes, we are taking up requests for being mods/admins. Please PM me, Ashyak224, for the details and requirements for being a mod. Mods/Admins are the people who hold the group together, and are the only people allowed to have the Mod Account. The staff will be hand-selected by me, so do not run around saying "EY GUISE, I RCOMND SO AN SO BECASE DEY GEWD FREND!". If you want to be a mod, don't beg for it. Simply ask me for the requirements for becoming one. Just because you asked though, doesn't mean you will be a mod.

We do need people to help in creating a forum for us, as the group leader, Ashyak224, is often inactive due to having very little free time. We do not want a complex forum or a completely custom website, as we would only like something simple (like Proboards).

If you want to help make the website, or want to become a mod, please PM Ashyak224.


Ashyak (wolflover224)- Main Mod
FrancisC (~Miaou~)- Recruiter Mod, Main Mod
Megafangirl14- Recruiter Mod, Main Mod

Groups and How to Start One

     Earlier in the texts, you may have heard of a thing called a "Sub-Group". A Sub-Group is a smaller group within the main group, Ascension Rising. Sub-groups are like larger packs or herds- a large group of either one specie or multiple species. There are bases/camps/grounds that can be reserved for Sub-groups. There is one main Sub-group, which is The Rising Pack. The Rising Pack (TRP), is the main story-telling group that accepts in all members of any species.
     To make a Sub-group, simply PM me with the details for it. Before you can make an official Sub-group, you must first have established a pack or herd consisting of more than five (5) people. They also must all agree on establishing the Sub-group. Packs and herds themselves are NOT Sub-groups, unless one is made into one.
     To join any Sub-group (besides TRP; TRP is the group you are defaultly in if you are not a loner or rogue), you must consult the leader/creator of the group. If they decline your invitation, they decline it. You will be kicked if you bug them about joining.


     Ranks go from highest to lowest, with the highest being the Alpha and the lowest being the Omega. Occupation is NOT the same as a rank; an occupation is whether or not you are in a group, or what you are classified as (ex: loner, rogue, pack/herd member)
Code: [Select]
Main Ranks





Loner (no group; wanderer, usually neutral)
Rogue (no group; wanders, often hostile)
Outcast (no group, was once in a group)
Trader (loner who wanders, collecting human items to trade)
Pack/Herd Member (in a pack/herd)
Clan Leader (lead a pack/herd)

Jobs and Studies

     Your character, like people, can have jobs and can study things. Jobs are what your character does for currency, and does not include the regular tasks within the group. Jobs and studies are found in large, advanced groups. Jobs may include things like rebuilding houses, working with various tech, reviving human culture and machines, and working in mines.
     Studies are not necessarily jobs, as they are done without pay or as a hobby. Studies are often done to work up to a large scale job; think of it as school, but learning by yourself.

The Hybrid Gene

     The Hybrid Gene, or HG for short, is a special mutation that happens every so often. The gene allows the creature to breed with other species to create a hybrid, and can also result in more human-like wrists (wrists that swivel and behave like a human's). HG is a manmade gene that was inserted in and modified during the cloning experiment. It is extremely rare, as only 1/2,000,000 have it.

Human Affiliation

     The nuclear war didn't kill off the entire population of humans in Europe in Asia, as their presence is suggested by the rise of different sub-breeds of animals. Small tribes and villages of humans often capture dinosaurs and other large reptiles to help them in their everyday activities; smilodons may be used for pest control, dire wolves and raptors for hunting, Irish deer and small tyrannosaurs as cavalry, and so on. Because of this, people have begun domesticating them aswell, and taking them into their households. With humans being humans, and humans being obsessed with looks, they have also begun breeding smaller, more domestic animals for their looks.
     The outcome of this is often controlled by the human, with the humans breeding and inbreeding them for a certain look. The result are designer breeds, much like with dogs and cats. The animals are often bred to such extremes to get a certain look, that they cannot function as an individual organism. You could get carnotaruses with flatter faces, mangy raptors to look like those from movies, tyrannosaurs bred to be very small and stunted, and so on.

Trade and Currency

     Trading is a very common practice within the land, as some regions have materials and goods that others do not. In each land, there are trading posts and trading towns. These are large trade centrals that are visited often during travels. At the outposts, animals from different lands and regions gather to trade or sell their goods with travelers. Large outposts and towns provide inns, caves, or other forms of shelter for tired travelers.
     Currency comes in many forms. For groups that live by the ocean or have access to it, shells may be used. For most places, copper, gold, silver, tin, bone, and smooth rock chips are used. Bone, smooth rocks, and copper are the most common forms of currency.

How to Join

     To join, simply post your character details here. A picture is required to join. (Know that humans are now allowed, but only with permission.)
Code: [Select]
Image (required):
Quote (optional)

In-game name:
Age (optional):

Group (if any; if you aren't in a group, put "none"):
Rank (put "none" if you aren't in a group):
Occupation (loner, rogue, pack/herd member, etc.):

Friends (optional):
Enemies (optional):
Mate (put "none" if you don't have one):
Hatchlings/Children (put "none" if you don't have any):
Eyes on (who your character is in a relationship with):
Crush (who your character likes):

Backstory/History (optional):

Roleplay Sample (required):

Red's Map Pack
Feral City (for the humans and domestic animals)
Legendary marking pack
Legendary item pack


January 19, 2016: Ascension Rising is introduced as a small cell in the world of developing groups! Horray!
January 20, 2016: The first map, Nandine, is created!
February 25, 2016: A recruiting account has been aquired, and we are opening the group temporarily hosting roleplays within Red's Map Pack! Hooray!
February 28, 2016: The page goes through a huge update, and gains a backstory!
March 4, 2016: We may be getting another Recruiter Mod, and plans for a recruiting event are in progress!
March 5, 2016: A new mod, Megafangirl14, has been added! Yay!
April 11, 2016: It is a possibility that a new mod is coming to help push the group along! Also, story change and huge update (more humanized culture in some groups as a request)!
April 16, 2016: We didn't get a new mod, but we are delighted to hear that a website for us has been offered to be made by Enoki! We give her many thanks for her service! :D
April 25, 2016: Some of the rules have been edited, and the maps are being remade to cause less lag.
May 1, 2015: We now have a website created from our beloved friend, Enoki! Note that is it still heavily in development!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 06:31:30 pm by Ashyak »

Offline Wolflover224

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You guys are free to post now! It says WIP because it will be edited time to time, but for now, feel free to post questions!
Just know that we are not ready for full blown submissions yet; just pre-signups!

Offline G4RG0YLE

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Been waiting to say how wonderful it is to see a dinosaur roleplay appear, it's certainly been a while! Good luck with your group, I really hope it gets far. <3

© short ' cakes on Discord ♡

Offline Wolflover224

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^ Thank you, Shurtle!

Mod signups are open! We are still in need of a spare account for mods!

Offline Wolflover224

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Good news everyone! AR is now officially a-go! The group, although still being made some, is launching shortly! We have aquired a recruiting account that will be shared amongst a select few. Until the maps are finished and put up for download, we will be holding all Ascension Rising roleplays within Feral City and Red's Map Pack!

Offline Wolflover224

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Updated greatly!

Offline Wolflover224

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Bump? .u.

Offline Wolflover224

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Hello floofs! I've got some bad news and some good news!

     Bad news, the group has been very innactive, as so have I. It is still a remaining question as to whether this group will be fully launched, with more than one person recruiting. Good news, I may have found a person to help recruit! We don't know whether they'll be active, or whether I'll be active, but we hope to see some progress soon!

Mod Ashyak

EDIT: Huge page and story update! The maps are being remade, and I'm working on a downloads section!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 11:01:47 pm by Ashyak »

Offline Wolflover224

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Bump? :3